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  • T. Hunter Garrison sat in his powerchair in a corner of his penthouse suite atop the Garrison T.wer in Houston ....

    Ten Minutes, That's It Benjamin Kral 2010

  • Nor did I say that they are excluded for the safety of the participants, since Gravity and a racing wheelchair is far more dangerous than a powerchair in my opinion this course I can get up to 35 mph - not a good speed to be hit at.

    Times Colonist 10K 2009: why I should race Elizabeth McClung 2009

  • One last thing before back to the powerchair, is for those who are disabled or know someone disabled, I have found a manga series called REAL about wheelchair basketball.

    Archive 2009-02-01 Elizabeth McClung 2009

  • There were not two footprints on the beach in my life, but rather a wheelchair and a powerchair - and if I was carried, it was by many hands.

    Sara is dead. Facing death: I look, instead of passing by. Elizabeth McClung 2009

  • I will take pictures tomorrow of the powerchair and me with several of my different corsets, maybe I will take it out with me to go dancing – oh, I can see a lot of people having injuries with me on the dance floor – maybe I will take the manual just this time.

    Archive 2009-02-01 Elizabeth McClung 2009

  • I will take pictures tomorrow of the powerchair and me with several of my different corsets, maybe I will take it out with me to go dancing – oh, I can see a lot of people having injuries with me on the dance floor – maybe I will take the manual just this time.

    $23,000 of foot crushing, corsets, my panties and the BBC Elizabeth McClung 2009

  • Instantly I knew I had been designated as a child inside a woman's body due to the powerchair; she perhaps thinking that only adults with adult minds can self propel?.

    Balance Dave Hingsburger 2007

  • One last thing before back to the powerchair, is for those who are disabled or know someone disabled, I have found a manga series called REAL about wheelchair basketball.

    $23,000 of foot crushing, corsets, my panties and the BBC Elizabeth McClung 2009

  • She smiled at me sat in my powerchair then walked out from behind the counter, knelt down in front of me and said: here is your sweeties and here are your pennies.

    Balance Dave Hingsburger 2007

  • Okay, I think if you are going to play in a powerchair you should probably stick to a few partners and tell them where you are likely to go.

    Archive 2008-02-01 Elizabeth McClung 2008


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