
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • noun The process or result of repunctuating.


from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

re- +‎ punctuation


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  • I have modified the text slightly for this book with English spellings (honour, centre) and an occasional repunctuation.

    Shakespeare Bevington, David 2002

  • At vi 5-6 he reports Housman's ingenious repunctuation, presumably communicated to him by its author.

    The Last Poems of Ovid 43 BC-18? Ovid

  • Browne's sentences, especially those of the books regularly prepared for the press by him, are by no means long and are usually very perspicuous, being separable in some cases into shorter sentences by a mere mechanical repunctuation which, if tried on Taylor or

    A History of Elizabethan Literature George Saintsbury 1889


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