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  • The wiser or simply the lucky people stayed in their tents for a while but those who immediately ventured outside to see what had happened, received the full force of the fallout of the exploding shitpit.

    Army Rumour Service 2010

  • We might also find out if wunderkind-turned-doofus-bandit Lane Kiffin can actually coach, because he's going to have a steep challenge driving USC out of this shitpit.

    Every Day Should Be Saturday 2010

  • RIP fella, thoughts are with the family, also his muckers who've gotta crack on in that shitpit

    Army Rumour Service 2010

  • They need deporting back to their 3rd world shitpit en masse, @ 0520hrs yesterday.

    Army Rumour Service 2009

  • Worst of all, I think, is when folks forget why most people read and post at a site like this: it’s not to hear amateurs insult each other badly, particularly putting people in a position to defend themselves and dragging everything further down the shitpit.

    Matthew Yglesias » Defections from the Left 2010

  • There are many supporters who have to work in areas that the ig contro, l to keep the wheels turning, we need to stop vilifying them otherwise we’d all be in the shitpit.

    Global Voices in English » Fiji: ‘The Media has been Muzzled’ 2009

  • There are cool people doing interesting things in the world - why in the fuck do I keep coming back to this shitpit of a website again?

    The Superficial - Because You're Ugly 2009


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