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  • Had that been the blue starred EU shitrag on display they would not have said a damn word.

    Robert Smithson threatened for flying the Cross of St George by council scum. FIDO The Dog 2009

  • More social engineering, after all the state funded wankers in the council offices all masterbate like monkeys over the blue EU shitrag, whilst telling us that our culture is evil.

    Gordon Browns "Cool Britannia" FIDO The Dog 2009

  • Another Labour term will see the abolition of any other flag bar the blue starred EU shitrag.

    Robert Smithson threatened for flying the Cross of St George by council scum. FIDO The Dog 2009

  • Sure they're divorcing, and that's all fine and dandy - but why include anything from that shitrag of a paper?

    Your Republican family values. CC 2009

  • The mother had bought witnesses and sold her story to the tabloid shitrag

    Infidel Bloggers Alliance 2009

  • Take that shitrag, take your flag, take your lip-service to freedom and democracy too, roll it all up into one Jeff Stryker sized dildo of a bundle and shove it where the sun don’t shine and where you’re talking out of.

    Archive 2009-02-01 Hal Duncan 2009

  • Take that shitrag, take your flag, take your lip-service to freedom and democracy too, roll it all up into one Jeff Stryker sized dildo of a bundle and shove it where the sun don’t shine and where you’re talking out of.

    Creative Control - Part 1 Hal Duncan 2009

  • Among the measures used to keep the pressure on Prieto include blocking him from sending and receiving mail, and the censoring of newspapers he is allowed to read - including the Cuban communist shitrag also known as Granma. is going blind, thanks to the neglect of his captors, and if they have their way, locked away in a punishment cell since November, when he was severely beaten by guards in the Nieves Morejón prison in Santa Clara.

    Uncommon Sense 2009

  • First off, this little cunt gives an interview with the shitrag, he certainly knows how to get to people. 2009

  • The Brainerd lab monitor who had to stay after close so those stupid assholes could exploit the free printer for their sorry shitrag.

    Oregon Commentator 2008


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