
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • noun pathology Any of a class of neurodegenerative diseases associated with the pathological aggregation of tau protein


from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

From tau +‎ -pathy


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  • "Tau pathology might appear later in the disease but it is much more closely linked than amyloid to the time when people become demented, so intervening in tauopathy progression may be the better way to prevent or slow down dementia," they said.

    The Full Feed from Reuters 2012

  • For example, rapamycin has been shown to reduce toxic-aggregate formation and disease progression by increasing autophagy in mouse and fly models of Huntington's disease and tauopathy

    Naturejobs - All Jobs Nicholas A. Bishop 2010

  • SIRT1 also protects against amyloid-β toxicity in cell culture and neurodegeneration in the p25/CDK5 mouse model, which recapitulates aspects of Alzheimer's disease pathology and tauopathy

    Naturejobs - All Jobs Nicholas A. Bishop 2010

  • "These interesting findings of tauopathy in a younger athlete who played football and had blows to the head, suggest an association between head trauma and the changes seen in the brain tissue," said Julian Bailes, M.D., chair of neurosurgery at WVU and co-director of BIRI.

    CBS 47: Local News 2010

  • Hoglinger GU, Lannuzel A, Khondiker ME, Michel PP, Duyckaerts C, et al. (2005) The mitochondrial complex I inhibitor rotenone triggers a cerebral tauopathy.

    PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles Francisco Pan-Montojo et al. 2010

  • This may have important implications for understanding how protein misfolding spreads through the brains of tauopathy patients, and it is potentially relevant to myriad neurodegenerative diseases associated with protein misfolding.

    Journal of Biological Chemistry current issue 2009

  • Acceleration and persistence of neurofibrillary pathology in a mouse model of tauopathy following anesthesia FASEB J. doi: 10.1096 / fj. 08-122424.

    EurekAlert! - Breaking News 2009


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