
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • verb Simple past tense and past participle of ting.
  • verb Simple past tense and past participle of tinge.


from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

see tinge.

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

see ting.


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  • The bright red color has always done well for me in tinged water conditions.

    Favorite Lures of the Walleye Guides 2009

  • To describe this historical stance as somehow racially tinged is ludicrous or to suggest that people who feel that slavery is the only issue leading to civil war are correct ignores the very complexity that Webb is talking about.

    Potential VP candidate addresses Confederacy views 2008

  • Mrs. Stearne looked once at Miss Temple and then to Lydia, her expression tinged with concern, and then met the smiling face of Miss Poole whose dashing figure had just — in her own opinion at least — somehow turned Mrs. Stearne, in her plain severe dark dress, from her place.

    The Glass Books of the Dream Eaters Dahlquist, Gordon 2006

  • The couple next door had finished their sweaty exertions, and Nicholas could hear drifting in through the open window a few bars of a singer lamenting in Vietnamese-tinged French something about a soul alone and in torment.

    Floating City Lustbader, Eric 1990

  • But it has also meant that I'm now seeing and hearing that word - a word tinged with hate and violence - more than I have in years.

    The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed TERRY WEBER 2011

  • But it has also meant that I'm now seeing and hearing that word - a word tinged with hate and violence - more than I have in years.

    The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed TERRY WEBER 2011

  • But it has also meant that I'm now seeing and hearing that word - a word tinged with hate and violence - more than I have in years.

    The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed TERRY WEBER 2011

  • In vivid contrast, his recent composition "Double Sextet" -- which sets a live ensemble of strings, winds, keyboard and percussion against a digital recording of an identical ensemble in this case, a recording made by the new music group Eighth Blackbird -- let loose an orchestral range of expression tinged with an almost Bartókian angularity in the string writing.

    Music review of Bang on a Can All-Stars at Strathmore Hall Post 2010

  • DArbys tone was bullish, but his expression was tinged with concern as he examined Harry.

    The Edge of Madness Michael Dobbs 2008

  • The Empress spoke next, and in French tinged with a coloring that betrayed her Spanish birth she embracedthe policy of Drouyn.



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