
from The Century Dictionary.

  • More than human; superhuman.

from the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English.

  • adjective rare More than human; superhuman.

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • adjective More than human; superhuman
  • adjective Related to transhumanism
  • noun A human who recognizes and embraces the coming posthuman condition


from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

trans- (“across, beyond”) + “human

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

Abbreviation of “transitional human


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  • I imagine that the existence Cavil desires, eliminating the biological component that also results in us being emotional as well as rational beings, might well end up being "sub-human" rather than "transhuman", however enhanced our eyesight might be.

    Machines Named John and their Questions for God James F. McGrath 2009

  • I imagine that the existence Cavil desires, eliminating the biological component that also results in us being emotional as well as rational beings, might well end up being "sub-human" rather than "transhuman", however enhanced our eyesight might be.

    Machines Named John and their Questions for God James F. McGrath 2009

  • Any "transhuman" implementation will have to include or simulate our emotional components.

    Machines Named John and their Questions for God James F. McGrath 2009

  • When everyone has attained at least the level of "transhuman", they'll understand the lack of necessity of God to explain the world aside from maybe Aquinas's "first cause" explanation that requires no religion by itself.

    The Speculist: Survey Results 1-9 2006

  • When everyone has attained at least the level of "transhuman", they'll understand the lack of necessity of God to explain the world aside from maybe Aquinas's "first cause" explanation that requires no religion by itself.

    The Speculist: June 2006 Archives 2006

  • I intend to recapture the term "transhuman" from the cyborgs are spiritual emigres, which necessarily highlights the temporal dimension in transmodernist thinking.

    Transmodernism Tusar N Mohapatra 2006

  • In DX: HR we're just at the start of that revolution, in a time where the 'transhuman' is emerging - a more mechanical augmentation system which enhances human capabilities in very unsubtle ways.

    Atomic 2010

  • Reader's Digest Great Encyclopedia Dictionary defined "transhuman" as meaning "surpassing; transcending; beyond".

    Weblogsky 2009

  • Webster's New Universal Unabridged Dictionary defined "transhuman" as meaning

    Weblogsky 2009

  • But atheists and religious alike use technology in a 'transhuman' approach.

    Greensboring® Greensboro, NC royaldiadem 2009


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