
from The Century Dictionary.

  • noun One who or that which turns; specifically, one whose occupation involves work with a lathe.
  • noun A small piece of fire-clay molded into the form of a segment of a sphere, and serving as a pivotal support to a small circular disk which itself supports a watch-dial while in the enameling-furnace, during which time it must be constantly turned to subject the enamel to uniform conditions of heat.
  • noun In seal-fishing: Same as turner-harp.
  • noun Same as turner-hood.
  • noun A tumbler; a gymnast; specifically [capitalized], a member of one of the gymnastic bodies (German Turnvereine) first instituted by F. L. Jahn about 1811, and especially in favor among Germans.
  • noun A kind of tumbler-pigeon.
  • noun A Scottish copper coin issued by James VI. and by later sovereigns, worth 2d. Scotch (about one third of a United States cent) at the time of issue. Compare bodle.

from the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English.

  • noun A person who practices athletic or gymnastic exercises.
  • noun One who turns; especially, one whose occupation is to form articles with a lathe.
  • noun (Zoöl.) A variety of pigeon; a tumbler.

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • noun sports A person who practices athletic or gymnastic exercises.
  • noun A person who turns and shapes wood etc. on a lathe
  • noun A kitchen utensil used for turning food.
  • noun zoology A variety of pigeon; a tumbler.
  • noun cricket a very dry pitch on which the ball will turn with ease

from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

  • noun United States slave and insurrectionist who in 1831 led a rebellion of slaves in Virginia; he was captured and executed (1800-1831)
  • noun a tumbler who is a member of a turnverein
  • noun a lathe operator
  • noun cooking utensil having a flat flexible part and a long handle; used for turning or serving food
  • noun United States historian who stressed the role of the western frontier in American history (1861-1951)
  • noun one of two persons who swing ropes for jumpers to skip over in the game of jump rope
  • noun United States endocrinologist (1892-1970)
  • noun English landscape painter whose treatment of light and color influenced the French impressionists (1775-1851)


from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

From German

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

to turn + -er


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