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  • Here is another optimization in LEFT$ / RIGHT$ / MID$:. ifndef CONFIG_11 sta JMPADRS+1 pla sta JMPADRS+2. else tay pla sta Z52. endif [...]. ifdef CONFIG_11 lda Z52 pha tya pha. endif ldy #$00 txa. ifndef CONFIG_11 inc JMPADRS+1 jmp Michael Steil 2008

  • As Mr. Benfield reprefents his being unable to addtef* the Board; tOHJky*.itis. wfeWtd txa, meet at ten o'clock to-morrow morniftg, to* take into confideration the claims which he reprefents himfelf to have on the Tanjore country.

    Copies of Papers Relative to the Restoration of the King of Tanjore, the ... 1777

  • Che in niun lato txa noi, penfan, k'annidi. 7f Di quelle folii ingannatrid guide Fugga ciafcun le perigliofb traccie:

    Essai Sur L'homme: Poëme Philosophique 1772


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