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  • Back when I hung around punks, there was nothing unpunk about ‘get a job, ya bum’.

    Matthew Yglesias » “Why Don’t You Get a Job?” 2007

  • Over greasy zucchini sticks at a Holiday Inn Express outside L.A., we talked about what it took to hold onto your punk-rock ideals in a very unpunk world.

    Cries From The Heart 2007

  • “November Rain” is probably the most unpunk video ever made.

    Fargo Rock City Chuck Klosterman 2003

  • After ten staunchly anti-authoritarian albums (including one released on a decidedly unpunk major label a few years back) packed with disdainful skepticism and rabble-rousing rock, the band is quite capable of shepherding the genre through its inevitable midlife crisis.

    The New Yorker 2010

  • Ben There used to hang out in the old AOL punk-rock chat rooms and brag about how unpunk the rest of us were, how we didn’t know anything.

    Miss Misery Andy Greenwald 2006

  • Ben There used to hang out in the old AOL punk-rock chat rooms and brag about how unpunk the rest of us were, how we didn’t know anything.

    Miss Misery Andy Greenwald 2006


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