A list of 380 words by bilby.
- hog-whimperingwas added by bilby and appears on 3 lists
- fordrunkenwas added by bilby and appears on 2 lists
- sottishwas added by bilby and appears on 10 lists
- blitzedwas added by bilby and appears on 13 lists
- sloppedwas added by bilby and appears on 2 lists
- swackedwas added by bilby and appears on 5 lists
- overtippledwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- muntedwas added by bilby and appears on 7 lists
- trolleyedwas added by bilby and appears on 4 lists
- nimptopsicalwas added by bilby and appears on 6 lists
- drunk as a thrushwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- muddledwas added by bilby and appears on 11 lists
- pottedwas added by bilby and appears on 9 lists
- rat-arsedwas added by bilby and appears on 7 lists
- neezledwas added by bilby and appears on 2 lists
- lit up like a Christmas treewas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- woozledwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- illuminatedwas added by bilby and appears on 22 lists
- tankedwas added by bilby and appears on 8 lists
- ossifiedwas added by bilby and appears on 48 lists
- groggywas added by bilby and appears on 28 lists
- rottenwas added by bilby and appears on 25 lists
- above parwas added by bilby and appears on 2 lists
- crapulentwas added by bilby and appears on 40 lists
- by the villageswas added by bilby and appears on 2 lists
- topedwas added by bilby and appears on 2 lists
- ebriositywas added by bilby and appears on 3 lists
- ebrietywas added by bilby and appears on 10 lists
- besottenwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- cornywas added by bilby and appears on 31 lists
- flutedwas added by bilby and appears on 19 lists
- Brahms and Lizstwas added by bilby and appears on 2 lists
- burn with a low blue flamewas added by bilby and appears on 3 lists
- Oliverwas added by bilby and appears on 8 lists
- blurfledwas added by bilby and appears on 2 lists
- messywas added by bilby and appears on 24 lists
- loaded for bearswas added by bilby and appears on 2 lists
- snatteredwas added by bilby and appears on 2 lists
- snarked off his dog-trumpetwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- muckibuswas added by bilby and appears on 7 lists
- sluedwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- splashed up to the chinwas added by bilby and appears on 2 lists
- cabbagedwas added by bilby and appears on 8 lists
- eat a load of logswas added by bilby and appears on 2 lists
- drunk as a fiddler's bitchwas added by bilby and appears on 4 lists
- cupshottenwas added by bilby and appears on 3 lists
- swipeywas added by bilby and appears on 5 lists
- doesn't know if it's arseholes or tuesdaywas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- fitshacedwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- yon boy disnae ken if it's new year or new yorkwas added by bilby and appears on 2 lists
- longlongwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- lushed up to the nutswas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- low in the saddlewas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- loaded to the plimsoll markwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- locoed out on an 8-ballwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- loaded to the gunwaleswas added by bilby and appears on 3 lists
- lit up like main streetwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- listing to starboardwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- like a glee-man's bitchwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- lightsomewas added by bilby and appears on 22 lists
- like an owl in an ivy bushwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- lekkerwas added by bilby and appears on 7 lists
- larruping drunkwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- latheredwas added by bilby and appears on 4 lists
- laughing at the carpetwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- lappywas added by bilby and appears on 5 lists
- lacedwas added by bilby and appears on 17 lists
- knocked for a loopwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- keyholedwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- kerflummoxedwas added by bilby and appears on 3 lists
- keg-leggedwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- keelhauledwas added by bilby and appears on 4 lists
- ka-flootwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- jungledwas added by bilby and appears on 2 lists
- just south of bejasuswas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- jug-bittenwas added by bilby and appears on 2 lists
- jiggeredwas added by bilby and appears on 8 lists
- jaggedwas added by bilby and appears on 21 lists
- intemperatewas added by bilby and appears on 34 lists
- in the gunwas added by bilby and appears on 2 lists
- in orbitwas added by bilby and appears on 2 lists
- in one's cupswas added by bilby and appears on 2 lists
- in merry pinwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- in armourwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- inkypoowas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- in the wrapperwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- incognitibuswas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- in a terrible state of chassiswas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- in a general state of fusticationwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- icedwas added by bilby and appears on 12 lists
- impixlocatedwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- taken a chirruping glasswas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- tateredwas added by bilby and appears on 2 lists
- taken in some o-be-joyfulwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- tackywas added by bilby and appears on 30 lists
- taking on fuelwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- tap-shackledwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- tanglefootedwas added by bilby and appears on 2 lists
- tankywas added by bilby and appears on 2 lists
- taplash wretchedwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- temulentwas added by bilby and appears on 10 lists
- the worsewas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- thick-tonguedwas added by bilby and appears on 2 lists
- thumped over the head with sampson’s jawbonewas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- tied on the bearwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- tiffledwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- tight as a duck's arsewas added by bilby and appears on 2 lists
- tip-merrywas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- tighter than dick’s hatbandwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- tin-hattedwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- tipsifiedwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- titleywas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- to the gillswas added by bilby and appears on 2 lists
- toe backwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- toastedwas added by bilby and appears on 12 lists
- too convivialwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- tomadowas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- tol-lolwas added by bilby and appears on 2 lists
- too far northwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- top-loadedwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- toppledwas added by bilby and appears on 4 lists
- tore up from the floor upwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- torquedwas added by bilby and appears on 6 lists
- torridwas added by bilby and appears on 143 lists
- topsy-mosywas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- tottywas added by bilby and appears on 9 lists
- tow-rowwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- toxedwas added by bilby and appears on 2 lists
- trammeledwas added by bilby and appears on 3 lists
- trashed out of one’s gourdwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- t.u.b.b.was added by bilby and appears on just this list
- tumbled down the sinkwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- tuned upwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- tuppence on the canwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- turugiddywas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- two-thirds kicked in the asswas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- tweasedwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- tying a bag onwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- unable to see a hole in a ladderwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- umbriagowas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- waking a virginia fencewas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- under the influence of alcoholwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- up a stumpwas added by bilby and appears on 3 lists
- under the tablewas added by bilby and appears on 5 lists
- unkdraywas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- upholsteredwas added by bilby and appears on 6 lists
- vabooshwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- upsy dutchwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- varnishedwas added by bilby and appears on 3 lists
- voom-voomwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- vinolentwas added by bilby and appears on 14 lists
- vulcanisedwas added by bilby and appears on 3 lists
- waa-zooedwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- walking on rocky sockswas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- wallpaperedwas added by bilby and appears on 2 lists
- wearing a barley capwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- wassailedwas added by bilby and appears on 2 lists
- waterloggedwas added by bilby and appears on 7 lists
- wazzockedwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- well-mulledwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- wearing a lamp shadewas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- wee-weedwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- well-latheredwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- well-preservedwas added by bilby and appears on 3 lists
- welliedwas added by bilby and appears on 2 lists
- wet both eyeswas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- whammiedwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- whipcatwas added by bilby and appears on 4 lists
- whisky-friskywas added by bilby and appears on 2 lists
- whittled as a penguinwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- whistledwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- willy-wachtwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- whoopeed upwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- wing heavywas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- with a skate onwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- womblety-croptwas added by bilby and appears on 2 lists
- wolliedwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- working the growlerwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- wooshedwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- wrapped up in warm flannelwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- wrenchedwas added by bilby and appears on 5 lists
- zigzaggedwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- zorkedwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- zoobangwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- zozzledwas added by bilby and appears on 5 lists
- pelootheredwas added by bilby and appears on 4 lists
- bull-dozedwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- breath strong enough to carry coal withwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- borrachowas added by bilby and appears on 3 lists
- boozingtonwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- bokoo sousedwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- blowsed upwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- blooeywas added by bilby and appears on 3 lists
- blisteredwas added by bilby and appears on 6 lists
- blew outwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- blazing fouwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- bit by a foxwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- bingoedwas added by bilby and appears on 3 lists
- drunk as forty billygoatswas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- biffedwas added by bilby and appears on 3 lists
- bibamus papaliterwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- bezzledwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- beyond salvagewas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- betty boopedwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- grape-beltedwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- behind the corkwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- been too free with sir john strawberrywas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- been at the scriveners and learned to make indentureswas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- beamfill'twas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- barrelhousedwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- bastedwas added by bilby and appears on 9 lists
- barleysickwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- banjanxedwas added by bilby and appears on 2 lists
- bang through the elephantwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- at peace with the floorwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- ashed as a ratwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- as drunk as they make 'emwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- apple palsywas added by bilby and appears on 2 lists
- antifreezedwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- anchored in sot's baywas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- schnozzledwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- all mops and broomswas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- gowed upwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- afloatwas added by bilby and appears on 20 lists
- about shotwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- aboardwas added by bilby and appears on 14 lists
- in the sudswas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- a guest in the atticwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- catsoodwas added by bilby and appears on 2 lists
- kännissä kuin käkiwas added by bilby and appears on 2 lists
- bung-fuwas added by bilby and appears on 2 lists
- snozzle-wobbleswas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- biting the grannamwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- jumbo's trunkwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- rockaputzeredwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- nimtopsicalwas added by bilby and appears on 2 lists
- bunniedwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- ishkimmishwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- oiled as an exxon tanker captainwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- besoppenwas added by bilby and appears on 2 lists
- tight as andronicuswas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- noppywas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- bit by a barn weaselwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- oxycrociumwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- sotally toberwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- burdockedwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- longwhiskywas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- sluicing the dominoeswas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- bewottledwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- watching ant raceswas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- brahms and lisztwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- maggotywas added by bilby and appears on 11 lists
- drowning the shamrockwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- quoxedwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- booed and hissedwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- swillowas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- buttwastedwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- bacchi plenuswas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- making scallopswas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- tostificatedwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- below the mahoganywas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- vapor lockedwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- jambledwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- beltedwas added by bilby and appears on 8 lists
- slaughteredwas added by bilby and appears on 6 lists
- bladderedwas added by bilby and appears on 4 lists
- bleezedwas added by bilby and appears on 3 lists
- soakedwas added by bilby and appears on 15 lists
- drunk as a boiled owlwas added by bilby and appears on 2 lists
- in his cupswas added by bilby and appears on 2 lists
- tightwas added by bilby and appears on 51 lists
- mauledwas added by bilby and appears on 3 lists
- arfarfanarfwas added by bilby and appears on 6 lists
- obfusticatedwas added by bilby and appears on 2 lists
- shitfacedwas added by bilby and appears on 10 lists
- titubatedwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- boozywas added by bilby and appears on 14 lists
- comato-crapulosewas added by bilby and appears on 3 lists
- nazywas added by bilby and appears on 3 lists
- curadowas added by bilby and appears on 2 lists
- chargedwas added by bilby and appears on 16 lists
- aled upwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- singing-drunkwas added by bilby and appears on 2 lists
- suckywas added by bilby and appears on 8 lists
- top heavywas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- hockeywas added by bilby and appears on 23 lists
- hicksius doxiuswas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- half seas overwas added by bilby and appears on 4 lists
- capernoitedwas added by bilby and appears on 7 lists
- sottedwas added by bilby and appears on 9 lists
- elephant's trunkwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- drunkasauruswas added by bilby and appears on 2 lists
- bibulouswas added by bilby and appears on 99 lists
- squizzedwas added by bilby and appears on 5 lists
- stinkin'was added by bilby and appears on just this list
- overwroughtwas added by bilby and appears on 64 lists
- spifflicatedwas added by bilby and appears on 14 lists
- beerboardingwas added by bilby and appears on 6 lists
- half-cutwas added by bilby and appears on 4 lists
- crapulentuswas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- spangledwas added by bilby and appears on 13 lists
- gambrinouswas added by bilby and appears on 33 lists
- alabandicalwas added by bilby and appears on 8 lists
- in liquorwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- under the affluence of incoholwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- addledwas added by bilby and appears on 35 lists
- far advanced in drinkwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- litwas added by bilby and appears on 47 lists
- bevviedwas added by bilby and appears on 3 lists
- screwywas added by bilby and appears on 13 lists
- blooteredwas added by bilby and appears on 14 lists
- refreshedwas added by bilby and appears on 4 lists
- pishedwas added by bilby and appears on 4 lists
- drunk as a skunkwas added by bilby and appears on 3 lists
- at the lower flaskwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- david's sowwas added by bilby and appears on 3 lists
- tosticatedwas added by bilby and appears on 5 lists
- porterlywas added by bilby and appears on 2 lists
- not as thunk as you drink i amwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- pastedwas added by bilby and appears on 5 lists
- needing treatment for the effects of drinkwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- moroculouswas added by bilby and appears on 5 lists
- adequately moistenedwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- tippledwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- woozywas added by bilby and appears on 33 lists
- leglesswas added by bilby and appears on 17 lists
- incapablewas added by bilby and appears on 18 lists
- tired and emotionalwas added by bilby and appears on 5 lists
- drunker than cooter brownwas added by bilby and appears on 2 lists
- screechedwas added by bilby and appears on 2 lists
- pixilatedwas added by bilby and appears on 33 lists
- stociouswas added by bilby and appears on 9 lists
- twistedwas added by bilby and appears on 29 lists
- shlossedwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- steamedwas added by bilby and appears on 3 lists
- scutteredwas added by bilby and appears on 2 lists
- numbswas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- in the horrorswas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- bercowas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- flamingwas added by bilby and appears on 20 lists
- elephantswas added by bilby and appears on 11 lists
- flutheredwas added by bilby and appears on 4 lists
- buckledwas added by bilby and appears on 11 lists
- motherlesswas added by bilby and appears on 5 lists
- langerswas added by bilby and appears on 2 lists
- mangledwas added by bilby and appears on 17 lists
- lockedwas added by bilby and appears on 8 lists
- speaking in tongueswas added by bilby and appears on 5 lists
- boozedwas added by bilby and appears on 6 lists
- emancipatedwas added by bilby and appears on 10 lists
- circling over shannonwas added by bilby and appears on 3 lists
- bentwas added by bilby and appears on 58 lists
- tipsywas added by bilby and appears on 35 lists
- plasteredwas added by bilby and appears on 15 lists
- sozzledwas added by bilby and appears on 17 lists
- inebriatedwas added by bilby and appears on 54 lists
- oiledwas added by bilby and appears on 3 lists
- pie-eyedwas added by bilby and appears on 8 lists
- sloshedwas added by bilby and appears on 16 lists
- totalledwas added by bilby and appears on 4 lists
- liquored upwas added by bilby and appears on 2 lists
- juggedwas added by bilby and appears on 7 lists
- rat facedwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- intoxicatedwas added by bilby and appears on 20 lists
- under the weatherwas added by bilby and appears on 10 lists
- fubarwas added by bilby and appears on 44 lists
- sousedwas added by bilby and appears on 17 lists
- ubriacowas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- blottowas added by bilby and appears on 31 lists
- glazedwas added by bilby and appears on 17 lists
- bombedwas added by bilby and appears on 11 lists
- hammeredwas added by bilby and appears on 17 lists
- out of your treewas added by bilby and appears on 3 lists
- paralyticwas added by bilby and appears on 18 lists
- smashedwas added by bilby and appears on 10 lists
- three sails in the windwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- bakedwas added by bilby and appears on 17 lists
- pissedwas added by bilby and appears on 23 lists
- gutteredwas added by bilby and appears on 10 lists
- drunkwas added by bilby and appears on 61 lists
rduke commented on the list a-dram-too-many
I always like pixilated
December 6, 2007
bilby commented on the list a-dram-too-many
Much obliged. I had a teacher called Rob Duke. Did you by any chance fall from a scaffolding into a half-constructed swimming pool and, by virtue of landing on my father, another fallee, walk away unscathed? If so, you are he.
December 6, 2007
infostyx commented on the list a-dram-too-many
drunker than cooter brown
December 6, 2007
reesetee commented on the list a-dram-too-many
Geez, bilby--how scathed was your father?
December 7, 2007
chained_bear commented on the list a-dram-too-many
Bilby. If you don't stop making awesome lists I have to favorite, I'll... why... I'll make my *own* awesome lists! Nyah!!
December 8, 2007
bilby commented on the list a-dram-too-many
c_u, you out-awesome all of us. Suggestion: how about a Hangover list for euphemisms, remedies, drinkers' lore, etc.?
December 9, 2007
misterpolly commented on the list a-dram-too-many
"Tired and emotional" is an nice euphemism used by a journalist to describe some politician dead drunk at a public event
December 11, 2007
bilby commented on the list a-dram-too-many
That's beautiful. Smacks of Hollywood PR lobbyist too.
December 11, 2007
madmouth commented on the list a-dram-too-many
It's not an adjective, but one to go down in history:
too much quaffing of the septembral juice
From Urquhart's translation of "Gargantua and Pantagruel"
April 22, 2009
madmouth commented on the list a-dram-too-many
in his cups
April 22, 2009
bilby commented on the list a-dram-too-many
Excellent, thanks mm.
April 22, 2009
madmouth commented on the list a-dram-too-many
slaughtered seems to be what the Brit kids are saying these days
in SBC there's a phrase, "na smrt opiti se", meaning get drunk unto death. I don't know that it's so snappy in English, though.
June 22, 2009
bilby commented on the list a-dram-too-many
Thanks ... cheers!
June 22, 2009
madmouth commented on the list a-dram-too-many
there's a lot to be salvaged from this one; author sadly disappeared
June 29, 2009
sionnach commented on the list a-dram-too-many
belted, below the mahogany, bit by a barn weasel, bacchi plenus, drowning the shamrock, besoppen, bewottled, biting the grannam, booed and hissed, Brahms and Liszt (these two are rhyming slang for "pissed", obviously), bung-fu, bunnied, burdocked, buttwasted.
June 30, 2009
bilby commented on the list a-dram-too-many
Tonight's knees up was brought to you by the letter B.
June 30, 2009
sionnach commented on the list a-dram-too-many
watching ant races, sluicing the dominoes, vapor locked, tostificated, tight as Andronicus, tired and emotional (coined by Private Eye, to describe inebriated celebrities), quoxed, rockaputzered, snozzle-wobbles, sotally tober, swillo
June 30, 2009
sionnach commented on the list a-dram-too-many
oxycrocium, oiled as an Exxon tanker captain, nimtopsical, noppy, maggoty, making scallops, longwhisky, jambled, ishkimmish, jumbo's trunk
all of these are taken from the online Drunktionary.
June 30, 2009
bilby commented on the list a-dram-too-many
You know far too much.
June 30, 2009
pterodactyl commented on the list a-dram-too-many
Three sheets to the wind?
June 30, 2009
bilby commented on the list a-dram-too-many
I have three sails in the wind which is not quite as picturesque but does appear to refer to the same thing.
June 30, 2009
reesetee commented on the list a-dram-too-many
I'd just like to remind everyone of one of my favorite drinking-related phrases: vice admiral of the narrow seas. Even though technically it won't work on this list. :-)
July 9, 2009
madmouth commented on the list a-dram-too-many
George Eliot lends us splashed up to the chin
July 13, 2010
ruzuzu commented on the list a-dram-too-many
August 4, 2010
ruzuzu commented on the list a-dram-too-many
August 16, 2010
ruzuzu commented on the list a-dram-too-many
February 10, 2011
ruzuzu commented on the list a-dram-too-many
April 7, 2011
marky commented on the list a-dram-too-many
cool list!
July 17, 2011
bilby commented on the list a-dram-too-many
Did I make it on to the list of lists commented 'cool list!' by marky?
July 17, 2011
ruzuzu commented on the list a-dram-too-many
February 27, 2014
bilby commented on the list a-dram-too-many
Thank you, have one on me.
March 1, 2014
madmouth commented on the list a-dram-too-many
lushed up to the nuts is a very tasty concept
March 1, 2014
yarb commented on the list a-dram-too-many
It's not just a concept, madders! It's a thing!
March 2, 2014
madmouth commented on the list a-dram-too-many
the thing is less tasty than the concept, I warrant - unlike corn dogs
March 6, 2014
ruzuzu commented on the list a-dram-too-many
September 11, 2014
qms commented on the list a-dram-too-many
What an amazing list! But it needs besotten.
December 20, 2015
bilby commented on the list a-dram-too-many
Indeed it does! Thanks qms.
December 31, 2015
alexz commented on the list a-dram-too-many
January 1, 2016
qms commented on the list a-dram-too-many
March 13, 2016
bilby commented on the list a-dram-too-many
Thank you!
March 13, 2016
qms commented on the list a-dram-too-many
November 1, 2016
qms commented on the list a-dram-too-many
August 19, 2017
bilby commented on the list a-dram-too-many
Added! Thank you :-)
August 19, 2017
qms commented on the list a-dram-too-many
Is there a reason that toped (see 11/1/2016 below) is unacceptable?
August 19, 2017
bilby commented on the list a-dram-too-many
I didn't nope toped, just missed it!
August 20, 2017
qms commented on the list a-dram-too-many
I find crapulentus and comato-crapulose in the list but not crapulent, which is more common.
March 19, 2018
bilby commented on the list a-dram-too-many
March 19, 2018
qms commented on the list a-dram-too-many
I came across a list of Wodehousian words for drunk. Many are already in this list but the following are not: above par, rotten, groggy, ossified, tanked, illuminated, lit up like a Christmas tree, woozled.
April 1, 2018
bilby commented on the list a-dram-too-many
Many thanks for your worthy additions to the trove!
April 9, 2018
bilby commented on the list a-dram-too-many
Hello humans, you have too many words for this :-/
April 9, 2018