A list of 24 words by juicebox.
- xylocephaloouswas added by juicebox and appears on just this list
- wlatsomewas added by juicebox and appears on 17 lists
- ventripotentwas added by juicebox and appears on 27 lists
- unguinouswas added by juicebox and appears on 4 lists
- thersiticalwas added by juicebox and appears on 14 lists
- saponaceouswas added by juicebox and appears on 37 lists
- rebarbativewas added by juicebox and appears on 104 lists
- quisquilianwas added by juicebox and appears on 13 lists
- papuliferouswas added by juicebox and appears on 8 lists
- oligophrenialwas added by juicebox and appears on just this list
- nepiformwas added by juicebox and appears on just this list
- mephiticwas added by juicebox and appears on 102 lists
- labrosewas added by juicebox and appears on 6 lists
- kyphoticwas added by juicebox and appears on 8 lists
- jumentouswas added by juicebox and appears on 38 lists
- ityphallicwas added by juicebox and appears on 2 lists
- hircinewas added by juicebox and appears on 49 lists
- gnathonicwas added by juicebox and appears on 17 lists
- facinorouswas added by juicebox and appears on 26 lists
- excerebrowas added by juicebox and appears on just this list
- dasypygalwas added by juicebox and appears on 22 lists
- coprolalialwas added by juicebox and appears on just this list
- bovaristicwas added by juicebox and appears on 2 lists
- apogenouswas added by juicebox and appears on 5 lists
Telofy commented on the list abecedarian-insult-list
If Poe had known this list . . .
“‘Thou wretch!—thou vixen!—thou shrew!’ said I to my wife on the morning after our wedding; ‘thou witch!—thou hag!—thou whippersnapper—thou sink of iniquity!—thou fiery-faced quintessence of all that is abominable!—thou—thou—’ here standing upon tiptoe, seizing her by the throat, and placing my mouth close to her ear, I was preparing to launch forth a new and more decided epithet of opprobrium, which should not fail, if ejaculated, to convince her of her insignificance, when to my extreme horror and astonishment I discovered that I had lost my breath.”
—Edgar Allan Poe, Loss of Breath
It just reminded me somehow of that story. ^^
January 5, 2010