A list of 271 words by frigga.
- athanorwas added by frigga and appears on 20 lists
- Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawnwas added by frigga and appears on 2 lists
- Count of St Germainwas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- Johann Friedrich Schweitzerwas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- Johann Georg Faustwas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- Basil Valentinewas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- Heinrich Cornelius Agrippawas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- Johannes Trithemiuswas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- Gilles de Raiswas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- Hermes Trismegistuswas added by frigga and appears on 3 lists
- Homunculuswas added by frigga and appears on 3 lists
- Nicholas Flamelwas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- Nuclear transmutationwas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- Isaac Newtonwas added by frigga and appears on 4 lists
- Tycho Brahewas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- Thomas Aquinaswas added by frigga and appears on 2 lists
- Sacrum Particulaewas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- Sanctum Moleculaewas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- Magnum opuswas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- Carl Jungwas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- Marie-Louise von Franzwas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- Zosimos of Panopoliswas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- immortalitywas added by frigga and appears on 27 lists
- aqua vitaewas added by frigga and appears on 10 lists
- universal solventwas added by frigga and appears on 3 lists
- panaceawas added by frigga and appears on 264 lists
- spagyricwas added by frigga and appears on 8 lists
- chrysopoeiawas added by frigga and appears on 5 lists
- elixir of lifewas added by frigga and appears on 3 lists
- albertus magnuswas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- Great Arcanum of the Sageswas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- Opusculum Chemicumwas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- Dennis Zacharewas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- quicksilverwas added by frigga and appears on 56 lists
- cruciblewas added by frigga and appears on 76 lists
- Jean Baptista Van Helmontwas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- De Natura Vitae Eternaewas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- transmutationwas added by frigga and appears on 26 lists
- Rosicrucianwas added by frigga and appears on 6 lists
- Thomas Vaughanwas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- Eireneus Philaletheswas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- Eugenius Philastheswas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- Dr. John Deewas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- Edward Kellywas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- Pierce the Black Monkwas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- Sir George Ripleywas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- Roger Baconwas added by frigga and appears on 2 lists
- Emerald Tablet of Hermeswas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- The Hermaphrodite child of the Son and Moonwas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- Arcanumwas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- Tomb of Semiramiswas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- Coelum Terraewas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- Prima Materiawas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- Threefold Sophic Firewas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- Corpus Hermeticumwas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- The Book of Lambspringwas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- Atalanta Fugienswas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- The Aphorisms of Urbigeruswas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- Triumphal Chariot of Antimonywas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- the Operation of the Great Workwas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- The three alchemical flasks of Oldfieldwas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- Phantom alchemical plants of Quersitanuswas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- The Six Keys of Eudoxuswas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- Liber Patris Sapientiaewas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- Theatrum Chemicum Britannicumwas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- AEnigma Philosophicumwas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- Liber Secretisimuswas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- A Treatise of Mercury and the Philosophers Stonewas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- The Aurora of the philosopherswas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- The Turba philosophorumwas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- Alchemical Catechismwas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- The Golden Tractate of Hermeswas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- An Alchemical Masswas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- Of the Division of Chaoswas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- A Work of Saturnwas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- Paracelsuswas added by frigga and appears on 6 lists
- Coelum philosophorum of Paracelsuswas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- The Crowning of Naturewas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- Pretiossissime Donum Deiwas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- Everburning Lights of Trithemiuswas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- The Secret Book of Artephiuswas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- Rosarium philosophorumwas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- vitriolwas added by frigga and appears on 168 lists
- Vitriolificationwas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- Vitrificationwas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- Triturationwas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- Transudationwas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- Subtilationwas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- Sublimationwas added by frigga and appears on 2 lists
- Subductionwas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- Stratificationwas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- Separationwas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- Segregationwas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- Rubificationwas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- Revivificationwas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- Reverberationwas added by frigga and appears on 2 lists
- Restinctionwas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- Resolutionwas added by frigga and appears on 5 lists
- Reiterationwas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- Rectificationwas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- Rarefactionwas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- Quinta Essentiawas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- Putrefactionwas added by frigga and appears on 3 lists
- Purgationwas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- Pulverisationwas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- Prolectationwas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- Projectionwas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- Preparationwas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- Precipitationwas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- Multiplicationwas added by frigga and appears on 2 lists
- Mortificationwas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- Meltingwas added by frigga and appears on 3 lists
- Maturationwas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- Lutingwas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- Lixiviationwas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- Liquefactionwas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- Inhumationwas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- Ingressionwas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- Incorporationwas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- Incinerationwas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- Incerationwas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- Impregnationwas added by frigga and appears on 2 lists
- Impastationwas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- Imbibitionwas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- Ignitionwas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- Humectationwas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- Grindingwas added by frigga and appears on 2 lists
- Granulationwas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- Gradationwas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- Glutinationwas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- Fusionwas added by frigga and appears on 3 lists
- Fumigationwas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- Fulminationwas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- Foliationwas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- Fixationwas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- Filtrationwas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- Fermentationwas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- Extractionwas added by frigga and appears on 2 lists
- Expressionwas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- Exhalationwas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- Exaltationwas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- Evaporationwas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- Elixerationwas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- Elevationwas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- Elaborationwas added by frigga and appears on 2 lists
- Edulcerationwas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- Ebullitionwas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- Divisionwas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- Divapourationwas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- Distillationwas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- Dissolutionwas added by frigga and appears on 2 lists
- Dissociationwas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- Dispoliarationwas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- Disintegrationwas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- Digestionwas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- Detonationwas added by frigga and appears on 2 lists
- Dessicationwas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- Descensionwas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- Deliquiumwas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- Decrepitationwas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- Decoctionwas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- Dealbationwas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- Crystallizationwas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- Cribationwas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- Corrosionwas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- Copulationwas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- Contritionwas added by frigga and appears on 4 lists
- Conjunctionwas added by frigga and appears on 2 lists
- Conglutinationwas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- Congelationwas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- Concoctionwas added by frigga and appears on 2 lists
- Conceptionwas added by frigga and appears on 5 lists
- Compositionwas added by frigga and appears on 2 lists
- Comminutionwas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- Combustionwas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- Colorationwas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- Colliquationwas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- Cohobationwas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- Coctionwas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- Coagulationwas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- Coadunationwas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- Circulationwas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- Cinerationwas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- Cerationwas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- Cementationwas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- Calcinationwas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- Assationwas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- Ascensionwas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- Amalgamationwas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- Ablutionwas added by frigga and appears on 5 lists
- Albificationwas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- Ablationwas added by frigga and appears on 2 lists
- lead into goldwas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- Alchymiawas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- distillationwas added by frigga and appears on 24 lists
- Balneum-Mariaewas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- aluminium sulphatewas added by frigga and appears on 2 lists
- barium chloridewas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- barium nitratewas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- barium sulphatewas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- barium carbonatewas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- barium hydroxidewas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- calcium chloridewas added by frigga and appears on 4 lists
- calcium nitratewas added by frigga and appears on 5 lists
- calcium sulphatewas added by frigga and appears on 3 lists
- calcium carbonatewas added by frigga and appears on 5 lists
- sodium carbonatewas added by frigga and appears on 2 lists
- potassium carbonatewas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- methanewas added by frigga and appears on 12 lists
- ethylenewas added by frigga and appears on 9 lists
- ammoniawas added by frigga and appears on 22 lists
- phosphoric acidwas added by frigga and appears on 7 lists
- phosphorus acidwas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- sulphuric acidwas added by frigga and appears on 4 lists
- sulphurous acidwas added by frigga and appears on 2 lists
- sulphur dioxidewas added by frigga and appears on 3 lists
- carbon dioxidewas added by frigga and appears on 10 lists
- carbon monoxidewas added by frigga and appears on 5 lists
- nitrous acidwas added by frigga and appears on 3 lists
- nitrogen peroxidewas added by frigga and appears on 2 lists
- nitric acidwas added by frigga and appears on 5 lists
- nitrous oxcidewas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- nitric oxidewas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- chloric acidwas added by frigga and appears on 2 lists
- hydrochloric acidwas added by frigga and appears on 4 lists
- hydrofluoric acidwas added by frigga and appears on 4 lists
- waterwas added by frigga and appears on 148 lists
- zirconiumwas added by frigga and appears on 14 lists
- berylliumwas added by frigga and appears on 23 lists
- yttriumwas added by frigga and appears on 19 lists
- siliconwas added by frigga and appears on 26 lists
- aluminiumwas added by frigga and appears on 24 lists
- strontiumwas added by frigga and appears on 17 lists
- bariumwas added by frigga and appears on 15 lists
- magnesiumwas added by frigga and appears on 20 lists
- calciumwas added by frigga and appears on 21 lists
- sodiumwas added by frigga and appears on 24 lists
- potassiumwas added by frigga and appears on 28 lists
- ceriumwas added by frigga and appears on 12 lists
- titaniumwas added by frigga and appears on 26 lists
- tungstenwas added by frigga and appears on 22 lists
- uraniumwas added by frigga and appears on 15 lists
- manganesewas added by frigga and appears on 25 lists
- cobaltwas added by frigga and appears on 90 lists
- arsenicwas added by frigga and appears on 52 lists
- antimonywas added by frigga and appears on 53 lists
- bismuthwas added by frigga and appears on 34 lists
- zincwas added by frigga and appears on 31 lists
- leadwas added by frigga and appears on 88 lists
- tinwas added by frigga and appears on 49 lists
- nickelwas added by frigga and appears on 31 lists
- ironwas added by frigga and appears on 80 lists
- copperwas added by frigga and appears on 99 lists
- mercurywas added by frigga and appears on 66 lists
- base metalswas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- silverwas added by frigga and appears on 127 lists
- platinumwas added by frigga and appears on 42 lists
- goldwas added by frigga and appears on 122 lists
- phosphoruswas added by frigga and appears on 39 lists
- sulphurwas added by frigga and appears on 23 lists
- carbonwas added by frigga and appears on 43 lists
- nitrogenwas added by frigga and appears on 19 lists
- hydrogenwas added by frigga and appears on 33 lists
- oxygenwas added by frigga and appears on 36 lists
- splendor soliswas added by frigga and appears on just this list
- philosopher's stonewas added by frigga and appears on 10 lists
- hermeticismwas added by frigga and appears on 4 lists
- hermeticwas added by frigga and appears on 138 lists
- alchemistwas added by frigga and appears on 42 lists
- alchemywas added by frigga and appears on 131 lists
- alchemicalwas added by frigga and appears on 18 lists
ruzuzu commented on the list alchemicality
Excellent list.
March 26, 2010
ruzuzu commented on the list alchemicality
Would you consider adding athanor?
November 12, 2010
frigga commented on the list alchemicality
I know it's now four years later, but I added it. Thanks!
July 6, 2014