A list of 43 words by frindley.
- patron saint of mediocritieswas added by frindley and appears on just this list
- count walseggwas added by frindley and appears on just this list
- masked figurewas added by frindley and appears on just this list
- lacrimosawas added by frindley and appears on 6 lists
- requiemwas added by frindley and appears on 156 lists
- morbid fancywas added by frindley and appears on just this list
- morbid harmonieswas added by frindley and appears on just this list
- waxworkswas added by frindley and appears on 11 lists
- chittero-chatterowas added by frindley and appears on just this list
- una piccola ideawas added by frindley and appears on just this list
- anguished antiqueswas added by frindley and appears on just this list
- hairdresser vs herculeswas added by frindley and appears on just this list
- boudoirwas added by frindley and appears on 54 lists
- coins of tendernesswas added by frindley and appears on just this list
- cat of the enlightenmentwas added by frindley and appears on just this list
- ink and sweetmeatswas added by frindley and appears on just this list
- la generosawas added by frindley and appears on just this list
- capezzoli di venerewas added by frindley and appears on 4 lists
- billiardswas added by frindley and appears on 10 lists
- sorbettowas added by frindley and appears on just this list
- shit marblewas added by frindley and appears on just this list
- too many noteswas added by frindley and appears on just this list
- cattivowas added by frindley and appears on 2 lists
- fêtes and fireworkswas added by frindley and appears on just this list
- chrysostomuswas added by frindley and appears on just this list
- theophiluswas added by frindley and appears on just this list
- amadèwas added by frindley and appears on just this list
- amadeuswas added by frindley and appears on 6 lists
- voice of godwas added by frindley and appears on just this list
- rusty squeezeboxwas added by frindley and appears on just this list
- stanzerl-wanzerl-banzerlwas added by frindley and appears on just this list
- crema al mascarponewas added by frindley and appears on just this list
- caramelliwas added by frindley and appears on just this list
- sorbettiwas added by frindley and appears on just this list
- lord fuguewas added by frindley and appears on just this list
- god of bargainswas added by frindley and appears on just this list
- snow dumplingswas added by frindley and appears on just this list
- milanese macaroonswas added by frindley and appears on just this list
- veronese biscuitswas added by frindley and appears on just this list
- invocationwas added by frindley and appears on 49 lists
- ghosts of the futurewas added by frindley and appears on just this list
- perdonamiwas added by frindley and appears on just this list
- venticelliwas added by frindley and appears on just this list
plethora commented on the list amadeus-from-the-sublime-to-the-scatalogical
All this discussion of Amadeus is making me want to see it. I have never heard of it anywhere other than Wordie.
April 19, 2008
frindley commented on the list amadeus-from-the-sublime-to-the-scatalogical
It is one of the most musical films ever made. Stunning. And poignant. Some say the film is better than the play. I love both but for very different reasons. The play conveys more of the spirit of artifice of Classical (as in 18th-century) music and the character of its dramatic devices. The film (shot in Prague I believe) is beautifully made and wonderfully acted and the soundtrack is stunning.
As a study of envy and despair in the face of seemingly undeserving God-given genius it's unparalleled. Of course, Peter Shaffer owed a great deal to Pushkin's Mozart and Salieri written in 1831, and that's worth seeking out too. Although Salieri really did go through a brief illness towards the end of his life during which he claimed to have murdered Mozart, he later denied this and no one had believed him at the time anyway. But it was Pushkin's "little tragedy" that really stimulated the legend of Salieri killing Mozart through jealousy.
April 19, 2008
bilby commented on the list amadeus-from-the-sublime-to-the-scatalogical
Can't stand Tom Hulce in the movie. Sorrie wordiez, hie's abiesmal.
April 19, 2008
frindley commented on the list amadeus-from-the-sublime-to-the-scatalogical
But you must admit that he does bear an uncanny resemblance to the (admittedly controversial) Edlinger portrait of Mozart (1790).
April 19, 2008
chained_bear commented on the list amadeus-from-the-sublime-to-the-scatalogical
I love this movie and have very fond memories of when it was released. I love Tom Hulce (though I can see how some might not like him). "Amadeus" was the first video I ever owned. Before we had a VCR, in fact.
Plethora, it is well worth seeking out. Plan to do something cheery afterwards--though it isn't depressing in the same way as, say, Schindler's List.
April 20, 2008