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The first coming of an anti-Popperian methodologically mega black swan event whereby developments in mankind's knowledge enabled us to accurate know what is so, and predict the future, on the basis of past events. See: Dysology.org and
The fallacy of induction is in fact, ironically, based on induction because the falsification of induction is itself based on past knowledge of the failure of the inductive method to know the present and predict the future.
If a new discovery does overturn existing orthodoxy so that induction becomes a good method of knowing the future we should be prepared to name such
Mike_Sutton commented on the list antiswan
The fallacy of induction is in fact, ironically, based on induction because the falsification of induction is itself based on past knowledge of the failure of the inductive method to know the present and predict the future.
If a new discovery does overturn existing orthodoxy so that induction becomes a good method of knowing the future we should be prepared to name such
July 18, 2011
marky commented on the list antiswan
Intelligence (good intel) and covert action may disrupt, mutate or fragment the sudden impact of a mega black swan.
July 18, 2011