A list of 17 words by blaphasfas.
- schizwas added by blaphasfas and appears on just this list
- seichewas added by blaphasfas and appears on 26 lists
- opsophagistwas added by blaphasfas and appears on 3 lists
- agit-prop oobleckwas added by blaphasfas and appears on just this list
- hobbididancewas added by blaphasfas and appears on just this list
- limerancewas added by blaphasfas and appears on 23 lists
- ascediawas added by blaphasfas and appears on 2 lists
- diachronicwas added by blaphasfas and appears on 42 lists
- akousmawas added by blaphasfas and appears on just this list
- askesiswas added by blaphasfas and appears on 11 lists
- clinamenwas added by blaphasfas and appears on 21 lists
- goliardwas added by blaphasfas and appears on 14 lists
- mauditwas added by blaphasfas and appears on just this list
- architravewas added by blaphasfas and appears on 30 lists
- annus miribiluswas added by blaphasfas and appears on just this list
- usquebaughwas added by blaphasfas and appears on 28 lists
- guingguettewas added by blaphasfas and appears on just this list
- micklemotewas added by blaphasfas and appears on just this list
blaphasfas commented on the list b-list
agit prop oobleck : that harmful propaganda from doxyville.
March 21, 2012