A list of 20 words by pedalinfaith.
- alevewas added by pedalinfaith and appears on 5 lists
- analyzationwas added by pedalinfaith and appears on 3 lists
- furitywas added by pedalinfaith and appears on just this list
- malfeancewas added by pedalinfaith and appears on just this list
- oochingwas added by pedalinfaith and appears on just this list
- embettermentwas added by pedalinfaith and appears on 6 lists
- uninalienablewas added by pedalinfaith and appears on 2 lists
- suiciderwas added by pedalinfaith and appears on 2 lists
- transformationedwas added by pedalinfaith and appears on just this list
- arbolistwas added by pedalinfaith and appears on just this list
- resignatewas added by pedalinfaith and appears on 5 lists
- hispanoswas added by pedalinfaith and appears on just this list
- subliminablewas added by pedalinfaith and appears on 3 lists
- deciderwas added by pedalinfaith and appears on 10 lists
- hispanicallywas added by pedalinfaith and appears on just this list
- internetswas added by pedalinfaith and appears on 16 lists
- hypnotheoreticalwas added by pedalinfaith and appears on 4 lists
- strategerywas added by pedalinfaith and appears on 11 lists
- tacularwas added by pedalinfaith and appears on 3 lists
- misunderestimatewas added by pedalinfaith and appears on 10 lists
uselessness commented on the list bushisms-where-wings-take-dream
December 14, 2006
pedalinfaith commented on the list bushisms-where-wings-take-dream
Thanks, uselessness. 'subliminable' led me to finding a few others as well!
December 14, 2006
inkhorn commented on the list bushisms-where-wings-take-dream
Wow. If anyone needs a definition of "upbraid", we have an example. ;)
December 14, 2006
pedalinfaith commented on the list bushisms-where-wings-take-dream
Thanks, inkhorn. I'll take that compliment in stride. :)
December 14, 2006
kad commented on the list bushisms-where-wings-take-dream
December 14, 2006
sonofgroucho commented on the list bushisms-where-wings-take-dream
Did Bush actually say all of these, or are you just making them (or some of them) up? Hilarious, anyway!
December 14, 2006
pedalinfaith commented on the list bushisms-where-wings-take-dream
Yes, sadly, these come from actual quotes. You can find the references for them all over the web. The only exception is strategery, which was coined by Will Farrell in a send-up of W on SNL. It's rumored the the president loved it so much, he adopted it and it became part of the White House vernacular.
December 14, 2006
pedalinfaith commented on the list bushisms-where-wings-take-dream
Thanks, kad, for 'uninalienable'. It also opened up an avenue to a few more gems.
December 15, 2006
inkhorn commented on the list bushisms-where-wings-take-dream
Here are some more:
December 15, 2006
pedalinfaith commented on the list bushisms-where-wings-take-dream
Incorporated them. Thanks!
December 15, 2006
whichbe commented on the list bushisms-where-wings-take-dream
November 19, 2009