A list of 86 words by uselessness.
- stewie griffinwas added by uselessness and appears on just this list
- dr. clawwas added by uselessness and appears on just this list
- the blobwas added by uselessness and appears on 2 lists
- iagowas added by uselessness and appears on 5 lists
- professor moriartywas added by uselessness and appears on just this list
- maleficentwas added by uselessness and appears on 37 lists
- hamburglarwas added by uselessness and appears on 7 lists
- blockheadswas added by uselessness and appears on 3 lists
- strong badwas added by uselessness and appears on just this list
- stay puft marshmallow manwas added by uselessness and appears on 2 lists
- gozerwas added by uselessness and appears on 2 lists
- grendelwas added by uselessness and appears on 11 lists
- evil monkeywas added by uselessness and appears on just this list
- dishonest johnwas added by uselessness and appears on 2 lists
- attila the hunwas added by uselessness and appears on just this list
- jack the ripperwas added by uselessness and appears on 4 lists
- al caponewas added by uselessness and appears on just this list
- catswas added by uselessness and appears on 16 lists
- dr. robotnikwas added by uselessness and appears on 3 lists
- bowserwas added by uselessness and appears on 10 lists
- yuriwas added by uselessness and appears on 7 lists
- satanwas added by uselessness and appears on 23 lists
- frankenstein's monsterwas added by uselessness and appears on 4 lists
- draculawas added by uselessness and appears on 6 lists
- osama bin ladenwas added by uselessness and appears on 2 lists
- unabomberwas added by uselessness and appears on 3 lists
- adolf hitlerwas added by uselessness and appears on 3 lists
- medusawas added by uselessness and appears on 29 lists
- creature from the black lagoonwas added by uselessness and appears on 2 lists
- those we don't speak ofwas added by uselessness and appears on just this list
- dark helmetwas added by uselessness and appears on just this list
- imhotepwas added by uselessness and appears on 3 lists
- agent smithwas added by uselessness and appears on 3 lists
- biff tannenwas added by uselessness and appears on just this list
- michael myerswas added by uselessness and appears on just this list
- king kongwas added by uselessness and appears on 8 lists
- godzillawas added by uselessness and appears on 9 lists
- sauronwas added by uselessness and appears on 7 lists
- formicwas added by uselessness and appears on 20 lists
- predatorwas added by uselessness and appears on 33 lists
- xenomorphwas added by uselessness and appears on 5 lists
- jasonwas added by uselessness and appears on 8 lists
- freddy kruegerwas added by uselessness and appears on just this list
- chuckywas added by uselessness and appears on 5 lists
- dr. evilwas added by uselessness and appears on just this list
- hal 9000was added by uselessness and appears on just this list
- oogie boogiewas added by uselessness and appears on just this list
- syndromewas added by uselessness and appears on 21 lists
- sid phillipswas added by uselessness and appears on just this list
- scarwas added by uselessness and appears on 29 lists
- gastonwas added by uselessness and appears on 6 lists
- ursulawas added by uselessness and appears on 5 lists
- sheriff of nottinghamwas added by uselessness and appears on just this list
- cruella de vilwas added by uselessness and appears on just this list
- lechuckwas added by uselessness and appears on just this list
- yosemite samwas added by uselessness and appears on 4 lists
- wile e. coyotewas added by uselessness and appears on 2 lists
- marvin the martianwas added by uselessness and appears on 2 lists
- mojo jojowas added by uselessness and appears on 2 lists
- carmen sandiegowas added by uselessness and appears on 5 lists
- dr. blightwas added by uselessness and appears on just this list
- sylarwas added by uselessness and appears on 2 lists
- shredderwas added by uselessness and appears on 6 lists
- jafarwas added by uselessness and appears on just this list
- billy the kidwas added by uselessness and appears on 2 lists
- prince humperdinckwas added by uselessness and appears on 2 lists
- terminatorwas added by uselessness and appears on 9 lists
- megatronwas added by uselessness and appears on 4 lists
- long john silverwas added by uselessness and appears on just this list
- darth vaderwas added by uselessness and appears on 4 lists
- dick dastardlywas added by uselessness and appears on 2 lists
- natasha fatalewas added by uselessness and appears on 2 lists
- boris badenovwas added by uselessness and appears on 3 lists
- captain hookwas added by uselessness and appears on just this list
- snidely whiplashwas added by uselessness and appears on 5 lists
- roger klotzwas added by uselessness and appears on just this list
- wicked witch of the westwas added by uselessness and appears on 3 lists
- blue laserwas added by uselessness and appears on just this list
- khanwas added by uselessness and appears on 27 lists
- scarecrowwas added by uselessness and appears on 31 lists
- venomwas added by uselessness and appears on 44 lists
- catwomanwas added by uselessness and appears on 4 lists
- penguinwas added by uselessness and appears on 75 lists
- jokerwas added by uselessness and appears on 22 lists
- green goblinwas added by uselessness and appears on just this list
- lex luthorwas added by uselessness and appears on 3 lists
oroboros commented on the list chillin-with-the-villains
"dishonest john" from beany 'n cecil
December 19, 2006
uselessness commented on the list chillin-with-the-villains
I don't know that one... but I love the name. Added!
December 19, 2006
dreamiegrl commented on the list chillin-with-the-villains
How about grendel?
December 19, 2006
uselessness commented on the list chillin-with-the-villains
Good one, thanks for that!
December 19, 2006
inkhorn commented on the list chillin-with-the-villains
Gozer and the Stay Puft Marshmallow man!
December 19, 2006
uselessness commented on the list chillin-with-the-villains
Ghostbusters!! My friend, you've made my day. Though the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man seriously gave me nightmares when I was a kid. :-)
December 19, 2006
lampbane commented on the list chillin-with-the-villains
You seem to have forgotten the baddest of the bad...
It's in her name!
December 20, 2006
oroboros commented on the list chillin-with-the-villains
you've only got 1 "i" so far, so here's another: Iago. all us crossworders know it, not just opera buffs!
December 20, 2006
asativum commented on the list chillin-with-the-villains
Prof. James Moriarty, credited by Wikipedia as "the first true example of a supervillain".
December 20, 2006
uselessness commented on the list chillin-with-the-villains
Awesome ones. Bonus points for Prof. Moriarty because his presence on Star Trek outweighed even the Sherlock Holmes books.
December 20, 2006
abraxaszugzwang commented on the list chillin-with-the-villains
I take issue with some of these names. To call Mr. Stay Puft a villain is a stretch. He's just a happy go lucky marshmallow sailer. He only gets pissed when they shoot at him, if I remember.
Frankenstein's monster? You're just as bad as Dr. Frankenstein.
King Kong has no place on this list of "Baddies."
March 8, 2007
uselessness commented on the list chillin-with-the-villains
I shall respectfully disagree. Here's my reasoning...
Stay Puft: Definitely a villain, albeit a cute and friendly-looking one. He still wreaked havoc in the metroplex though.
Frankenstein's Monster: Sometimes, all it takes to be a villain is being misunderstood by everybody else. So he was really a nice guy deep down, but still did unspeakable things as a victim of his circumstance. Depending on the version of this story you read, he may or may not be treated as a villain -- but it's his acts I'm looking at, his dirty deeds regardless of motive. And he's a villain.
King Kong: Ehh, see the previous paragraph. A big lovable gorilla that abducts people and trashes New York City, leaving a trail of death and destruction wherever he frolics. So maybe he's really got a heart of gold. But give me a body count of all the innocent bystanders he trampled, and I'll tell you he's the most villainous villain on this list. :-)
Point taken, though, you gotta love moral ambiguity.
March 9, 2007
booknerd commented on the list chillin-with-the-villains
oh, Prince Humperdinck made my night. I just imagine Carol Kane chasing Billy Crystal around the table yelling it :)
March 26, 2007
uselessness commented on the list chillin-with-the-villains
Humperdinck! Humperdinck! Humperdinck Humperdinck Humperdinck!!
March 26, 2007
oroboros commented on the list chillin-with-the-villains
The Blob
March 26, 2007
uselessness commented on the list chillin-with-the-villains
Oh... that is a good one. How could I forget the Blob? :-)
March 26, 2007
treeseed commented on the list chillin-with-the-villains
I am late to the game but may I suggest Krang from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles?
February 5, 2008
charlesferdinand commented on the list chillin-with-the-villains
Mayor Richard Wilkins III ?
July 15, 2009