A list of 19 words by Xina54.
- oppugnwas added by Xina54 and appears on 33 lists
- ineluctablewas added by Xina54 and appears on 245 lists
- shibbolethwas added by Xina54 and appears on 225 lists
- shibolethwas added by Xina54 and appears on 2 lists
- inchoatewas added by Xina54 and appears on 480 lists
- eschatologicalwas added by Xina54 and appears on 44 lists
- pathoswas added by Xina54 and appears on 167 lists
- disphoriawas added by Xina54 and appears on just this list
- esotericwas added by Xina54 and appears on 451 lists
- consonantwas added by Xina54 and appears on 49 lists
- preantepenultimatewas added by Xina54 and appears on 27 lists
- gossypibomawas added by Xina54 and appears on 17 lists
- unctuouswas added by Xina54 and appears on 290 lists
- obsequiouswas added by Xina54 and appears on 487 lists
- dystopicwas added by Xina54 and appears on 7 lists
- give overwas added by Xina54 and appears on 3 lists
- sashaywas added by Xina54 and appears on 72 lists
- ubiquitywas added by Xina54 and appears on 50 lists
- sardonicwas added by Xina54 and appears on 337 lists
Xina54 commented on the list christinas-list
sardonic in
American Heritage Dictionary (1 definition)
1. Scornfully or cynically mocking. See Synonyms at sarcastic.
Century Dictionary (2 definitions)
1. Apparently but not really proceeding from gaiety; forced: said of a laugh or smile.
2. Bitterly ironical; sarcastic; derisive and malignant; sneering: now the usual meaning.
Wiktionary (2 definitions)
1. Scornfully mocking or cynical.
2. Disdainfully or ironically humorous.
February 13, 2011