A list of 79 words by shadytrees.
- molossuswas added by shadytrees and appears on 11 lists
- sibilantwas added by shadytrees and appears on 144 lists
- peregrinationwas added by shadytrees and appears on 130 lists
- syzygywas added by shadytrees and appears on 346 lists
- gesamtkunstwerkwas added by shadytrees and appears on 23 lists
- harridanwas added by shadytrees and appears on 112 lists
- micturitionwas added by shadytrees and appears on 16 lists
- calenturewas added by shadytrees and appears on 51 lists
- petrichorwas added by shadytrees and appears on 290 lists
- catawampuswas added by shadytrees and appears on 42 lists
- dysphemismwas added by shadytrees and appears on 63 lists
- hapax legomenonwas added by shadytrees and appears on 79 lists
- anacreonteuswas added by shadytrees and appears on just this list
- cotillionwas added by shadytrees and appears on 30 lists
- caesurawas added by shadytrees and appears on 108 lists
- inchoatewas added by shadytrees and appears on 480 lists
- zinnwalditewas added by shadytrees and appears on 11 lists
- tumescentwas added by shadytrees and appears on 79 lists
- polysemywas added by shadytrees and appears on 62 lists
- erinaceouswas added by shadytrees and appears on 45 lists
- gammonwas added by shadytrees and appears on 52 lists
- smilodonwas added by shadytrees and appears on 8 lists
- bespawlwas added by shadytrees and appears on 10 lists
- tergiversationwas added by shadytrees and appears on 77 lists
- herostraticwas added by shadytrees and appears on just this list
- terpsichoreanwas added by shadytrees and appears on 83 lists
- brownstonewas added by shadytrees and appears on 9 lists
- captiouswas added by shadytrees and appears on 184 lists
- concomitantwas added by shadytrees and appears on 185 lists
- jeremiadwas added by shadytrees and appears on 140 lists
- wainscotwas added by shadytrees and appears on 33 lists
- avuncularwas added by shadytrees and appears on 261 lists
- ramshacklewas added by shadytrees and appears on 84 lists
- borborygmuswas added by shadytrees and appears on 127 lists
- suzeraintywas added by shadytrees and appears on 24 lists
- agorawas added by shadytrees and appears on 32 lists
- amphorawas added by shadytrees and appears on 50 lists
- porcinewas added by shadytrees and appears on 84 lists
- selfsamewas added by shadytrees and appears on 16 lists
- happenstancewas added by shadytrees and appears on 88 lists
- jingoismwas added by shadytrees and appears on 114 lists
- raconteurwas added by shadytrees and appears on 243 lists
- rugosewas added by shadytrees and appears on 33 lists
- squamouswas added by shadytrees and appears on 67 lists
- leitmotifwas added by shadytrees and appears on 93 lists
- panjandrumwas added by shadytrees and appears on 110 lists
- decoupagewas added by shadytrees and appears on 26 lists
- inculcatewas added by shadytrees and appears on 180 lists
- roman à clefwas added by shadytrees and appears on 13 lists
- truncheonwas added by shadytrees and appears on 63 lists
- repudiatewas added by shadytrees and appears on 238 lists
- onanismwas added by shadytrees and appears on 61 lists
- tincturewas added by shadytrees and appears on 112 lists
- crepuscularwas added by shadytrees and appears on 391 lists
- palimpsestwas added by shadytrees and appears on 368 lists
- whatchamacallitwas added by shadytrees and appears on 28 lists
- sebaceouswas added by shadytrees and appears on 28 lists
- grislywas added by shadytrees and appears on 65 lists
- luftmenschwas added by shadytrees and appears on 33 lists
- crwthwas added by shadytrees and appears on 39 lists
- meretriciouswas added by shadytrees and appears on 293 lists
- couscouswas added by shadytrees and appears on 50 lists
- prestidigitatorwas added by shadytrees and appears on 19 lists
- encyclicalwas added by shadytrees and appears on 17 lists
- adventitiouswas added by shadytrees and appears on 86 lists
- conniptionwas added by shadytrees and appears on 68 lists
- prosopagnosiawas added by shadytrees and appears on 28 lists
- zoetropewas added by shadytrees and appears on 38 lists
- stentorianwas added by shadytrees and appears on 197 lists
- waifwas added by shadytrees and appears on 84 lists
- doggerelwas added by shadytrees and appears on 116 lists
- postlapsarianwas added by shadytrees and appears on 16 lists
- vivisectwas added by shadytrees and appears on 11 lists
- pessarywas added by shadytrees and appears on 17 lists
- adamantinewas added by shadytrees and appears on 96 lists
- copaceticwas added by shadytrees and appears on 152 lists
- solipsismwas added by shadytrees and appears on 292 lists
- fungiblewas added by shadytrees and appears on 154 lists
- totemicwas added by shadytrees and appears on 7 lists
shadytrees commented on the list contact
waif is better used as an awesome clue than an actual Wordmaster word.
March 29, 2008
shadytrees commented on the list contact
3/28: Vivek got doggerel thanks to Achenbach.
March 29, 2008
shadytrees commented on the list contact
Previously: Daniel got stentorian.
March 29, 2008
yarb commented on the list contact
This game sounds like fun! How does it work?
March 29, 2008
shadytrees commented on the list contact
Wikipedia has a good overview of the rules.
March 29, 2008
shadytrees commented on the list contact
4/5: vivisect successfully stumped everybody at Science Olympiad.
April 7, 2008
shadytrees commented on the list contact
4/15: adamantine and zoetrope successfully played. adamantine has the problem of having the common word "adamant" being guessed; trying arguing that one off.
April 16, 2008
shadytrees commented on the list contact
4/16: totemic, fungible, and couscous played. Vivek got couscous, I won the rest.
April 17, 2008
shadytrees commented on the list contact
4/17: Daniel got solipsism. Shriram got prestidigitator. I won on prosopagnosia.
April 18, 2008
shadytrees commented on the list contact
4/20: I won on postlapsarian at the NC STM dinner.
April 21, 2008
shadytrees commented on the list contact
4/28: Shriram profferred leitmotif.
April 29, 2008
shadytrees commented on the list contact
5/3: Daniel got conniption at the National Museum of Natural History.
May 6, 2008
shadytrees commented on the list contact
5/7: squamous and rugose played and won.
May 8, 2008
shadytrees commented on the list contact
5/23: Calvin got jingoism on the bus.
May 25, 2008
shadytrees commented on the list contact
agora is a particularly good word. Even though it's short, people will run out at ago if I'm predicting correctly.
May 26, 2008
shadytrees commented on the list contact
Well, I don't think I'll ever be able to play Contact again.
May 29, 2008
shadytrees commented on the list contact
Last day: Played selfsame and stumped Vivek.
Today (6/12): Won on suzerainty until Nabil looked it up.
June 13, 2008
shadytrees commented on the list contact
Played borborygmus successfully while waiting for vans to GSK.
June 29, 2008
asativum commented on the list contact
How do you play this game?
June 30, 2008
shadytrees commented on the list contact
Wikipedia has a good overview of the rules.
June 30, 2008
asativum commented on the list contact
Aha -- thanks. Like Boticelli, only with improper nouns instead of names.
June 30, 2008
shadytrees commented on the list contact
Ha, I didn't even know about Boticelli! Thanks for the link!
June 30, 2008
shadytrees commented on the list contact
Played terpsichorean at Vivek's party.
August 8, 2008