A list of 7 words by phoebea8.
- chalcedonywas added by phoebea8 and appears on 47 lists
- descantwas added by phoebea8 and appears on 70 lists
- chamferedwas added by phoebea8 and appears on 8 lists
- slavishnesswas added by phoebea8 and appears on 2 lists
- fetterwas added by phoebea8 and appears on 93 lists
- zaftigwas added by phoebea8 and appears on 125 lists
- scumblingwas added by phoebea8 and appears on 6 lists
phoebea8 commented on the list contact-high--by-penumbra
fetter i.e. fettersome
January 19, 2016