A list of 9 words by cydonian.
- aikidowas added by cydonian and appears on 15 lists
- senseiwas added by cydonian and appears on 13 lists
- dojowas added by cydonian and appears on 15 lists
- kamikazewas added by cydonian and appears on 28 lists
- senryūwas added by cydonian and appears on just this list
- haikuwas added by cydonian and appears on 55 lists
- jujitsuwas added by cydonian and appears on 24 lists
- keiretsuwas added by cydonian and appears on 12 lists
- wasei-eigowas added by cydonian and appears on 2 lists
john commented on the list eigo-wasei
Sensei? Dojo? Kamikaze?
September 14, 2007
uselessness commented on the list eigo-wasei
Perhaps sayonara? I suppose the names of many martial arts might qualify (Aikido?) How about bonzai?
September 15, 2007
cydonian commented on the list eigo-wasei
I'm thinking I should split this into more groups.
Hmmmm. Naah, will create other groups _in addition_. :-)
September 19, 2007