A list of 17 words by hugovk.
- Ketamine Kingwas added by hugovk and appears on just this list
- President Muskwas added by hugovk and appears on just this list
- baby elmowas added by hugovk and appears on just this list
- BirdFuhrerwas added by hugovk and appears on just this list
- Phony Starkwas added by hugovk and appears on just this list
- elongated muskratwas added by hugovk and appears on just this list
- MeLon the Huskwas added by hugovk and appears on just this list
- Melonwas added by hugovk and appears on 4 lists
- Enron Muskwas added by hugovk and appears on just this list
- Elnowas added by hugovk and appears on just this list
- Code Efficiency 0was added by hugovk and appears on just this list
- Melon Huskwas added by hugovk and appears on just this list
- Space Karenwas added by hugovk and appears on 2 lists
- Muskratwas added by hugovk and appears on 2 lists
- Elomb Morskwas added by hugovk and appears on just this list
- Apartheid Clydewas added by hugovk and appears on just this list
- Elmowas added by hugovk and appears on just this list
hugovk commented on the list elonyms-uSsdgG16E5CDlsBibHu74
"Today is the day Elmo figured out Twitter profile display names are separate from Twitter @ handles. Something the rest of us have known for years. How is this not a trainwreck in slomo?"
November 16, 2022
hugovk commented on the list elonyms-uSsdgG16E5CDlsBibHu74
Apartheid Clyde
"you gotta hand it to Apartheid Clyde, it takes a special kind of asshole to bring all of Twitter together to dunk on you. this is what makes the bird app great. can't put a price on that."
November 16, 2022
hugovk commented on the list elonyms-uSsdgG16E5CDlsBibHu74
Elomb Morsk
'Sees a human asshole stealing money from innocent art bots:
'Elomb Morsk: "we must ban the bots"'
November 16, 2022
hugovk commented on the list elonyms-uSsdgG16E5CDlsBibHu74
"Muskrat deleted the fact check on his own tweet."
November 16, 2022
hugovk commented on the list elonyms-uSsdgG16E5CDlsBibHu74
Space Karen
"(I know we all know this, but does Space Karen know this?)"
November 16, 2022
hugovk commented on the list elonyms-uSsdgG16E5CDlsBibHu74
Melon Husk
"Hey everyone! Melon Husk has just disabled Twitter 2FA login for SMS services! Please turn it off if you have it enabled! If you log out and don't turn it off, you won't be able to get back in again!"
November 16, 2022
hugovk commented on the list elonyms-uSsdgG16E5CDlsBibHu74
Code Efficiency 0
"As an engineer at Twitter, I can confirm that Elon Musk doesn’t understand anything about our website, or coding in general. Not gonna lie, we laugh REALLY hard about it behind his back. We’ve been calling him “the CEO,” but it stands for Code Efficiency 0."
November 16, 2022
hugovk commented on the list elonyms-uSsdgG16E5CDlsBibHu74
"Good afternoon.
"Elno had to testify in a trial today about his allegedly excessive compensation at Tesla.
"He said a lot of crazy stuff we need to go over. It spooked the market, and Tesla is trending towards the toilet again."
November 17, 2022
tankhughes commented on the list elonyms-uSsdgG16E5CDlsBibHu74
I also found a variant - MeLon the Husk https://twitter.com/JeffAndDonkeys/status/1592910796123934720
November 17, 2022
tankhughes commented on the list elonyms-uSsdgG16E5CDlsBibHu74
I found "elongated muskrat" in Tumblr tags about him.
November 17, 2022
hugovk commented on the list elonyms-uSsdgG16E5CDlsBibHu74
Enron Musk
"Let's not forget that twitter is basically tanking because Enron Musk wanted to ruin something Grimes liked. That's some small dick energy, am I right?"
November 18, 2022
alexz commented on the list elonyms-uSsdgG16E5CDlsBibHu74
The Boring Man
he who shall not be named
World's Richest Man
Phony Stark
November 19, 2022
alexz commented on the list elonyms-uSsdgG16E5CDlsBibHu74
spotted in today's timeline BirdFuhrer
November 21, 2022
hugovk commented on the list elonyms-uSsdgG16E5CDlsBibHu74
"I’m calling banned journalists, for instance, to never ever go back. You do not need to be on Twitter to cover it. I’m frankly agnostic about holding onto an account. Right now I’m doing that, but use it to criticize Melon until I’m somehow banned at some point. I deleted my DMs and almost all my posts and don’t communicate via DM anymore. I post a fraction of the volume I once did. At some point I’m sure that will end, too. There’s no utility to it."
December 18, 2022
alexz commented on the list elonyms-uSsdgG16E5CDlsBibHu74
baby elmo
December 19, 2022
alexz commented on the list elonyms-uSsdgG16E5CDlsBibHu74
spotted today - melon tusk
February 23, 2023
tankhughes commented on the list elonyms-uSsdgG16E5CDlsBibHu74
Elno Morks
April 26, 2023
tankhughes commented on the list elonyms-uSsdgG16E5CDlsBibHu74
'since everyone is talkin on BLUESKY vs TWITTER on here i will add my own personal trot, which i actually think is pretty interesting. since ELNO MORK took over it has been blatantly obvious that he was directly limiting politically left posts (not just evening free speech playing field as claimed)'
November 25, 2024
tankhughes commented on the list elonyms-uSsdgG16E5CDlsBibHu74
Mark Hamill referred to him as Leon, an anagram. https://www.reddit.com/r/BlueskySocial/comments/1h4adms/do_you_follow_mark_hamill/
December 2, 2024
tankhughes commented on the list elonyms-uSsdgG16E5CDlsBibHu74
another citation for muskrat: https://www.reddit.com/r/MurderedByWords/comments/1h56i2g/no_muskrat_only_free_speech_has_been_canceled/
December 2, 2024
tankhughes commented on the list elonyms-uSsdgG16E5CDlsBibHu74
another elongated muskrat citation: https://www.reddit.com/r/CuratedTumblr/comments/1h5ly61/direct_action_by_inaction/
December 3, 2024
tankhughes commented on the list elonyms-uSsdgG16E5CDlsBibHu74
Leon Muskrat: https://www.reddit.com/r/BlueskySocial/comments/1h9ooaz/no_more_welfare_queen_leon_muskrat/
December 9, 2024
tankhughes commented on the list elonyms-uSsdgG16E5CDlsBibHu74
ElMo: https://www.reddit.com/r/MurderedByWords/comments/1hfieam/elmo_gonna_skin_someone_alive_today/
December 17, 2024
tankhughes commented on the list elonyms-uSsdgG16E5CDlsBibHu74
President Muskrat https://www.reddit.com/r/clevercomebacks/comments/1i4pjxt/president_muskrat_and_his_orange_vice_abandoned/
January 19, 2025
tankhughes commented on the list elonyms-uSsdgG16E5CDlsBibHu74
"Honestly the real nightmare scenario from the Elonjugend seemingly having full access to all Treasury payment system is that they simply fuck up the "paying off the US debt" pipeline, because a default on Treasuries is simply the "obliterate the entire global financial system" button
February 4, 2025
tankhughes commented on the list elonyms-uSsdgG16E5CDlsBibHu74
F'Elon: https://www.reddit.com/r/fuckelonmusk/comments/1ijfltm/this_bumper_sticker/
February 7, 2025