A list of 17 words by courd.
- tom foolerywas added by courd and appears on 5 lists
- horse puckeywas added by courd and appears on 4 lists
- phooeywas added by courd and appears on 13 lists
- hogwashwas added by courd and appears on 54 lists
- baloneywas added by courd and appears on 36 lists
- poppycockwas added by courd and appears on 107 lists
- bunkumwas added by courd and appears on 45 lists
- toshwas added by courd and appears on 28 lists
- balderdashwas added by courd and appears on 128 lists
- fiddlestickswas added by courd and appears on 47 lists
- twaddlewas added by courd and appears on 80 lists
- gobbledegookwas added by courd and appears on 17 lists
- tommyrotwas added by courd and appears on 32 lists
- blatherskitewas added by courd and appears on 82 lists
- hooeywas added by courd and appears on 36 lists
- malarkeywas added by courd and appears on 105 lists
- codswallopwas added by courd and appears on 88 lists
chained_bear commented on the list entertainment
Nice list! (and title)
March 17, 2010
dontcry commented on the list entertainment
Horse feathers..?
March 17, 2010
ruzuzu commented on the list entertainment
As my grandfather would say, this list is faaaantastic.
March 18, 2010
reesetee commented on the list entertainment
I agree--neat list! Courd, feel free to pinch from this list, if you like.
March 18, 2010