A list of 640 words by yarb.
- Silencecorewas added by w.o.v and appears on just this list
- Cliniquenoisewas added by w.o.v and appears on just this list
- Cliniquegrindwas added by w.o.v and appears on just this list
- catalectic colonwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- runner-runner chicken gunnerwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- wasternwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- bitterwave on toastwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- gnarlywas added by bilby and appears on 42 lists
- fundersmashwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- hateonalwas added by madmouth and appears on just this list
- pickle gatorwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- musty farthandwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- gotchabaddoowas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- cundercoquewas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- borkwas added by bilby and appears on 24 lists
- ransom cutout symphonic glurgewas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- whitebored noteswas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- suck it and seadogwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- plausible wombat conferencewas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- bonkytonkwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- adult downtemporarywas added by theanadroid and appears on just this list
- expensive modernist furniture storewas added by theanadroid and appears on just this list
- barbecue salsawas added by ry and appears on just this list
- laugh-crywas added by ry and appears on just this list
- slobbercorewas added by ry and appears on just this list
- easy listening satanicwas added by ry and appears on just this list
- raggatimewas added by ry and appears on just this list
- science townwas added by ry and appears on just this list
- Stepford popwas added by ry and appears on just this list
- superblastwas added by ry and appears on just this list
- noise fightwas added by ry and appears on just this list
- unsoundwas added by ry and appears on 16 lists
- ejaculatawas added by ry and appears on just this list
- postbeatwas added by ry and appears on just this list
- velvet crunkwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- hot dub slime machinewas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- ice scremowas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- scremowas added by bilby and appears on 4 lists
- life metalwas added by glypheme and appears on just this list
- carpet slipperwas added by bilby and appears on 2 lists
- hiNRGothicwas added by magnacosm and appears on just this list
- electro redneckwas added by magnacosm and appears on just this list
- nuwravewas added by magnacosm and appears on just this list
- steamfunkwas added by magnacosm and appears on just this list
- hum n' basswas added by magnacosm and appears on just this list
- disco-operationwas added by magnacosm and appears on just this list
- cautionary spoken-wordwas added by magnacosm and appears on just this list
- absurbianwas added by magnacosm and appears on just this list
- house/scatwas added by magnacosm and appears on just this list
- aquaticlassicalwas added by magnacosm and appears on just this list
- mushwas added by ruzuzu and appears on 26 lists
- ahcapahcalypsowas added by magnacosm and appears on just this list
- dumbstepwas added by magnacosm and appears on just this list
- epic harpsichordianwas added by magnacosm and appears on just this list
- breakbeefwas added by magnacosm and appears on just this list
- bibbliotechnowas added by magnacosm and appears on just this list
- classic aerobicalwas added by magnacosm and appears on just this list
- carnival trancewas added by magnacosm and appears on just this list
- folklorecorewas added by magnacosm and appears on just this list
- kungfuturisticwas added by magnacosm and appears on just this list
- octopus garden clubwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- rockabilbywas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- Box boopswas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- throbbing gristlewas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- chimpstepwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- puncewas added by theanadroid and appears on 3 lists
- pie-crust punkwas added by theanadroid and appears on just this list
- isolation chamber popwas added by theanadroid and appears on just this list
- arse novawas added by theanadroid and appears on just this list
- twunk rockwas added by theanadroid and appears on just this list
- neurobeatwas added by theanadroid and appears on just this list
- skalypsowas added by theanadroid and appears on just this list
- gnuwas added by madmouth and appears on 39 lists
- castrobeatwas added by madmouth and appears on just this list
- fob jazzywas added by yarb and appears on 2 lists
- Aichelburg–Sexl ultraboostwas added by yarb and appears on 4 lists
- melody cancerwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- fart for fart's sakewas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- hypergestationwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- tweenpopwas added by marky and appears on just this list
- tweenwavewas added by marky and appears on just this list
- brindlebopwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- capriccio daddy-owas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- hemorrhoid cremowas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- hogwash rinse cyclewas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- wrangled arugulawas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- shipfitter blueswas added by bilby and appears on 2 lists
- great caterwaul of Chinawas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- moogaloop shoop boopwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- dryad food pelletwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- string theorywas added by bilby and appears on 7 lists
- slitch bapwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- fakeratowas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- Parkour Polkawas added by ana_droid and appears on just this list
- PowerC*ntwas added by ana_droid and appears on just this list
- Bauhaus Beatwas added by ana_droid and appears on just this list
- how now brown fuzzguitarwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- alabaster flamingowas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- cockroach baitwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- gruntworkwas added by bilby and appears on 3 lists
- Toilet Poetrywas added by ana_droid and appears on just this list
- The Bloopwas added by ana_droid and appears on just this list
- Dirgecorewas added by ana_droid and appears on just this list
- Satanic Yé-yéwas added by ana_droid and appears on just this list
- Lukewarm Coldwavewas added by ana_droid and appears on just this list
- Skifflehopwas added by ana_droid and appears on just this list
- Castrato P-funkwas added by ana_droid and appears on just this list
- Yes-wavewas added by ana_droid and appears on 2 lists
- 8-bit zoukwas added by ana_droid and appears on just this list
- bad spankwas added by madmouth and appears on just this list
- stoned crowwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- doolittlewas added by raygunshaun and appears on 3 lists
- powergrasswas added by raygunshaun and appears on just this list
- bloozefestwas added by raygunshaun and appears on just this list
- hip-popwas added by raygunshaun and appears on just this list
- a collieshangie in yer trooserswas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- Sub Subwas added by ruzuzu and appears on just this list
- rupturewas added by bilby and appears on 74 lists
- BigsTiki Expeditionwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- hotline to Ulan Batorwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- brown fungal spotwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- Wilfred J. Funkwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- bradycardiawas added by whichbe and appears on 6 lists
- tekno prizonerzwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- velveteenybopper sludgewas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- ethnoidwas added by madmouth and appears on just this list
- klezmerockabillywas added by madmouth and appears on just this list
- schmeckelehwas added by madmouth and appears on just this list
- musique béton brutwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- primplewas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- tosscock dozegogwas added by bilby and appears on 2 lists
- glambi the oh-dearwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- soused mousewas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- silverbeatwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- filibusterkeatonsilitiswas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- zombie snacktimewas added by bilby and appears on 2 lists
- problemonaticwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- red snow warningwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- the stuck bops herewas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- fugly ducklinkwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- tinkerbelle and sebastiantspantswas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- extravaganzapatawas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- roll-top bread binwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- red card foulwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- interplanetary craftwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- glu-stikwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- jermainedefonewas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- pussywillywas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- technonoticewas added by bilby and appears on 2 lists
- ad horkwas added by madmouth and appears on 2 lists
- ablaséwas added by madmouth and appears on just this list
- dubshitewas added by madmouth and appears on just this list
- filth popwas added by yarb and appears on just this list
- slackbeatwas added by yarb and appears on just this list
- gunkwas added by yarb and appears on 34 lists
- nailgunwas added by mollusque and appears on 2 lists
- clubfootwas added by whichbe and appears on 8 lists
- hexagramophonewas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- hua hua pedalwas added by bilby and appears on 2 lists
- turkey bombwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- stenchhwas added by madmouth and appears on just this list
- popwas added by yarb and appears on 105 lists
- guffcorewas added by yarb and appears on just this list
- middle class herowas added by yarb and appears on just this list
- bubblegumwas added by strev and appears on 40 lists
- uncorkedwas added by bilby and appears on 2 lists
- crankcasewas added by bilby and appears on 7 lists
- strummingbirdwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- razor blade poetrywas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- pricks and mortarwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- bumbleslugwas added by bilby and appears on 2 lists
- umeboshiwas added by bilby and appears on 9 lists
- orange jumpsuitwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- sauerkraut splendorwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- the honkingwas added by madmouth and appears on just this list
- dead carpwas added by madmouth and appears on 2 lists
- denzelwas added by madmouth and appears on just this list
- pennywhistlewas added by bilby and appears on 9 lists
- muffin topwas added by bilby and appears on 6 lists
- velocirapwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- hollerunzawas added by bilby and appears on 2 lists
- road tripwas added by yooni and appears on 5 lists
- shaving the fuzzwas added by madmouth and appears on just this list
- lavalavawas added by madmouth and appears on 6 lists
- triple chainsawwas added by madmouth and appears on just this list
- bad skankwas added by yarb and appears on just this list
- hinky tinkwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- d-flat earthwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- sidecar grimacewas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- music to shag bywas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- lolcat holidayzwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- crispy-fried ingenuewas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- yazzmatazzwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- execution rowwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- postprandial blisswas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- one-legged butlerwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- egomancywas added by bilby and appears on 2 lists
- downagewas added by bilby and appears on 2 lists
- l-plate proctologistwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- hissfitwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- digital recessionwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- salt marchwas added by bilby and appears on 2 lists
- glabrous and friends on icewas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- pickled gadflywas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- !é-!éwas added by madmouth and appears on just this list
- nero's kitharawas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- barfly spraywas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- followwas added by bilby and appears on 45 lists
- boome-a-shootenwas added by lampbane and appears on 2 lists
- beautiful daywas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- desperations explodewas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- drum machinewas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- calabashfulwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- methylated sproutswas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- bambooze gardenwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- rest areawas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- green tomato liberation frontwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- space touristwas added by bilby and appears on 3 lists
- hey heywas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- lifelinewas added by bilby and appears on 9 lists
- deep purflewas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- wilberrieswas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- rezurrektionwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- flea changewas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- barbed wire floss habitwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- rainmakerwas added by bilby and appears on 7 lists
- talk is cheapwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- cloud flotation systemwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- deadbellywas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- lovin' forkfulwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- humblepigwas added by bilby and appears on 2 lists
- umbrage hostage takerwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- mixtures at the mercadowas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- put it inwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- the night they drove old sionnach downwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- you're only as neil young as you feelwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- blipperboxin'was added by bilby and appears on just this list
- chernobyl sarcophaguswas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- fusty bell conspiracywas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- thunderstealerwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- ant colony traffic control towerwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- turtlestepwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- april floowas added by bilby and appears on 2 lists
- ubersnatchwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- beer warwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- sleepless in kabulwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- dronezonewas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- cement slurry regarglewas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- who needs a lawnmower with a voice like thatwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- pluggerwas added by bilby and appears on 4 lists
- ken and barbiturates go boatingwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- half choir, half elephant matingwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- and now for his next trick ...was added by bilby and appears on just this list
- palpablewas added by bilby and appears on 147 lists
- quick-bitten fingerknuckleswas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- jealousy pinchwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- gloopwas added by bilby and appears on 12 lists
- seven terse horseswas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- unlabelled jam jarwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- whooping cough medicinewas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- wooden moonlightwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- wastrelwas added by bilby and appears on 122 lists
- bet shop boyswas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- rhythm and boozewas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- solipswas added by bilby and appears on 2 lists
- barbecue pitfallwas added by bilby and appears on 2 lists
- the bigswas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- poo poo pandawas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- ominous runder thumblewas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- plum tweewas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- altermondialismwas added by bilby and appears on 2 lists
- skankbankwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- vangwas added by bilby and appears on 15 lists
- lamp-post impressariowas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- eternitiewas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- lost frog glugga-glugwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- s-u-vee-hicklewas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- wintergartenwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- roach clipwas added by bilby and appears on 3 lists
- bodgy central lockingwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- aerial rootwas added by bilby and appears on 2 lists
- slippery intersectionwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- yellowstone campfire doo-dahwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- snarglewas added by bilby and appears on 3 lists
- squidger dodgerwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- achilles heel and toewas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- parachute failurewas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- parachute jumpwas added by bilby and appears on 2 lists
- sharkskin resistancewas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- snow patoiswas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- stale gum redemptionwas added by bilby and appears on 2 lists
- starpacket minorwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- libertay, egalitay, flunked frenchwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- air-raid siren centrefoldwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- claustrophoniawas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- fresh scar tissuewas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- gaiawas added by bilby and appears on 19 lists
- china syndromewas added by bilby and appears on 2 lists
- coffee mugger getawaywas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- gangplanktonwas added by bilby and appears on 2 lists
- irish stoopidwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- earthbeltwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- binary codeinewas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- theologeewhizwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- allahu akbarcodewas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- klezmerizingwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- finkelsteingoldbergwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- yawn clippingswas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- big belchin' boombox babywas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- slurgemixwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- squirrel-grip syncopationwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- biff!was added by bilby and appears on 2 lists
- pokemonkeypoxwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- teen-dream yowserwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- glub glub murk murkwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- xylophoneticswas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- blisterpunchwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- finger in the dykewas added by bilby and appears on 2 lists
- toasted motherboardwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- bashington dcwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- marshmallow flufferwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- raspberry mondaewas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- viet conga linewas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- free-range humanwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- cyclotronicwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- snake-charmerwas added by bilby and appears on 2 lists
- mobster guitar casewas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- washitsuwas added by bilby and appears on 2 lists
- browbeatwas added by whichbe and appears on 48 lists
- sodapopwas added by bilby and appears on 6 lists
- jazzakwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- ostrich strutwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- dəth metőlwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- lambentwas added by bilby and appears on 228 lists
- quatopygiawas added by bilby and appears on 4 lists
- electrostaticwas added by whichbe and appears on 9 lists
- fuzztonewas added by bilby and appears on 3 lists
- banned standwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- blue texelwas added by bilby and appears on 2 lists
- meltdown-tempowas added by whichbe and appears on just this list
- galactorrheawas added by bilby and appears on 23 lists
- exfoliationwas added by bilby and appears on 7 lists
- manthemwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- steelwas added by ctheiz and appears on 54 lists
- bad beatwas added by yarb and appears on 2 lists
- functwas added by bilby and appears on 3 lists
- mulletrywas added by bilby and appears on 2 lists
- fail wailwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- wingflutterwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- antimanifestowas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- ginsplintwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- moon babboonwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- voidwas added by bilby and appears on 105 lists
- incensitivewas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- ralewas added by bilby and appears on 10 lists
- doogwas added by bilby and appears on 5 lists
- lickwas added by bilby and appears on 52 lists
- bedtime ragwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- undergrindwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- jungian breakpopwas added by bilby and appears on 2 lists
- molten furniturewas added by bilby and appears on 2 lists
- heresiewas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- glupwas added by bilby and appears on 3 lists
- mellon colliewas added by bilby and appears on 2 lists
- tardcorewas added by bilby and appears on 2 lists
- stonkwas added by bilby and appears on 9 lists
- glitschzwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- hoppo-bumpowas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- pitstopwas added by bilby and appears on 2 lists
- doublewas added by bilby and appears on 60 lists
- wunderwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- black coffee metalwas added by lampbane and appears on just this list
- spazzcorewas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- muwackwas added by quickhoney and appears on just this list
- death polkawas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on just this list
- velvet sledgehammerwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- schlockabillywas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- matchboxwas added by bilby and appears on 16 lists
- rock puppetwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- shinbonewas added by bilby and appears on 3 lists
- becalmedwas added by bilby and appears on 18 lists
- doubleplus ungoodwas added by bilby and appears on 2 lists
- farce majeurewas added by oroboros and appears on just this list
- smatterwas added by bilby and appears on 11 lists
- precious fluidwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- mould growthwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- ventilaterzwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- lightning doltwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- depth chargewas added by bilby and appears on 8 lists
- hugaboowas added by bilby and appears on 2 lists
- bow-legged flamingowas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- chrysoprasewas added by bilby and appears on 18 lists
- inkhorn stinkhornwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- cul-de-suxwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- melting icebergwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- reformationwas added by bilby and appears on 12 lists
- el ninowas added by bilby and appears on 4 lists
- low tidewas added by bilby and appears on 4 lists
- mayonnaiseancewas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- paradise lostwas added by bilby and appears on 2 lists
- dumptruckwas added by bilby and appears on 3 lists
- razor wirewas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- ferry crossingwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- intrinsikwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- beguileawhilewas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- desk-setwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- postman's knockwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- tarmacadamwas added by bilby and appears on 6 lists
- gastric refluxwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- slurrywas added by bilby and appears on 26 lists
- compressorwas added by bilby and appears on 13 lists
- strum und drangwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- positronwas added by bilby and appears on 18 lists
- goofwas added by bilby and appears on 23 lists
- purple snowwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- bakelitewas added by bilby and appears on 13 lists
- pith and cinderwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- declensionwas added by bilby and appears on 53 lists
- kerbcrawlwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- gluttoniewas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- spam trainwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- great wallwas added by bilby and appears on 3 lists
- beowulphwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- dropped batonwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- whooping coughwas added by bilby and appears on 4 lists
- pirate blingwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- skullduggerwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- batshit insanewas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- winestainwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- bowel storieswas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- caveat emptorwas added by bilby and appears on 26 lists
- blazewas added by bilby and appears on 61 lists
- rumgumptionwas added by bilby and appears on 6 lists
- freecycledwas added by bilby and appears on 3 lists
- wringerwas added by bilby and appears on 5 lists
- half-full, half-emptywas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- humstrumwas added by whichbe and appears on 13 lists
- squeaky doorwas added by frindley and appears on just this list
- tree-huggerwas added by bilby and appears on 5 lists
- bridal suitewas added by bilby and appears on 2 lists
- sundownerwas added by bilby and appears on 18 lists
- tachycardiawas added by bilby and appears on 36 lists
- broodwas added by bilby and appears on 87 lists
- signal to noisewas added by bilby and appears on 2 lists
- spankwas added by bilby and appears on 23 lists
- tentacularwas added by bilby and appears on 8 lists
- mason jarwas added by bilby and appears on 5 lists
- hellzapoppin'was added by bilby and appears on 3 lists
- sweatbandwas added by bilby and appears on 3 lists
- hippopotamus gardenwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- soundproof cubiclewas added by bilby and appears on 2 lists
- bat cavewas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- gutterwas added by bilby and appears on 42 lists
- half-price apocalypsewas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- water cooler oasiswas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- departure loungewas added by bilby and appears on 2 lists
- identikitwas added by bilby and appears on 5 lists
- mango pulpwas added by bilby and appears on 2 lists
- blumpkinwas added by bilby and appears on 9 lists
- hot-hot curry housewas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- compost heapwas added by bilby and appears on 3 lists
- scaramouchewas added by bilby and appears on 20 lists
- throne roomwas added by bilby and appears on 3 lists
- braindancewas added by bilby and appears on 2 lists
- fruit-basketwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- rainy tuesday afternoonwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- double-hanky tearjerkwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- g33kwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- primitivwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- cloudwheedlewas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- rainbow's endwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- creche riotwas added by bilby and appears on 2 lists
- viennese schmalzeswas added by rolig and appears on just this list
- didjeridoobie doobie doowas added by palooka and appears on just this list
- sacred hoe down musicwas added by palooka and appears on just this list
- heavy metal marcheswas added by palooka and appears on just this list
- opera psychedelicawas added by palooka and appears on just this list
- bil-bebopwas added by rolig and appears on just this list
- disco for 3 violins and a flutewas added by palooka and appears on just this list
- boogie ragwas added by palooka and appears on just this list
- gregorian cantwas added by rolig and appears on just this list
- hard wokwas added by rolig and appears on just this list
- reggae and veronicawas added by rolig and appears on just this list
- whigmaleeriewas added by reesetee and appears on 17 lists
- nougatkrapfenwas added by bilby and appears on 3 lists
- bombardier beetleburstwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- weeping willowwas added by bilby and appears on 11 lists
- super bowel entertainmentwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- napalm generationwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- quagwas added by bilby and appears on 12 lists
- bird's nest cacophonywas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- donuttery buff-baublewas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- random act of kindnesswas added by bilby and appears on 2 lists
- wordy-a-go-gowas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- usb hubadubwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- puffy-sleeved piratewas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- conspiratorial aqualungwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- slushpupwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- thimblefairywas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- soukwas added by bilby and appears on 15 lists
- sun-ripened yellow mellow cellowas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- didjeridoodahwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- hubble rubble telesyncopationwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- alcohopwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- discotechnical supportwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- bandicoot-scootin'was added by bilby and appears on just this list
- streetsweeperwas added by bilby and appears on 2 lists
- yarbershop quartetwas added by bilby and appears on 2 lists
- polygraphonicwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- espresso machinewas added by bilby and appears on 2 lists
- hypergoose flunktuationwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- tinneapoliswas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- slimeburnerwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- electric eelwas added by bilby and appears on 6 lists
- woof doofwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- gash rash cymbalcrashwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- brontosaurus beat-browas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- operabillywas added by reesetee and appears on just this list
- satellite dishwasherwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- punchdrunk marmotwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- hillbillygoat boogiewas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- squilgee blastwas added by reesetee and appears on just this list
- skuzzknucklewas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- plinthsynthwas added by reesetee and appears on just this list
- jobbernowl technopopwas added by reesetee and appears on just this list
- assythingwas added by reesetee and appears on 3 lists
- cybersymphonywas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- son skawas added by reesetee and appears on just this list
- salsapunkwas added by reesetee and appears on just this list
- slangwhangerwas added by reesetee and appears on 19 lists
- acoustic acidwas added by reesetee and appears on just this list
- smooth metalwas added by reesetee and appears on just this list
- acousticky toffeewas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- brickworkxwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- cookiemonster mashwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- tupperwerewolfwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- suv disastermasterwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- tinpan pomelowas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- ciggy buttholewas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- merkury lampwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- chalkmark eternitywas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- bewhippled finklejohnwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- horroroboroswas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- draculate-night-moviewas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- viscious sheepwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- plaintive pot plantwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- grungekittywas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- snackhammerwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- bouncyliciouswas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- nukular winterwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- orchestral septicaemiawas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- violingeringwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- airbrake hissy fitwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- romany rock-lobsterwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- fwench dwessingwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- blastercardwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- cream piwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- big-boxwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- sawdust jointwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- hurplewas added by bilby and appears on 12 lists
- ungulate pontificatewas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- acapaellawas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- ungodly lime grenadewas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- testikelwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- whisperthrashwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- junkintrunkpunkwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- mashed potaterwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- glurgewas added by bilby and appears on 18 lists
- hippity-boowas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- tap-tap-tappenwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- three-piece suitwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- alien workshopwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- kitchenscapewas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- blind dog humpa-humpwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- mugginswas added by bilby and appears on 21 lists
- fluoro cupcakerywas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- pineapple rapwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- shipyard clangagewas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- bald eaglewas added by bilby and appears on 6 lists
- chromelodionwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- lawn salewas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- steel guerrierowas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- whalesong rapturewas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- noveau microfichewas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- prezidentialwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- country and hominy gritswas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- synchronised yodel-metalwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- fie 'n' foofarawwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- roach bombwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- gamelangorouswas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- victory metalwas added by darqueau and appears on just this list
- action stationwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- dingleberryachewas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- i-chunezwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- psychobumblewas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- ashtraewas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- powerclonewas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- house on firewas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- rhythm 'n' bullshitwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- retronymwas added by bilby and appears on 52 lists
- klezcorewas added by shevek and appears on just this list
- folkzakwas added by whichbe and appears on just this list
- skahopwas added by whichbe and appears on just this list
- art blueswas added by whichbe and appears on just this list
- dark jazzwas added by whichbe and appears on just this list
- operastepwas added by whichbe and appears on just this list
- deathpopwas added by whichbe and appears on just this list
- heavy jugwas added by whichbe and appears on just this list
- math-hyphywas added by whichbe and appears on just this list
- gypsytrancewas added by whichbe and appears on just this list
- hard lullabywas added by whichbe and appears on 2 lists
- ragtime punkwas added by whichbe and appears on just this list
- acid christianwas added by whichbe and appears on just this list
- electrocountrywas added by whichbe and appears on just this list
- ballad beatboxwas added by whichbe and appears on just this list
- power minimalistwas added by whichbe and appears on just this list
- barbershop metalwas added by whichbe and appears on just this list
- bump 'n grindcorewas added by whichbe and appears on just this list
- industrial-and-errorwas added by whichbe and appears on just this list
- taciturntablismwas added by whichbe and appears on just this list
- irrelavant-gardewas added by whichbe and appears on 2 lists
- blahgrasswas added by whichbe and appears on just this list
- reggaelicwas added by whichbe and appears on just this list
- gothspelwas added by whichbe and appears on just this list
- gigolo-fiwas added by whichbe and appears on just this list
- blingfolkwas added by whichbe and appears on just this list
- riant grrlwas added by whichbe and appears on just this list
- chemowas added by whichbe and appears on 9 lists
- prog folkwas added by shevek and appears on just this list
- baroque'n'rollwas added by gangerh and appears on just this list
- chip shopwas added by gangerh and appears on 2 lists
- queasy listeningwas added by whichbe and appears on just this list
- glambientwas added by whichbe and appears on just this list
- jizzbillywas added by yarb and appears on just this list
- electrogushwas added by yarb and appears on just this list
- whangboogiewas added by yarb and appears on just this list
- fudgepunkwas added by yarb and appears on just this list
whichbe commented on the list fictional-music-genres
Damn, that was fun.
August 19, 2008
yarb commented on the list fictional-music-genres
Brilliant. I love heavy jug and chip shop.
August 19, 2008
reesetee commented on the list fictional-music-genres
I love it! How did I miss this?
August 19, 2008
bilby commented on the list fictional-music-genres
Kind of new ... I'm doing my best to make it look old :-7
August 19, 2008
reesetee commented on the list fictional-music-genres
And it's quite a job you're doing. :-)
August 19, 2008
bilby commented on the list fictional-music-genres
Help! Can't stop! It's all yarb's fault.
August 19, 2008
yarb commented on the list fictional-music-genres
Genius! Smooth metal, quag. Cream pi! They sound so real!
August 19, 2008
reesetee commented on the list fictional-music-genres
I just discovered loungecore in the OED--but that makes it nonfictional, I suppose. *sigh*
July 13, 2009
yarb commented on the list fictional-music-genres
I expect this list to inspire various real genres over the course of time.
July 13, 2009
reesetee commented on the list fictional-music-genres
Of course. Wordie is always in the vanguard.
July 14, 2009
bilby commented on the list fictional-music-genres
July 18, 2009
madmouth commented on the list fictional-music-genres
oh, the memories
fail wail and manthem account for so much of music *ahem I'm getting old* these days
November 9, 2010
ruzuzu commented on the list fictional-music-genres
"viscious sheep was added by bilby and appears on just this list"
February 26, 2013
bilby commented on the list fictional-music-genres
It's like rockabilby, but woollier.
February 26, 2013
glypheme commented on the list fictional-music-genres
I like to play a game with these where I make up band names for them.
"Among the most prominent jazzcore groups are the Upriver Collective and Thelonius Punk."
"Bluehouse, a mix of bluegrass and early 90s house music, was first popularized by artists such as Bootheel Mountain and Electric Nelson."
"Glamhop has been compared to genres such as sparkletune and glitterwave … Wavefunction (feat. Pegasynth), off "Polymorphism"—glitterwave phenom Seaqueen's debut album—is one of the artist's most-loved tracks."
March 15, 2014
bilby commented on the list fictional-music-genres
Yes, chip shop is a sub-genre of greasy listening.
December 19, 2023
w.o.v commented on the list fictional-music-genres
Hey this is so cool
December 22, 2024