A list of 10 words by biocon.
- nexus communicanswas added by biocon and appears on just this list
- zonula communicanswas added by biocon and appears on just this list
- unión nexuswas added by biocon and appears on just this list
- unión en hendidurawas added by biocon and appears on just this list
- unión comunicantewas added by biocon and appears on just this list
- macula communicanswas added by biocon and appears on just this list
- jonction lacunairewas added by biocon and appears on just this list
- junctura communicanswas added by biocon and appears on just this list
- communicating junctionwas added by biocon and appears on just this list
- junctio communicanswas added by biocon and appears on just this list
bilby commented on the list gap-junction
Hmmmm. Why the did the Lats have have so many gaps they needed to junct?
September 11, 2015
biocon commented on the list gap-junction
I am delighted to receive a response from you again, Bilby. I have missed your humor. I hope that you are doing well.
September 11, 2015