A list of 11 words by uselessness.
- abecedarianwas added by uselessness and appears on 108 lists
- caffeinatedwas added by uselessness and appears on 7 lists
- dissociativewas added by uselessness and appears on 10 lists
- intensewas added by uselessness and appears on 65 lists
- moistwas added by uselessness and appears on 175 lists
- obnoxiouswas added by uselessness and appears on 115 lists
- rapprochementalwas added by uselessness and appears on just this list
- sophisticalwas added by uselessness and appears on 12 lists
- sunnywas added by uselessness and appears on 42 lists
- tenaciouswas added by uselessness and appears on 170 lists
- winsomewas added by uselessness and appears on 183 lists
uselessness commented on the list identify-the-wordie
Game on!
October 24, 2007
chained_bear commented on the list identify-the-wordie
How should we enter? By answering here, on the page? *is dense, but at least is over 6 years old*
October 24, 2007
uselessness commented on the list identify-the-wordie
Yeah, just post your guesses in a comment. :-)
October 24, 2007
chained_bear commented on the list identify-the-wordie
All right, then, I'll go out on the proverbial limb and be the first to guess, based on my impression of these prominent Wordie denizens.
reesetee is caffeinated
jennarenn is either sunny or winsome (both, IMO)
seanahan is dissociative or perhaps rapprochemental. (or just mental!) (Just kidding!)
Wait... is it spelled rapprochemental or rapproachemental?
uselessness is sophistical, or IMO, madeupical (Just kidding!) Or... moist? (I'm thinking U would do the psych thing...)
skipvia is tenacious
rocks... I know so little about you! I can't even guess.
October 24, 2007
uselessness commented on the list identify-the-wordie
Good call on rapprochemental, I corrected the spelling. And maybe for future guesses, just pick one word per person or it'll be hard to find a winner. :-P
Oh, and I think you forgot John.
October 24, 2007
chained_bear commented on the list identify-the-wordie
Oh my god. John! I'm sorry!
OK, John... John is winsome. He's a little teapot, after all. What's more winsome than that?
And I'll say seanahan is dissociative... or mental (just kidding again!). No, dissociative.
Hope that helps. I'm going away now.
October 24, 2007
john commented on the list identify-the-wordie
You didn't forget me -- I snuck in after the start!
I'm still pondering these. I can't believe one of you listed 'moist'. Well played.
October 24, 2007
yarb commented on the list identify-the-wordie
john = abecedarian
reesetee = caffeinated
ceebee = tenacious
jennarenn = sunny
rocks = rapprochemental
sean = sophistical
uselessness = dissociative
skipvia = winsome
Edited to complete
October 24, 2007
skipvia commented on the list identify-the-wordie
Pure guesses, all.
chained_bear: intense (but maybe moist, knowing her sense of humor)
jennarenn: sunny
John: abecedarian
reesetee: caffeinated
rocksinmypockets: sophistical
seanahan: rapprochemental (just to throw us off)
uselessness: tenacious
October 25, 2007
reesetee commented on the list identify-the-wordie
My on-the-fly guesses:
rocksinmypockets--dissociative (because she said so! Or said something like that, anyway)
I'm going to tell myself that 'moist" is a red herring. I'll feel better about things that way. :-)
October 25, 2007
seanahan commented on the list identify-the-wordie
chained_bear - moist
jennarenn - winsome
John - tenacious
reesetee - abecedarian
rocksinmypockets - rapprochemental
seanahan - obnoxious
skipvia - sophistical
uselessness - dissociative
October 25, 2007
chained_bear commented on the list identify-the-wordie
I assumed, perhaps wrongly, that the hideous word on this list beginning with the letter M was one of the said red herrings.
October 25, 2007
uselessness commented on the list identify-the-wordie
Any more guesses? I'll end the game tomorrow. Anyone is welcome to play. :-)
October 26, 2007
rocksinmypockets commented on the list identify-the-wordie
It sounds like moist is quickly becoming c_b's least favorite word.
October 26, 2007
chained_bear commented on the list identify-the-wordie
Moist always was one of my least favorite words. My sister used to tease me by putting all my most hated words in one sentence: "Would you like a moist package of ointment with your meal?" Only she forgot "sleeper."
October 26, 2007
seanahan commented on the list identify-the-wordie
I thought CB might have put moist as a red herring, but evidently not.
October 26, 2007
jennarenn commented on the list identify-the-wordie
chained_bear is caffeinated. It's either c_b or r--I know we've had a conversation about this.
jennarenn is fried goodness.
John is dissociative. ???
reesetee is abecedarian. Really, this fits everybody.
rocksinmypockets is winsome.
seanahan is sophistical. I might actually bet real monopoly money on this one. ;)
skipvia is tenacious. ???
uselessness is rapprochemental. He gets people together.
P.S. We got report card forms today. I'll be out of pocket until the 6th.
P.P.S. What adjective do you think slumry would choose for herself?
October 26, 2007
rocksinmypockets commented on the list identify-the-wordie
Okay, I haven't been here very long, so the following is a combination of first impressions and guesswork.
chained_bear is obnoxious (in the most lovable way)
jennarenn is sunny
John is winsome (I can't help but see the teapot)
reesetee is caffeinated
rocksinmypockets is rapprochemental
seanahan is intense
skipvia is dissociative
uselessness is abecedarian
I can hardly wait for the official answers.
October 26, 2007
uselessness commented on the list identify-the-wordie
Thanks for playing! Results have been posted!
October 26, 2007
reesetee commented on the list identify-the-wordie
Wow. We suck. ;-P
October 27, 2007
rocksinmypockets commented on the list identify-the-wordie
Yeah. :(
But it was fun anyway. :)
Thanks, uselessness!
October 27, 2007
jennarenn commented on the list identify-the-wordie
No, y'all just don't know yourselves very well. ;)
October 28, 2007
bilby commented on the list identify-the-wordie
July 23, 2008
jennarenn commented on the list identify-the-wordie
It was fun. We ought to do that again. :)
July 24, 2008
jennarenn commented on the list identify-the-wordie
uselessness was always so creative. He was the first to post a metalist, the first to create a stuffie, etc. :)
July 24, 2008
yarb commented on the list identify-the-wordie
I think Metalist is a Ukranian football team. You're right about uselessness. I was new to Wordie when this happened, so I was too shy to take part.
July 24, 2008
yarb commented on the list identify-the-wordie
Back then I thought skipvia was winsome!
July 24, 2008
whichbe commented on the list identify-the-wordie
I am curious as to where these desciptions came from.
July 24, 2008
chained_bear commented on the list identify-the-wordie
Each person selected a word to describe him- or herself.
July 24, 2008
skipvia commented on the list identify-the-wordie
Thanks, yarb, but--you know--you winsome, you lose some.
July 24, 2008
bilby commented on the list identify-the-wordie
Spot on, yarb. Metalist Kharkiv play in the Ukrainian Premier League.
July 24, 2008