A list of 27 words by Prolagus.
- editto bulgarowas added by Prolagus and appears on just this list
- bunga bungawas added by Prolagus and appears on 4 lists
- bicameralinawas added by Prolagus and appears on just this list
- papiwas added by Prolagus and appears on 8 lists
- White Christmaswas added by Prolagus and appears on 3 lists
- egoarcawas added by Prolagus and appears on just this list
- libertàwas added by Prolagus and appears on 2 lists
- milleproroghewas added by Prolagus and appears on just this list
- indultinowas added by Prolagus and appears on just this list
- coglionewas added by Prolagus and appears on just this list
- suntannedwas added by Prolagus and appears on 2 lists
- mignottocraziawas added by Prolagus and appears on 2 lists
- tesorettowas added by Prolagus and appears on just this list
- bustarellawas added by Prolagus and appears on just this list
- vallettopoliwas added by Prolagus and appears on just this list
- tangentopoliwas added by Prolagus and appears on just this list
- la castawas added by elisheba and appears on just this list
- gomorrawas added by elisheba and appears on 2 lists
- monnezzawas added by elisheba and appears on just this list
- furbetti del quartierinowas added by Prolagus and appears on just this list
- celodurismowas added by Prolagus and appears on just this list
- toghe rossewas added by Prolagus and appears on 2 lists
- porcellumwas added by Prolagus and appears on just this list
- psiconanowas added by Prolagus and appears on just this list
- girotondowas added by Prolagus and appears on 2 lists
- inciuciowas added by Prolagus and appears on just this list
- pianistawas added by Prolagus and appears on 2 lists
bilby commented on the list italian-politics
I'm looking forward to seeing this list develop, Pro. Are these words on the TEUFEL exam?
July 10, 2008
Prolagus commented on the list italian-politics
Are you saying I should study instead? :-P
July 10, 2008
elisheba commented on the list italian-politics
thanks for creating this list, prolagus! we're gonna have lots of laughs (or shed lots of tears...)
September 18, 2008
bilby commented on the list italian-politics
How about the Odd Couple, Tangentopoli and Mani pulite?
September 18, 2008
elisheba commented on the list italian-politics
erm... it seems i have skipped the list description. only ridiculous words are admitted. but maybe we could extend the lexicon to serious words and expressions as well... wouldn't that be interesting, too?
September 19, 2008
elisheba commented on the list italian-politics
after all, there is nothing serious about italian politics these days... everything's ridiculous :-D :-((
September 19, 2008
bilby commented on the list italian-politics
There you go, problem solved ;-)
September 19, 2008
Prolagus commented on the list italian-politics
Elisheba, I would prefer to focus on unconventional - and yes, ridiculous - words, because they are a symptom of what makes our politics so... whatchamacallit... peculiar :-(
At the same time, if you prefer to add regular words, just do it - can I just ask you to provide a description for every word you add? Thanks!
September 19, 2008
Prolagus commented on the list italian-politics
I will add more descriptions later. There are many -poli terms (it's pretty much the same as -gate in the USA), but I will only add Tangentopoli, the first coined, and Vallettopoli, the most annoying-sounding.
September 20, 2008
Prolagus commented on the list italian-politics
The Italian Minister for the Environment expressed today her worries for the "increasing climate". She said that three times.
October 16, 2008
bilby commented on the list italian-politics
October 16, 2008
reesetee commented on the list italian-politics
Oh no! Pretty soon we'll have far too much climate to handle, and then what?
October 16, 2008
Prolagus commented on the list italian-politics
October 23, 2008
Prolagus commented on the list italian-politics
Italy's reaction was soured by a member of the rightwing National Alliance, Maurizio Gasparri, who said al-Qaeda might welcome Mr Obama as president. "With Obama in the White House, perhaps al Qaeda is happier," said Mr Gasparri, who is the Senate leader of Berlusconi's People of Freedom Party. The centre-left opposition demanded an apology.
November 8, 2008
reesetee commented on the list italian-politics
November 10, 2008
Prolagus commented on the list italian-politics
Ten questions to Mr. Berlusconi.
May 26, 2009
whichbe commented on the list italian-politics
Berlusconi denies 'spicy' affair
May 29, 2009