A list of 23 words by papageno.
- schadenfreudewas added by papageno and appears on 600 lists
- reichwas added by papageno and appears on 5 lists
- gesundheitwas added by papageno and appears on 43 lists
- alpenglowwas added by papageno and appears on 90 lists
- wanderlustwas added by papageno and appears on 268 lists
- zeitgeistwas added by papageno and appears on 363 lists
- wunderkinwas added by papageno and appears on just this list
- verbotenwas added by papageno and appears on 72 lists
- schlepwas added by papageno and appears on 69 lists
- schnitzelwas added by papageno and appears on 25 lists
- schmoozewas added by papageno and appears on 67 lists
- rucksackwas added by papageno and appears on 37 lists
- poltergeistwas added by papageno and appears on 64 lists
- noodlewas added by papageno and appears on 58 lists
- lebensraumwas added by papageno and appears on 27 lists
- kindergartenwas added by papageno and appears on 21 lists
- hinterlandwas added by papageno and appears on 93 lists
- eigenwertwas added by papageno and appears on 2 lists
- dreckwas added by papageno and appears on 50 lists
- blitzkriegwas added by papageno and appears on 55 lists
- angstwas added by papageno and appears on 120 lists
- achtungwas added by papageno and appears on 10 lists
- abseilwas added by papageno and appears on 33 lists
jennarenn commented on the list kraut-rocks
At last! A *legit* reason to list schadenfreude! Papageno, you won today's doorprize. Please step this way....
November 15, 2007
papageno commented on the list kraut-rocks
I am e-stepping that way...
...Now what's the prize?!
November 16, 2007
uselessness commented on the list kraut-rocks
November 16, 2007
papageno commented on the list kraut-rocks
Whatever. Don't be jealous.
November 17, 2007
reesetee commented on the list kraut-rocks
He's not being jealous. He just hates the word. Am I right, uselessness?
November 17, 2007
uselessness commented on the list kraut-rocks
I don't hate it. I detest its foul loathsomeness with a burning abhorrence unmatched by any earthly revilement.
November 17, 2007
papageno commented on the list kraut-rocks
uselessness, do you perchance belong to some community called Wordie? Well put, friend.
November 17, 2007
uselessness commented on the list kraut-rocks
Wordie? Never heard of it. Isn't that the thing "jennarenn" was shilling? Nah, I just opened my thesaurus and picked the most impressive words I could find. ;-)
November 17, 2007
reesetee commented on the list kraut-rocks
Forgive me; I misspoke. He abhors, abominates, is allergic to, anathematizes, can't stand, contemns, curses, deprecates, derides, despises, detests, disapproves, disdains, disfavors, dislikes, disparages, is down on, execrates, loathes, objects to, recoils from, scorns, shudders at, shuns, spits upon, and spurns it.
But he does not hate it.
November 17, 2007
uselessness commented on the list kraut-rocks
Well, it's not that bad... ;-)
November 17, 2007
papageno commented on the list kraut-rocks
Looks like someone else has access to a thesaurus as well ; )
November 17, 2007
sionnach commented on the list kraut-rocks
Well, personally, I've never totally understood why certain words are subjected to the amount of abuse, vilification and contumely that they receive. The S-word, for instance. Or the relatively innocuous moist. But de gustibus and all that ...
However, some of the reviews of the book I'm currently reading (Scarlett Thomas's "Popco") suggest that a certain other word on this list may be wearing out its welcome:
"Popco is a big zeitgeisty novel that free-associates ..."
"This year has seen some fine novels, but this is the only one that grabs the zeitgeist by the balls and puts it where the sun doesn't shine. Go girl."
November 17, 2007
uselessness commented on the list kraut-rocks
Aye that. I think zeitgeisty signifies the official tipping point for that one.
November 17, 2007
papageno commented on the list kraut-rocks
I agree that it's overused -- too much of its time. Too zeitgeisty in itself.
November 17, 2007
chained_bear commented on the list kraut-rocks
How the hell does one grab a zeitgeist by the balls?! Suppose it has ovaries. Crikey, where are the language police when you need them?!
November 17, 2007
reesetee commented on the list kraut-rocks
The language police on Wordie are Keystone cops, chained_bear. ;->
Agreed--zeitgeist is an s-word, in my opinion. Okay, not a literal one, but still.
November 17, 2007
chained_bear commented on the list kraut-rocks
Actually, that's a trade name--Keystone Kops--and it's going on my trade names list. Thanks reesetee!
November 17, 2007