A list of 18 words by yarb.
- moss pigletwas added by yarb and appears on 7 lists
- Bulgarian sumo wrestlerswas added by yarb and appears on 2 lists
- plumwas added by yarb and appears on 117 lists
- charging baby tapirs!was added by yarb and appears on 5 lists
- skunk apewas added by yarb and appears on 5 lists
- yetiwas added by yarb and appears on 28 lists
- mousewas added by yarb and appears on 70 lists
- william shatnerwas added by yarb and appears on just this list
- actuarywas added by yarb and appears on 37 lists
- hydroblabwas added by yarb and appears on 6 lists
- titan arumwas added by yarb and appears on 5 lists
- forbwas added by yarb and appears on 13 lists
- new caledonian bumpy geckowas added by yarb and appears on 4 lists
- spoonbillwas added by yarb and appears on 16 lists
- dugongwas added by yarb and appears on 21 lists
- cheesemitewas added by yarb and appears on 4 lists
- teenagerwas added by yarb and appears on 20 lists
- seaweedwas added by yarb and appears on 29 lists
- mouldwas added by yarb and appears on 23 lists
lea commented on the list lifeforms-with-which-id-like-to-communicate
William Shatner... Who wants to communicate with that life form.. You have to be drunk to do that...eh? ;o] Keep going.
March 6, 2009
yarb commented on the list lifeforms-with-which-id-like-to-communicate
Surely, Lea, a deep-seated wish to commune with the divine is common to all humanity?
The list is now finished - I think there are exactly 15 lifeforms with which I would like to communicate.
March 6, 2009
lea commented on the list lifeforms-with-which-id-like-to-communicate
Thousands of animal communicators all over the world do communicate with divine... animals. All life is divine. To me, anyway. Some people disagree, and they are free to do so. We all have a free will on this planet. That is the name of the play here. That's why this place is far from boring... but sometimes it makes this planet.. dangerous to live on.
March 6, 2009
yarb commented on the list lifeforms-with-which-id-like-to-communicate
Of course Shatner is divine - but all life? Even cheesemites and actuaries?
March 6, 2009
rolig commented on the list lifeforms-with-which-id-like-to-communicate
Did you not know, Lea, that the name "William Shatner" is merely code: Lama Silent Whir. That's powerful energy.
March 6, 2009
lea commented on the list lifeforms-with-which-id-like-to-communicate
Yes.. Even actuaries, cheesemites & shatners. Everyone is contributing here. In a very special, unique and divine way. That is what we all came here to do. To experience life in physical form...
March 6, 2009
lea commented on the list lifeforms-with-which-id-like-to-communicate
I have had my suspicions about Shatner. I must say I am not surprised at all. I can sleep in peace now, when I know the truth.
March 6, 2009
rolig commented on the list lifeforms-with-which-id-like-to-communicate
Oh of course actuaries. But what about spammers? What about telemarketers? What about advertisers in general? You know, anyone who tries to convince you to buy something you don't need and don't really even want? Who tries to convince you that you're somehow deficient unless you have their overpriced product that is guaranteed to wear out/run out/break down/go out of style in less than a year so you'll have to get the new and improved version? I have my doubts.
March 6, 2009
lea commented on the list lifeforms-with-which-id-like-to-communicate
It's only money talking... nothing else. Do you ever wonder who made "The Money God" in the first place? We did it ourselves! We as humans somehow managed to give all our power to money. That is what has to change. Maybe the change is happening right now as we speak.. as the so called "depression" is spreading around.
March 6, 2009
chained_bear commented on the list lifeforms-with-which-id-like-to-communicate
Oh my god.
March 6, 2009
chained_bear commented on the list lifeforms-with-which-id-like-to-communicate
Yarb... are there inanimate objects with which you'd like to communicate as well? Because I can think of a few I would find conversation interesting with. For example, chairs. Ceiling tiles. Salt and pepper shakers. Actuaries.
Also, I'm saddened that you didn't list llamas and tapirs. But hey, to each his own.
March 6, 2009
sionnach commented on the list lifeforms-with-which-id-like-to-communicate
I share c_b's disappointment that charging baby tapirs! didn't make this list. Because I imagine that a conversation with a cbt! would be infinitely more rewarding than with Shatner, whose claim to be a true life form seems dubious, at best.
Also, having seriously contemplated actuarial science as a major, I am slightly perturbed by the thinly veiled anti-actuarial prejudice that seems to permeate this discussion. We numerical types already have W.H. Auden's gratuitous sideswipe
"Thou shalt not sit with statisticians
Nor commit a social science"
to contend with.
Just sayin'. Every actuary had a mother.
March 6, 2009
chained_bear commented on the list lifeforms-with-which-id-like-to-communicate
... before it killed and ate her.
March 6, 2009
yarb commented on the list lifeforms-with-which-id-like-to-communicate
cb: call me a closed-minded rationalist but I simply don't believe that people can communicate with chairs and ceiling tiles and actuaries. Mice yes, William Shatner yes - those are living beings and obviously they are able to express their thoughts. But chairs, no. I fear the thoughts of chairs must remain inaccessible to the animate kingdom.
sionnach: you've lobbied successfully for charging baby tapirs! which makes it as a late addition along with plum.
March 6, 2009
bilby commented on the list lifeforms-with-which-id-like-to-communicate
If anyone wants to communicate with a bilby, I'll be in my usual place.
March 6, 2009
chained_bear commented on the list lifeforms-with-which-id-like-to-communicate
Why prejudice oneself against inanimates just because one is animate? Isn't that a bit like pretending horses don't communicate, just because humans can't understand them?
*doesn't understand any of this, as she is a bear*
p.s. You closed-minded rationalist.
March 6, 2009
bilby commented on the list lifeforms-with-which-id-like-to-communicate
Why do you have it in for actuaries, yarb?
March 6, 2009
yarb commented on the list lifeforms-with-which-id-like-to-communicate
Just a bit of innocent fun, bilby (you base actuary-lover).
March 6, 2009
dontcry commented on the list lifeforms-with-which-id-like-to-communicate
I'd like to communicate with spiders, just once, and preferably by phone or email. I'd like to ask them if they really ARE more afraid of me than I am of them -- 'cause I don't think they are. I don't even think it's a close call.
*needs to stop thinking about spiders now*
March 7, 2009
lea commented on the list lifeforms-with-which-id-like-to-communicate
I haven't seen spider-stuff yet, but one mosquito said this to animal communicator as he was hanging in the ceiling of a shower:
"I'm hiding in here so you don't murder me too!"
The AC in question was Lisa Fraser: http://www.lisafraserac.com/ .
(The spider is more scared of you, than you are of him. He goes away, if you tell him to. I use that technique myself, with all the bugs that bug me.)
March 7, 2009
ruzuzu commented on the list lifeforms-with-which-id-like-to-communicate
This list makes me happy.
October 24, 2012