A list of 13 words by malechi.
- illapsewas added by malechi and appears on 14 lists
- gobemouchewas added by malechi and appears on 29 lists
- arsiversiewas added by malechi and appears on 3 lists
- coryzawas added by malechi and appears on 20 lists
- scuppernongwas added by malechi and appears on 41 lists
- susurruswas added by malechi and appears on 193 lists
- incunabulumwas added by malechi and appears on 70 lists
- salubriouswas added by malechi and appears on 260 lists
- cavilwas added by malechi and appears on 181 lists
- sprezzaturawas added by malechi and appears on 82 lists
- clinquantwas added by malechi and appears on 55 lists
- rounwas added by malechi and appears on 6 lists
- cynosurewas added by malechi and appears on 230 lists
malechi commented on the list malechis-list
Meaning: upside down?
"...he was a botcher, cheese-eater, and trimmer of mans flesh imbalmed, which in the arsiversie swagfall tumble was not found true."
--François Rabelais, Gargantua and Pantagruel
I think this word means "upside down." It's hard to find a definition for it.... I've always enjoyed looking at the topsy-turvy sky and world you can see on the surface of a calm lake. One dropped pebble and the universe is destroyed in a burst of concentric circles.
December 17, 2008
Prolagus commented on the list malechis-list
malechi, have a look here: comments for specific words.
December 17, 2008
vega commented on the list malechis-list
Hi malechi,
arsiversie has the more prosaic spelling of arsy-varsy. It's a most descriptive and visual word isn't it? The image I get is having one's arse in the air. ;P
December 17, 2008