A list of 10 words by Azr.
- saturninewas added by Azr and appears on 349 lists
- superciliouswas added by Azr and appears on 324 lists
- dissipatewas added by Azr and appears on 89 lists
- prolixitywas added by Azr and appears on 96 lists
- abeyancewas added by Azr and appears on 207 lists
- reverentwas added by Azr and appears on 56 lists
- truculentwas added by Azr and appears on 320 lists
- zealwas added by Azr and appears on 112 lists
- concealwas added by Azr and appears on 37 lists
- prodigiouswas added by Azr and appears on 171 lists
Azr commented on the list mios
'Verbergen', 'Vorenthalten'
S: Hide, Cover, Secrete, Disguise, Dissemble
A: Reveal, Uncover, Unwrap
October 28, 2013
Azr commented on the list mios
'Eifer', 'Bestrebtheit'
S: ** ALACRITY **, Enthusiasm, Engagedness, Eagerness
October 28, 2013
Azr commented on the list mios
"Wild", "Salvaje"
S: Savage, Fierce, Ferocious
A: Cooperative, Mild, Tame
October 28, 2013
Azr commented on the list mios
S: Reverential, Respectful, Feeling, Gracious, Solemn
A: Rude, Impolite
October 28, 2013
Azr commented on the list mios
'besitzloser Zustand'; to be in abeyance 'ausser Kraft gesetzt sein'
S: Suspension, temporary Cessation, Expectancy (; undetermined Condition)
A: Resumption, Continuation, Activity
October 28, 2013
Azr commented on the list mios
S: Lenghtiness, Wordiness, Verbosity
A: Conciseness
October 28, 2013
Azr commented on the list mios
'Verschwinden, sich auflösen'
S: Disperse, Dispel, Deplete, Scatter
A: Build up, Save, Collect
October 28, 2013
Azr commented on the list mios
'Hochnäsig, Eingebildet, Verächtlich'
= CONTEMPTUOUS = SCORNFUL = Haughty, Disdainful
October 29, 2013
Azr commented on the list mios
'Dünster, Finster'
GLOOMY, SOLEMN, Melancholy
October 29, 2013