A list of 78 words by notanotherjazzpoet.
- thereminwas added by notanotherjazzpoet and appears on 31 lists
- voicewas added by notanotherjazzpoet and appears on 56 lists
- kazoowas added by notanotherjazzpoet and appears on 23 lists
- washtub basswas added by notanotherjazzpoet and appears on 2 lists
- congaswas added by notanotherjazzpoet and appears on 4 lists
- vibraslapwas added by notanotherjazzpoet and appears on 8 lists
- rainstickwas added by notanotherjazzpoet and appears on 4 lists
- ratchetswas added by notanotherjazzpoet and appears on 2 lists
- tambourinewas added by notanotherjazzpoet and appears on 42 lists
- claveswas added by notanotherjazzpoet and appears on 5 lists
- klaxaphonewas added by notanotherjazzpoet and appears on just this list
- chimeswas added by notanotherjazzpoet and appears on 15 lists
- bongoswas added by notanotherjazzpoet and appears on 9 lists
- castanetswas added by notanotherjazzpoet and appears on 16 lists
- maracaswas added by notanotherjazzpoet and appears on 6 lists
- jugwas added by notanotherjazzpoet and appears on 40 lists
- jew's harpwas added by notanotherjazzpoet and appears on 4 lists
- spoonswas added by notanotherjazzpoet and appears on 11 lists
- washboardwas added by notanotherjazzpoet and appears on 14 lists
- concertinawas added by notanotherjazzpoet and appears on 36 lists
- tin whistlewas added by notanotherjazzpoet and appears on 2 lists
- fifewas added by notanotherjazzpoet and appears on 19 lists
- carillonwas added by notanotherjazzpoet and appears on 55 lists
- calliopewas added by notanotherjazzpoet and appears on 96 lists
- accordionwas added by notanotherjazzpoet and appears on 30 lists
- cowbellwas added by notanotherjazzpoet and appears on 18 lists
- bodhranwas added by notanotherjazzpoet and appears on 8 lists
- gongwas added by notanotherjazzpoet and appears on 23 lists
- harmonicawas added by notanotherjazzpoet and appears on 22 lists
- ukelelewas added by notanotherjazzpoet and appears on 9 lists
- sitarwas added by notanotherjazzpoet and appears on 16 lists
- lyrewas added by notanotherjazzpoet and appears on 32 lists
- lutewas added by notanotherjazzpoet and appears on 29 lists
- fiddlewas added by notanotherjazzpoet and appears on 50 lists
- tablawas added by notanotherjazzpoet and appears on 10 lists
- harmoniumwas added by notanotherjazzpoet and appears on 22 lists
- flugel hornwas added by notanotherjazzpoet and appears on just this list
- buglewas added by notanotherjazzpoet and appears on 27 lists
- clarionetwas added by notanotherjazzpoet and appears on 3 lists
- sousaphonewas added by notanotherjazzpoet and appears on 14 lists
- snarewas added by notanotherjazzpoet and appears on 36 lists
- cymbalswas added by notanotherjazzpoet and appears on 10 lists
- organwas added by notanotherjazzpoet and appears on 35 lists
- glockenspielwas added by notanotherjazzpoet and appears on 87 lists
- harpsichordwas added by notanotherjazzpoet and appears on 40 lists
- pianowas added by notanotherjazzpoet and appears on 61 lists
- cornetwas added by notanotherjazzpoet and appears on 33 lists
- mandolinwas added by notanotherjazzpoet and appears on 33 lists
- harpwas added by notanotherjazzpoet and appears on 44 lists
- contrabassoonwas added by notanotherjazzpoet and appears on 4 lists
- bassoonwas added by notanotherjazzpoet and appears on 27 lists
- piccolowas added by notanotherjazzpoet and appears on 33 lists
- flutewas added by notanotherjazzpoet and appears on 40 lists
- english hornwas added by notanotherjazzpoet and appears on 3 lists
- oboewas added by notanotherjazzpoet and appears on 38 lists
- clarinetwas added by notanotherjazzpoet and appears on 23 lists
- saxaphonewas added by notanotherjazzpoet and appears on 2 lists
- trombonewas added by notanotherjazzpoet and appears on 25 lists
- tubawas added by notanotherjazzpoet and appears on 24 lists
- baritonewas added by notanotherjazzpoet and appears on 26 lists
- euphoniumwas added by notanotherjazzpoet and appears on 30 lists
- trumpetwas added by notanotherjazzpoet and appears on 53 lists
- violinwas added by notanotherjazzpoet and appears on 41 lists
- violawas added by notanotherjazzpoet and appears on 41 lists
- cellowas added by notanotherjazzpoet and appears on 37 lists
- basswas added by notanotherjazzpoet and appears on 64 lists
- guitarwas added by notanotherjazzpoet and appears on 50 lists
- banjowas added by notanotherjazzpoet and appears on 38 lists
- bagpipeswas added by notanotherjazzpoet and appears on 15 lists
- singing bowlwas added by notanotherjazzpoet and appears on 3 lists
- vibraphonewas added by notanotherjazzpoet and appears on 10 lists
- xylophonewas added by notanotherjazzpoet and appears on 49 lists
- djembewas added by notanotherjazzpoet and appears on 10 lists
- tympaniwas added by notanotherjazzpoet and appears on 3 lists
- zitherwas added by notanotherjazzpoet and appears on 39 lists
- didgeridoowas added by notanotherjazzpoet and appears on 54 lists
- french hornwas added by notanotherjazzpoet and appears on just this list
- dulcimerwas added by notanotherjazzpoet and appears on 46 lists
chained_bear commented on the list musical-instruments
fife? tin whistle? concertina? Forgive me, I'm partial.
Ooh--I'm thinking of zydeco--washboard?
I thought about doing a list like this but you beat me to it. You also got far more instruments than I would have. :)
February 7, 2007
notanotherjazzpoet commented on the list musical-instruments
Good suggestions. Thanks. I'm enjoying reading through your numerous and amusing lists.
February 7, 2007
trivet commented on the list musical-instruments
you can't play the washboard without spoons...
February 7, 2007
uselessness commented on the list musical-instruments
Likewise, a jew's harp and jug make our hillbilly band complete.
February 7, 2007
notanotherjazzpoet commented on the list musical-instruments
Creative suggestions. I get so caught up in all the formal instruments, I forget about the more impromptu variety.
By the way, is it unkosher for me to go searching the webs for exotic instrument names? These I knew from experience. I'm still learning my wordie etiquette.
February 8, 2007
uselessness commented on the list musical-instruments
I'm not sure there's a precedent for that. I'll admit I "cheat" from time to time, but I'll just pick and choose the best items from an external list, instead of copying the whole thing verbatim.
Depends on your intent for your own Wordie lists, I guess. If you're aiming for completeness, I guess you might add anything you possibly could find anywhere. On the contrary, I generally go for well-roundedness in my lists. I don't feel the need to include every single possible word, but I'll sample the obvious ones, the fun ones, the interesting ones, the ones that particularly grab my attention and best embody the spirit of my list.
If there was any etiquette, I would think it would be in the obviousness of copying another source. For example, a list where everything is alphabetical positively smacks of plagiarism (or, at least, unoriginality). I make sure that when I steal from somebody else, I at least scramble the sequence a little. ;-)
February 8, 2007
notanotherjazzpoet commented on the list musical-instruments
Ah, but what about people who select "alhpa" order rather than "order added"?
Of course I jest. I very much appreciate the advice.
February 8, 2007
jennarenn commented on the list musical-instruments
Oooo! Can we choose alpha to be the default??? I'd prefer that. Please show me how!
February 8, 2007
chained_bear commented on the list musical-instruments
If you're going for the unconventional or inventive instruments, you might want to add bones as well, or maracas. Or castanets, which, come to think of it, is a lovely word in its own right. Cool list, n.a.j.poet.
February 8, 2007
notanotherjazzpoet commented on the list musical-instruments
Amusingly, I'd thought of maracas and castinets before, and got distracted by other instruments they conjured in my head. Bones seems more like slang to me, though. Again, thanks for the suggestions.
Jennarenn, when I look at the "add word" portion of the page, to the right of the box I see "sort: alpha / order added. Just click alpha and hey, presto!
February 8, 2007
reesetee commented on the list musical-instruments
Great list, najp.
February 8, 2007