A list of 56 words by chained_bear.
- burgerwas added by chained_bear and appears on 27 lists
- debitwas added by chained_bear and appears on 14 lists
- dogwas added by chained_bear and appears on 130 lists
- flammablewas added by chained_bear and appears on 18 lists
- turpentinewas added by chained_bear and appears on 46 lists
- australian cypresswas added by chained_bear and appears on 2 lists
- hickorywas added by chained_bear and appears on 29 lists
- birchwas added by chained_bear and appears on 55 lists
- bamboowas added by chained_bear and appears on 46 lists
- rainwas added by chained_bear and appears on 126 lists
- smoothiewas added by chained_bear and appears on 16 lists
- paintwas added by chained_bear and appears on 44 lists
- bitterwas added by chained_bear and appears on 91 lists
- credibilitywas added by chained_bear and appears on 30 lists
- concernwas added by chained_bear and appears on 27 lists
- leachwas added by chained_bear and appears on 14 lists
- chiropractorwas added by chained_bear and appears on 12 lists
- proofreadwas added by chained_bear and appears on 15 lists
- rewritewas added by chained_bear and appears on 12 lists
- lockwas added by chained_bear and appears on 39 lists
- pastywas added by chained_bear and appears on 23 lists
- frizzwas added by chained_bear and appears on 9 lists
- disdainfulwas added by chained_bear and appears on 26 lists
- scannerwas added by chained_bear and appears on 12 lists
- menuwas added by chained_bear and appears on 25 lists
- help deskwas added by chained_bear and appears on 2 lists
- contractorwas added by chained_bear and appears on 9 lists
- listwas added by chained_bear and appears on 82 lists
- dictionarywas added by chained_bear and appears on 55 lists
- bosswas added by chained_bear and appears on 55 lists
- deadlinewas added by chained_bear and appears on 25 lists
- spreadsheetwas added by chained_bear and appears on 16 lists
- meetingwas added by chained_bear and appears on 25 lists
- flooringwas added by chained_bear and appears on 3 lists
- hardwoodwas added by chained_bear and appears on 19 lists
- magazinewas added by chained_bear and appears on 30 lists
- lunchwas added by chained_bear and appears on 48 lists
- pad thaiwas added by chained_bear and appears on 8 lists
- interviewwas added by chained_bear and appears on 27 lists
- collegewas added by chained_bear and appears on 34 lists
- heartwormwas added by chained_bear and appears on 16 lists
- interceptorwas added by chained_bear and appears on 11 lists
- whipwormwas added by chained_bear and appears on 7 lists
- cutwas added by chained_bear and appears on 76 lists
- antacidwas added by chained_bear and appears on 7 lists
- mochawas added by chained_bear and appears on 50 lists
- filteredwas added by chained_bear and appears on 5 lists
- megabyteswas added by chained_bear and appears on just this list
- passive-aggressivewas added by chained_bear and appears on 5 lists
- contractwas added by chained_bear and appears on 51 lists
- musicwas added by chained_bear and appears on 110 lists
- emailwas added by chained_bear and appears on 23 lists
- voicemailwas added by chained_bear and appears on 7 lists
- stormwas added by chained_bear and appears on 88 lists
- showerwas added by chained_bear and appears on 40 lists
- overcastwas added by chained_bear and appears on 32 lists
kad commented on the list my-stupid-day
glad you had pad thai and mocha...they seem to balance out the passive-aggressive and the overcast.
October 25, 2007
chained_bear commented on the list my-stupid-day
I thought so too.
It's actually a nice exercise. I thought a million crummy (but not terrible) things were happening, but when you run through your day trying to remember everything, you realize it wasn't all bad.
October 25, 2007
reesetee commented on the list my-stupid-day
Hey, this is neat. You're right--could be a good exercise. I was a little concerned about "leach" until I realized it wasn't leech. ;-)
October 25, 2007
chained_bear commented on the list my-stupid-day
That had to do with me reusing a disposable water bottle for what must be a year now. Every time I do, I'm reminded (or remind myself) that there are plasticky chemicals leaching into my water.
Though you could make the argument that after a year, I've already ingested most of them.
October 25, 2007
reesetee commented on the list my-stupid-day
Ah. The context becomes clear. I bought myself a Sigg bottle for that reason--and also out of pure guilt over using so many plastic bottles.
*munching granola*
October 25, 2007
chained_bear commented on the list my-stupid-day
You know, I can't stomach spending $20 plus shipping on a water bottle. I'll just go to Kmart or something.
October 25, 2007
reesetee commented on the list my-stupid-day
K-mart sucks. ;-)
October 25, 2007
chained_bear commented on the list my-stupid-day
But I'm an excellent driver.
October 26, 2007
reesetee commented on the list my-stupid-day
'Course, three minutes to Wapner.
October 26, 2007
ruzuzu commented on the list my-stupid-day
I think this is my new favorite list. It's got everything--food, technology, weather, animals, drama, and the word flammable. Perfect!
December 9, 2009
Prolagus commented on the list my-stupid-day
I wonder what c_b's day is like now.
December 9, 2009
bilby commented on the list my-stupid-day
How's your day, Pro?
December 9, 2009
Prolagus commented on the list my-stupid-day
I had a presentation (see nymphiparity) this evening. I have two finals next Tuesday.
I'm studying.
December 9, 2009
bilby commented on the list my-stupid-day
Nymphiparity would make a great addition to this list. Happy studying!
December 9, 2009
ruzuzu commented on the list my-stupid-day
I'm certain you'll do well, Prolagus.
How about you, bilby--how's your day? Cardigans? Hurricanes? Penguins?
December 9, 2009
dontcry commented on the list my-stupid-day
Bamboo. Definintely bamboo.
December 9, 2009
bilby commented on the list my-stupid-day
Not so good.
December 10, 2009
ruzuzu commented on the list my-stupid-day
What's up, bilby?
December 10, 2009
ruzuzu commented on the list my-stupid-day
I really love that this list has the word dictionary.
June 30, 2013
ruzuzu commented on the list my-stupid-day
And how did I not notice whipworm before?
January 28, 2014
bilby commented on the list my-stupid-day
Was hidden in the burger.
January 29, 2014
ruzuzu commented on the list my-stupid-day
I also love that this list has proofread.
May 19, 2017
ruzuzu commented on the list my-stupid-day
And I love that this list has rewrite.
May 14, 2018