A list of 118 words by palooka.
- bowspritwas added by palooka and appears on 26 lists
- mizen topgallantstaysailwas added by palooka and appears on 3 lists
- flying jibwas added by palooka and appears on 2 lists
- bum-boatwas added by palooka and appears on 2 lists
- spritsailwas added by palooka and appears on 5 lists
- spanker-boomwas added by palooka and appears on 5 lists
- man-of-warwas added by palooka and appears on 13 lists
- lugsailwas added by palooka and appears on 5 lists
- foretopgallantmastwas added by palooka and appears on 3 lists
- unmooredwas added by palooka and appears on 2 lists
- slipwaywas added by palooka and appears on 5 lists
- forecastlewas added by palooka and appears on 26 lists
- outhaulwas added by palooka and appears on 3 lists
- companionwaywas added by palooka and appears on 10 lists
- catheadwas added by palooka and appears on 11 lists
- stokeholdwas added by palooka and appears on 5 lists
- bargemasterwas added by palooka and appears on 4 lists
- caravalwas added by palooka and appears on just this list
- deadrisewas added by palooka and appears on 5 lists
- jetsamwas added by palooka and appears on 61 lists
- flotsamwas added by palooka and appears on 101 lists
- luffedwas added by palooka and appears on 2 lists
- wheelhousewas added by palooka and appears on 21 lists
- jibingwas added by palooka and appears on 2 lists
- stevedoringwas added by palooka and appears on 2 lists
- sternmostwas added by palooka and appears on 2 lists
- jigger mastwas added by palooka and appears on 2 lists
- dreadnoughtswas added by palooka and appears on 4 lists
- shallopwas added by palooka and appears on 15 lists
- moonrakerwas added by palooka and appears on 15 lists
- ghost shipwas added by palooka and appears on 3 lists
- armadawas added by palooka and appears on 45 lists
- yawlwas added by palooka and appears on 35 lists
- frigatewas added by palooka and appears on 34 lists
- yardarmswas added by palooka and appears on just this list
- skysailwas added by palooka and appears on 5 lists
- head to windwas added by palooka and appears on just this list
- futtockwas added by palooka and appears on 21 lists
- bollardwas added by palooka and appears on 47 lists
- awashwas added by palooka and appears on 18 lists
- privateerwas added by palooka and appears on 33 lists
- landfallwas added by palooka and appears on 14 lists
- feluccawas added by palooka and appears on 21 lists
- windjammerwas added by palooka and appears on 19 lists
- helmsmanshipwas added by palooka and appears on just this list
- jack-tarwas added by palooka and appears on 4 lists
- foretopgallantwas added by palooka and appears on 3 lists
- coxswainwas added by palooka and appears on 50 lists
- boatswainwas added by palooka and appears on 45 lists
- quartermasterwas added by palooka and appears on 15 lists
- loranwas added by palooka and appears on 3 lists
- soundingswas added by palooka and appears on just this list
- sextantwas added by palooka and appears on 43 lists
- lateenwas added by palooka and appears on 28 lists
- trawlerwas added by palooka and appears on 15 lists
- merchantmanwas added by palooka and appears on 6 lists
- cockboatwas added by palooka and appears on 4 lists
- tramp steamerwas added by palooka and appears on 5 lists
- poop deckwas added by palooka and appears on 10 lists
- trade windswas added by palooka and appears on 2 lists
- dhowwas added by palooka and appears on 23 lists
- sparwas added by palooka and appears on 36 lists
- tuna towerwas added by palooka and appears on just this list
- head seaswas added by palooka and appears on just this list
- cavitationwas added by palooka and appears on 15 lists
- running riggingwas added by palooka and appears on just this list
- ketchwas added by palooka and appears on 32 lists
- jettisonwas added by palooka and appears on 116 lists
- shroudswas added by palooka and appears on 4 lists
- scupperswas added by palooka and appears on 8 lists
- flotillawas added by palooka and appears on 40 lists
- jettywas added by palooka and appears on 35 lists
- fathomwas added by palooka and appears on 149 lists
- dead calmwas added by palooka and appears on 2 lists
- fantailwas added by palooka and appears on 19 lists
- sailclothwas added by palooka and appears on 3 lists
- shallowswas added by palooka and appears on 12 lists
- shanghaiwas added by palooka and appears on 31 lists
- spindriftwas added by palooka and appears on 52 lists
- quaysidewas added by palooka and appears on 7 lists
- quaywas added by palooka and appears on 79 lists
- finger pierwas added by palooka and appears on just this list
- athwartwas added by palooka and appears on 87 lists
- barquewas added by palooka and appears on 28 lists
- bell buoywas added by palooka and appears on just this list
- harboragewas added by palooka and appears on 7 lists
- abaftwas added by palooka and appears on 40 lists
- bilgewas added by palooka and appears on 65 lists
- abeamwas added by palooka and appears on 12 lists
- by the leewas added by palooka and appears on just this list
- equatorialwas added by palooka and appears on 10 lists
- daggerboardwas added by palooka and appears on 5 lists
- becalmedwas added by palooka and appears on 18 lists
- brigantinewas added by palooka and appears on 27 lists
- barkentinewas added by palooka and appears on 7 lists
- astronavigationwas added by palooka and appears on just this list
- anchoragewas added by palooka and appears on 17 lists
- amphibiouswas added by palooka and appears on 21 lists
- storm sailswas added by palooka and appears on just this list
- spumewas added by palooka and appears on 57 lists
- sloopwas added by palooka and appears on 42 lists
- skiffwas added by palooka and appears on 45 lists
- shakedown cruisewas added by palooka and appears on 3 lists
- shorewardwas added by palooka and appears on 3 lists
- seawardwas added by palooka and appears on 7 lists
- scowwas added by palooka and appears on 16 lists
- amidshipswas added by palooka and appears on 18 lists
- schoonerwas added by palooka and appears on 38 lists
- following seawas added by palooka and appears on 3 lists
- flying bridgewas added by palooka and appears on 2 lists
- gangwaywas added by palooka and appears on 27 lists
- gangplankwas added by palooka and appears on 17 lists
- galleonwas added by palooka and appears on 41 lists
- cordagewas added by palooka and appears on 22 lists
- clipperwas added by palooka and appears on 28 lists
- circumnavigationwas added by palooka and appears on 16 lists
- mizzenmastwas added by palooka and appears on 22 lists
- lubberwas added by palooka and appears on 11 lists
chained_bear commented on the list nautical-words
It took me long enough to find this list, but it's terrific. Thanks palooka!
October 29, 2007
skipvia commented on the list nautical-words
Wonderful list! It reminded me of a friend's dog, a schipperkey, which may belong on your list.
October 29, 2007
skipvia commented on the list nautical-words
How about those twin elves of the sea, flotsam and jetsam?
October 29, 2007
palooka commented on the list nautical-words
Thanks c_b & skipvia! I'll come down from the flying bridge long enough to add flotsam & jetsam.
October 29, 2007
chained_bear commented on the list nautical-words
Skipvia, I looked up these words, flotsam and jetsam, after you posted your comment, thinking that there was an "official" difference between the two. I wasn't satisfied with the dictionaries' definitions, which seemed to make them sound like the same thing. But some Wikipedia writer has kindly distinguished them clearly--jetsam was jettisoned, while flotsam is simply floating debris, as from a shipwreck. This person also pointed out that "jetsam" used to be spelled "jetsom," but the A replaced the O in the early 20th century.
Oh heck, why should I type it all here? Here's the link.
October 29, 2007
skipvia commented on the list nautical-words
That's what I have always understood to be the case, c_b. So, at what point does jetsam become flotsam? Maybe it's jetsam if you toss it overboard, but flotsam if someone else finds it.
A fine line...
October 29, 2007
sionnach commented on the list nautical-words
caravel, gondola, canoe, kayak, currach, coracle, hooker?
October 29, 2007
reesetee commented on the list nautical-words
This is a wonderful list; I agree. I can almost smell the salt water.... :-)
October 29, 2007
palooka commented on the list nautical-words
Here's the American Heritage Dictionary's usage note on flotsam:
"Usage Note: In maritime law, flotsam applies to wreckage or cargo left floating on the sea after a shipwreck. Jetsam applies to cargo or equipment thrown overboard from a ship in distress and either sunk or washed ashore. The common phrase flotsam and jetsam is now used loosely to describe any objects found floating or washed ashore."
Thanks for the great words sionnach & the compliment reesetee
October 29, 2007
chained_bear commented on the list nautical-words
Whoops, I guess I missed the American Heritage Dictionary's definition then! Thanks palooka.
I guess that stuff about flotsam/jetsam could've gone on those pages, too...
October 29, 2007
palooka commented on the list nautical-words
No problem. I first read the distinction on a list of "words commonly confused" I stumbled over which also included other interesting pairings like flounder & founder.
October 29, 2007
reesetee commented on the list nautical-words
Oh, that one's easy. Flounder is a fish and founder is one of the guys who started the United States.
October 29, 2007
trivet commented on the list nautical-words
Or flounder is to flail about and founder is to sink?
October 29, 2007
reesetee commented on the list nautical-words
Trivet, please say you knew I was joking. :-)
October 29, 2007
kewpid commented on the list nautical-words
October 29, 2007
trivet commented on the list nautical-words
Yes, but founder is such a triksy word...
You've got the builders and entrepreneurs, the failures and sinkages, plus the nasty foot condition...
October 29, 2007
palooka commented on the list nautical-words
I've always liked founder in the sense of sinking . It means you're just plain going down. No reason to flounder about, just enjoy the ride.
October 29, 2007
chained_bear commented on the list nautical-words
But if something founders, it doesn't quite sink, does it? Or sinks so slowly that there has to be another word to describe the action?
I always thought "founder" applies to something capsizing, striking aground in shallows, etc.
October 29, 2007
reesetee commented on the list nautical-words
Or that nasty food condition.
October 30, 2007
palooka commented on the list nautical-words
Nasty food condition? You mean eating a bad Flounder? That would make your stomach founder.
October 30, 2007
reesetee commented on the list nautical-words
Oops. I meant "foot"--copying trivet's comment below. Geez, I need a nap....
October 30, 2007
palooka commented on the list nautical-words
Hey c-b, now that I'm home I looked up "founder" (the verb) in the American Heritage Dictionary & got these definitions:
1. To sink below the surface of the water: The ship struck a reef and foundered.
2. To cave in; sink: The platform swayed and then foundered.
3. To fail utterly; collapse: a marriage that soon foundered.
Essentially founder means "to fail utterly, collapse." Flounder means "to move clumsily, thrash about," and hence "to proceed in confusion."
October 30, 2007
serendoxity commented on the list nautical-words
wing and wing perhaps?
April 1, 2010