A list of 190 words by tomsteele.
- reportwas added by tomsteele and appears on 42 lists
- lifewas added by tomsteele and appears on 114 lists
- inquisitorwas added by tomsteele and appears on 32 lists
- informerwas added by tomsteele and appears on 5 lists
- harbingerwas added by tomsteele and appears on 256 lists
- guardianwas added by tomsteele and appears on 41 lists
- gleamwas added by tomsteele and appears on 71 lists
- commonerwas added by tomsteele and appears on 8 lists
- readerwas added by tomsteele and appears on 21 lists
- crierwas added by tomsteele and appears on 7 lists
- watchwas added by tomsteele and appears on 53 lists
- buglewas added by tomsteele and appears on 27 lists
- surveyorwas added by tomsteele and appears on 15 lists
- flumewas added by tomsteele and appears on 32 lists
- panoramawas added by tomsteele and appears on 33 lists
- spectatorwas added by tomsteele and appears on 19 lists
- territorialwas added by tomsteele and appears on 20 lists
- roundupwas added by tomsteele and appears on 11 lists
- nationalwas added by tomsteele and appears on 20 lists
- internationalwas added by tomsteele and appears on 20 lists
- nuggetwas added by tomsteele and appears on 27 lists
- frontiersmanwas added by tomsteele and appears on 9 lists
- weeklywas added by tomsteele and appears on 7 lists
- rocketwas added by tomsteele and appears on 53 lists
- rangerwas added by tomsteele and appears on 31 lists
- boomerangwas added by tomsteele and appears on 44 lists
- dominionwas added by tomsteele and appears on 48 lists
- spokesmanwas added by tomsteele and appears on 12 lists
- exponentwas added by tomsteele and appears on 41 lists
- reformerwas added by tomsteele and appears on 13 lists
- spectrumwas added by tomsteele and appears on 75 lists
- lightwas added by tomsteele and appears on 147 lists
- coasterwas added by tomsteele and appears on 22 lists
- avalanchewas added by tomsteele and appears on 53 lists
- brandwas added by tomsteele and appears on 45 lists
- callerwas added by tomsteele and appears on 10 lists
- echowas added by tomsteele and appears on 128 lists
- leafwas added by tomsteele and appears on 69 lists
- plainsmanwas added by tomsteele and appears on 5 lists
- packetwas added by tomsteele and appears on 28 lists
- voicewas added by tomsteele and appears on 56 lists
- localwas added by tomsteele and appears on 37 lists
- spiritwas added by tomsteele and appears on 99 lists
- derrickwas added by tomsteele and appears on 24 lists
- intelligencerwas added by tomsteele and appears on 5 lists
- opinionwas added by tomsteele and appears on 38 lists
- publicwas added by tomsteele and appears on 38 lists
- tidingswas added by tomsteele and appears on 18 lists
- producerwas added by tomsteele and appears on 14 lists
- phoenixwas added by tomsteele and appears on 115 lists
- progresswas added by tomsteele and appears on 51 lists
- vindicatorwas added by tomsteele and appears on 4 lists
- crescentwas added by tomsteele and appears on 69 lists
- repositorywas added by tomsteele and appears on 49 lists
- southernerwas added by tomsteele and appears on 3 lists
- topicwas added by tomsteele and appears on 24 lists
- exchangewas added by tomsteele and appears on 41 lists
- opticwas added by tomsteele and appears on 20 lists
- headlightwas added by tomsteele and appears on 10 lists
- currentwas added by tomsteele and appears on 52 lists
- sunbeamwas added by tomsteele and appears on 25 lists
- hubwas added by tomsteele and appears on 36 lists
- quillwas added by tomsteele and appears on 70 lists
- guidewas added by tomsteele and appears on 43 lists
- indexwas added by tomsteele and appears on 50 lists
- forumwas added by tomsteele and appears on 48 lists
- pioneerwas added by tomsteele and appears on 68 lists
- patriotwas added by tomsteele and appears on 25 lists
- monitorwas added by tomsteele and appears on 65 lists
- cometwas added by tomsteele and appears on 46 lists
- sentrywas added by tomsteele and appears on 16 lists
- picayunewas added by tomsteele and appears on 162 lists
- talkwas added by tomsteele and appears on 38 lists
- townwas added by tomsteele and appears on 27 lists
- meridionalwas added by tomsteele and appears on 12 lists
- commonwealthwas added by tomsteele and appears on 28 lists
- erawas added by tomsteele and appears on 71 lists
- newwas added by tomsteele and appears on 60 lists
- gleanerwas added by tomsteele and appears on 9 lists
- capitalwas added by tomsteele and appears on 69 lists
- toilerwas added by tomsteele and appears on 2 lists
- tillerwas added by tomsteele and appears on 20 lists
- bladewas added by tomsteele and appears on 52 lists
- freewas added by tomsteele and appears on 105 lists
- travelerwas added by tomsteele and appears on 9 lists
- citywas added by tomsteele and appears on 46 lists
- reflectorwas added by tomsteele and appears on 11 lists
- freemanwas added by tomsteele and appears on 11 lists
- globewas added by tomsteele and appears on 37 lists
- nonpareilwas added by tomsteele and appears on 121 lists
- expresswas added by tomsteele and appears on 46 lists
- eyewas added by tomsteele and appears on 86 lists
- hawkwas added by tomsteele and appears on 57 lists
- dealerwas added by tomsteele and appears on 14 lists
- plainwas added by tomsteele and appears on 50 lists
- itemwas added by tomsteele and appears on 25 lists
- palladiumwas added by tomsteele and appears on 33 lists
- pharoswas added by tomsteele and appears on 17 lists
- graphicwas added by tomsteele and appears on 34 lists
- truthwas added by tomsteele and appears on 88 lists
- examinerwas added by tomsteele and appears on 7 lists
- southtownwas added by tomsteele and appears on just this list
- whigwas added by tomsteele and appears on 6 lists
- atlaswas added by tomsteele and appears on 51 lists
- pantagraphwas added by tomsteele and appears on just this list
- beaconwas added by tomsteele and appears on 53 lists
- statesmanwas added by tomsteele and appears on 18 lists
- islandwas added by tomsteele and appears on 53 lists
- telegraphwas added by tomsteele and appears on 22 lists
- enquirerwas added by tomsteele and appears on 4 lists
- cherokeewas added by tomsteele and appears on 8 lists
- constitutionwas added by tomsteele and appears on 50 lists
- chiefwas added by tomsteele and appears on 41 lists
- observerwas added by tomsteele and appears on 18 lists
- statewas added by tomsteele and appears on 72 lists
- americanwas added by tomsteele and appears on 22 lists
- republicanwas added by tomsteele and appears on 14 lists
- timewas added by tomsteele and appears on 134 lists
- hourwas added by tomsteele and appears on 37 lists
- daywas added by tomsteele and appears on 50 lists
- inquirerwas added by tomsteele and appears on 7 lists
- courantwas added by tomsteele and appears on 15 lists
- planetwas added by tomsteele and appears on 41 lists
- advocatewas added by tomsteele and appears on 133 lists
- todaywas added by tomsteele and appears on 35 lists
- mailwas added by tomsteele and appears on 37 lists
- chieftainwas added by tomsteele and appears on 19 lists
- callwas added by tomsteele and appears on 54 lists
- camerawas added by tomsteele and appears on 54 lists
- advancewas added by tomsteele and appears on 43 lists
- deltawas added by tomsteele and appears on 57 lists
- reporterwas added by tomsteele and appears on 21 lists
- breezewas added by tomsteele and appears on 72 lists
- drillerwas added by tomsteele and appears on 5 lists
- signalwas added by tomsteele and appears on 31 lists
- mercurywas added by tomsteele and appears on 66 lists
- chroniclewas added by tomsteele and appears on 70 lists
- transcriptwas added by tomsteele and appears on 17 lists
- factswas added by tomsteele and appears on 15 lists
- searchlightwas added by tomsteele and appears on 11 lists
- recorderwas added by tomsteele and appears on 18 lists
- independentwas added by tomsteele and appears on 60 lists
- appealwas added by tomsteele and appears on 43 lists
- tribunewas added by tomsteele and appears on 19 lists
- telegramwas added by tomsteele and appears on 13 lists
- freelancewas added by tomsteele and appears on 17 lists
- beewas added by tomsteele and appears on 75 lists
- arguswas added by tomsteele and appears on 19 lists
- standardwas added by tomsteele and appears on 47 lists
- presswas added by tomsteele and appears on 50 lists
- triplicatewas added by tomsteele and appears on 21 lists
- pilotwas added by tomsteele and appears on 58 lists
- enterprisewas added by tomsteele and appears on 52 lists
- leaderwas added by tomsteele and appears on 40 lists
- eveningwas added by tomsteele and appears on 47 lists
- morningwas added by tomsteele and appears on 64 lists
- commercialwas added by tomsteele and appears on 16 lists
- bulletinwas added by tomsteele and appears on 13 lists
- bannerwas added by tomsteele and appears on 27 lists
- gazettewas added by tomsteele and appears on 22 lists
- worldwas added by tomsteele and appears on 74 lists
- democratwas added by tomsteele and appears on 16 lists
- recordwas added by tomsteele and appears on 45 lists
- guardwas added by tomsteele and appears on 46 lists
- citizenwas added by tomsteele and appears on 37 lists
- reviewwas added by tomsteele and appears on 40 lists
- republicwas added by tomsteele and appears on 33 lists
- sunwas added by tomsteele and appears on 95 lists
- mirrorwas added by tomsteele and appears on 73 lists
- clarionwas added by tomsteele and appears on 72 lists
- empirewas added by tomsteele and appears on 53 lists
- minerwas added by tomsteele and appears on 11 lists
- messengerwas added by tomsteele and appears on 23 lists
- homewas added by tomsteele and appears on 93 lists
- sentinelwas added by tomsteele and appears on 63 lists
- registerwas added by tomsteele and appears on 49 lists
- journalwas added by tomsteele and appears on 51 lists
- ledgerwas added by tomsteele and appears on 16 lists
- eaglewas added by tomsteele and appears on 48 lists
- dailywas added by tomsteele and appears on 20 lists
- advertiserwas added by tomsteele and appears on 11 lists
- heraldwas added by tomsteele and appears on 65 lists
- courierwas added by tomsteele and appears on 35 lists
- newswas added by tomsteele and appears on 32 lists
- starwas added by tomsteele and appears on 116 lists
- outlookwas added by tomsteele and appears on 22 lists
- dispatchwas added by tomsteele and appears on 62 lists
- postwas added by tomsteele and appears on 62 lists
- unionwas added by tomsteele and appears on 56 lists
- timeswas added by tomsteele and appears on 17 lists
john commented on the list newspaper-names
What a fantastic list. And it's consistently one of the most-trafficked on Wordie.
September 10, 2007
uselessness commented on the list newspaper-names
Agreed! It's my first time seeing this. John, are you saying you have traffic stats for Wordie lists? Might be interesting to see a ranking or something...
September 10, 2007
uselessness commented on the list newspaper-names
Additionally, the newspaper in my hometown of Venice, Florida, is the Venice Gondolier. :-)
September 10, 2007
kad commented on the list newspaper-names
the rutgers university newspaper is the daily targum.
September 11, 2007
colleen commented on the list newspaper-names
Seconded, I would love to see traffic stats. Mostly because I am an egomaniac. :D
September 12, 2007
john commented on the list newspaper-names
Hm... maybe I should have kept my yap shut :-)
I use Google Analytics for traffic stats, which is an amazing service, but it's external to the site. As far as I know there's no easy way for me to programatically check Analytics and incorporate those stats into the site. And because Analytics is so good, I don't even pay attention to the actual log files on the server -- in fact, being a bad sysadmin, every once in a while I just go in and delete them. So, no public stats for the foreseeable future.
Practical considerations aside, I also worry that we'd get too competitive, or that people would feel badly if they weren't getting as much traffic as they'd like. While it might help overall traffic if everyone was out pimping their words, it might hurt esprit de corp and be a bad thing in the long run. Thoughts?
September 12, 2007
john commented on the list newspaper-names
Gondolier, that's fantastic. My college newspaper was (and still is) called the Orient. "The Oldest Continuously Published College Weekly in the U.S." A pretty caveated claim :-)
September 12, 2007
reesetee commented on the list newspaper-names
Oh, I don't know, John. Traffic stats sound great at first, but if it makes Wordie competitive, I'd sooner not see them at all.
September 12, 2007
reesetee commented on the list newspaper-names
My college newspaper was called The Grackle. You don't want to know why.
September 12, 2007
oroboros commented on the list newspaper-names
Mine's called The Gaucho.
September 13, 2007
uselessness commented on the list newspaper-names
We have a local weekly paper in Albuquerque called the Alibi. It's a good "alternative" publication. Additionally, I agree that competition would be not-so-good for Wordie lists (apart from WordPlay games) and I regret suggesting it. There's already a degree of that with the "Most Citations" and "Wordiest Wordies" rankings, but there's never been a cutthroat edge to those, and no fights to be #1.
September 13, 2007
john commented on the list newspaper-names
The Grackle? Oh, but reesetee, I do want to know.
September 13, 2007
trivet commented on the list newspaper-names
Me, too!
September 13, 2007
jennarenn commented on the list newspaper-names
I'm so surprised! It must be about eight months old and I've never seen it either. What do these other people know that I don't???
September 13, 2007
colleen commented on the list newspaper-names
No, no, you do make a good point about competition. It's best to avoid fostering that, and I see how the stats would do so.
September 13, 2007
reesetee commented on the list newspaper-names
I'm much more interested in The Gaucho myself. :-)
September 14, 2007
logophile commented on the list newspaper-names
I'm at Rutgers too (in Camden). Here it's the Gleaner.
What an excellent list.
October 24, 2007
jamie0s commented on the list newspaper-names
Around here in Northampton we have the names Chronicle, Echo, Citizen, Mercury, Herald, and Post in various ever-changing combinations. Which makes it sound like we have a vibrant newspaper scene, but they don't keep folding, merging, and reforming because they're big sellers.
March 31, 2009
pdgray commented on the list newspaper-names
Glad to see Tiller & Toiler represented, from Larned, Kan. Another excellent Kansas newspaper name is The Wichita Eagle-Beacon, now just called The Wichita Eagle. ("Beacon" strikes me as an odd name, 500 miles from the sea.)
July 24, 2009
bilby commented on the list newspaper-names
Phew! For a moment there I was terrified of what eagle bacon might be.
July 24, 2009
tekeor commented on the list newspaper-names
I can't believe Flame hasn't made it onto the list yet. Anyone ever hear of the Phoenix Flame out of Chicago?
December 15, 2020