A list of 14 words by lampbane.
- confraternitywas added by lampbane and appears on 11 lists
- catechismwas added by lampbane and appears on 83 lists
- lentwas added by lampbane and appears on 24 lists
- diocesewas added by lampbane and appears on 22 lists
- transubstantiationwas added by lampbane and appears on 79 lists
- epiphanywas added by lampbane and appears on 273 lists
- dogmawas added by lampbane and appears on 100 lists
- novenawas added by lampbane and appears on 24 lists
- crechewas added by lampbane and appears on 17 lists
- deaconwas added by lampbane and appears on 31 lists
- vesperwas added by lampbane and appears on 53 lists
- absolutionwas added by lampbane and appears on 61 lists
- penancewas added by lampbane and appears on 54 lists
- litanywas added by lampbane and appears on 132 lists
chained_bear commented on the list one-holy-catholic-and-apostolic-church
Nice list. I especially like the title!
March 7, 2007
lampbane commented on the list one-holy-catholic-and-apostolic-church
Thank you! It's the most fun part of the Apostle's Creed to say, I think.
March 7, 2007
abraxaszugzwang commented on the list one-holy-catholic-and-apostolic-church
I always thought so too, Lampane.
March 7, 2007
uselessness commented on the list one-holy-catholic-and-apostolic-church
Cool list. There's a soft spot in my heart for high church. Pretty sure the phrase in question comes from the Nicene Creed though, which is a bit more verbose than the Apostle's Creed.
March 7, 2007
reesetee commented on the list one-holy-catholic-and-apostolic-church
Give that Wordie a censer! You're right, u. It's the Nicene Creed, but both are fun to say, in my holy catholic and apostolic opinion. :-)
March 7, 2007
sionnach commented on the list one-holy-catholic-and-apostolic-church
pentecost, simony, corpus christi, maundy thursday, monsignor, surplice, soutane, crozier, eucharist, occasion of sin, papal nuncio, plenary indulgence, bingo.
I'd better stop before I dredge up each and every remnant of my catholic youth. But my favorite sacrament has always been extreme unction.
International spies get to terminate their enemies with extreme prejudice. Priests get to see their parishioners out with extreme unction.
March 7, 2007
reesetee commented on the list one-holy-catholic-and-apostolic-church
Sionnach, that was always one of my favorites too! Only now they call it "Anointing of the Sick," at least in my area. How bland. If I have to go, I'd much prefer being extremely unctioned, wouldn't you? :-)
March 7, 2007
lampbane commented on the list one-holy-catholic-and-apostolic-church
Uselessness, you're right, I completely got confused - it is the Nicene Creed.
March 7, 2007
jinglebelljosie commented on the list one-holy-catholic-and-apostolic-church
nice list!
February 25, 2009