A list of 31 words by asativum.
- reproachwas added by asativum and appears on 121 lists
- reconditewas added by asativum and appears on 337 lists
- internecinewas added by asativum and appears on 192 lists
- interrogatewas added by asativum and appears on 23 lists
- extremitywas added by asativum and appears on 13 lists
- exilewas added by asativum and appears on 55 lists
- exhilarationwas added by asativum and appears on 24 lists
- excoriatewas added by asativum and appears on 196 lists
- excisewas added by asativum and appears on 43 lists
- impeccablewas added by asativum and appears on 101 lists
- explicablewas added by asativum and appears on 12 lists
- decrepitwas added by asativum and appears on 127 lists
- disdainwas added by asativum and appears on 140 lists
- depravewas added by asativum and appears on 39 lists
- remorsewas added by asativum and appears on 38 lists
- unrulywas added by asativum and appears on 43 lists
- posthumouslywas added by asativum and appears on 27 lists
- impeachwas added by asativum and appears on 46 lists
- apoplecticwas added by asativum and appears on 141 lists
- prophylacticwas added by asativum and appears on 70 lists
- ineptwas added by asativum and appears on 103 lists
- misceginationwas added by asativum and appears on just this list
- encumberwas added by asativum and appears on 61 lists
- indefatigablewas added by asativum and appears on 169 lists
- gormlesswas added by asativum and appears on 112 lists
- defenestratewas added by asativum and appears on 309 lists
- disgruntledwas added by asativum and appears on 46 lists
- uncouthwas added by asativum and appears on 87 lists
- discombobulatewas added by asativum and appears on 137 lists
- inflammablewas added by asativum and appears on 36 lists
- inertwas added by asativum and appears on 84 lists
sarahcn commented on the list opposites-without-commonly-used-opposites
how about uncouth and disgruntled? those are two of my favorites
December 12, 2006
asativum commented on the list opposites-without-commonly-used-opposites
Wonderful. I'll add them. Lately I've actually heard people say they were gruntled, more as a joke than anything.
December 12, 2006
seanahan commented on the list opposites-without-commonly-used-opposites
decapitate, defenestrate
December 12, 2006
andrew.simone commented on the list opposites-without-commonly-used-opposites
December 12, 2006
asativum commented on the list opposites-without-commonly-used-opposites
Gormless is a beaut! Not sure what I'll do about defenstrate (which is a great word on its own merits) or decapitate. Both capitate and fenestrated have meanings (health insurance, at least in the USA, and architecture respecively), if not quite the opposite of their de- counterparts.
December 12, 2006
asativum commented on the list opposites-without-commonly-used-opposites
A real debt owed to Nkocharh's list, sans prefix.
December 13, 2006
nkocharh commented on the list opposites-without-commonly-used-opposites
I fear I may have led you astray! Unbeknownst to me, controvertible is apparently a perfectly serviceable word. In fact, I've decided to go whole hog and change it to vertible on my list. Cuz that's how I roll.
December 13, 2006
asativum commented on the list opposites-without-commonly-used-opposites
So it goes. Thanks for the heads-up! I'll have to think about including controvertible, I think.
December 13, 2006
pedalinfaith commented on the list opposites-without-commonly-used-opposites
You may enjoy this article.
December 19, 2006
asativum commented on the list opposites-without-commonly-used-opposites
That's a great article. Thanks!
December 19, 2006
cathari commented on the list opposites-without-commonly-used-opposites
You could fenestrate a computer by installing Microsoft Windows on it, perhaps. Or by throwing it in the window, though that would be bad for a computer.
When a kid hits a baseball out of the park and it goes through someone's window, is it being fenestrated?
October 30, 2007
uselessness commented on the list opposites-without-commonly-used-opposites
I vote yes on all accounts. :-)
November 1, 2007
asativum commented on the list opposites-without-commonly-used-opposites
Likewise. And just because these aren't (commonly used) words doesn't mean they shouldn't be!
November 13, 2007
reesetee commented on the list opposites-without-commonly-used-opposites
Asativum, you might enjoy this. :-)
November 13, 2007