A list of 378 words by optionslexis.
- warrantwas added by optionslexis and appears on 67 lists
- volumewas added by optionslexis and appears on 42 lists
- volatility skewwas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- volatilitywas added by optionslexis and appears on 10 lists
- vix (volatility index)was added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- verticalwas added by optionslexis and appears on 29 lists
- vegawas added by optionslexis and appears on 10 lists
- uptrendwas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- up-tickwas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- unsystematic riskwas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- underlying (stock or security)was added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- uncovered call or putwas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- unchedwas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- typewas added by optionslexis and appears on 39 lists
- trustwas added by optionslexis and appears on 82 lists
- trendwas added by optionslexis and appears on 37 lists
- treasury stockwas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- transfer agentwas added by optionslexis and appears on 2 lists
- trading pitwas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- trading haltwas added by optionslexis and appears on 2 lists
- trading floorwas added by optionslexis and appears on 2 lists
- trading authorizationwas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- time valuewas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- time spreadwas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- time decaywas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- time and saleswas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- tickerwas added by optionslexis and appears on 7 lists
- tickwas added by optionslexis and appears on 32 lists
- thetawas added by optionslexis and appears on 18 lists
- theoretical valuewas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- tender offerwas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- technical analysiswas added by optionslexis and appears on 3 lists
- systematic riskwas added by optionslexis and appears on 2 lists
- synthetic short stockwas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- synthetic short putwas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- synthetic short callwas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- synthetic long stockwas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- synthetic long putwas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- synthetic long callwas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- syntheticwas added by optionslexis and appears on 24 lists
- symbolswas added by optionslexis and appears on 3 lists
- strike pricewas added by optionslexis and appears on 2 lists
- street namewas added by optionslexis and appears on 2 lists
- stranglewas added by optionslexis and appears on 31 lists
- straddlewas added by optionslexis and appears on 43 lists
- stop (stop loss) orderwas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- stop limit (price) orderwas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- stockwas added by optionslexis and appears on 44 lists
- statementwas added by optionslexis and appears on 29 lists
- spyders (spdr)was added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- spxwas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- spread orderwas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- spreadwas added by optionslexis and appears on 39 lists
- splitwas added by optionslexis and appears on 46 lists
- spin-offwas added by optionslexis and appears on 6 lists
- speculatorwas added by optionslexis and appears on 7 lists
- specialistwas added by optionslexis and appears on 21 lists
- special memorandum account (sma)was added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- slippagewas added by optionslexis and appears on 12 lists
- single accountwas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- short squeezewas added by optionslexis and appears on 3 lists
- short sellerwas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- short interestwas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- short hedgewas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- short coveringwas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- shortwas added by optionslexis and appears on 59 lists
- shareswas added by optionslexis and appears on 4 lists
- settlement pricewas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- settlement datewas added by optionslexis and appears on 2 lists
- settlementwas added by optionslexis and appears on 19 lists
- serieswas added by optionslexis and appears on 30 lists
- self regulatory organization (sro)was added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- segregationwas added by optionslexis and appears on 19 lists
- securitywas added by optionslexis and appears on 52 lists
- securities investor protection corporation (sipc)was added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- securities and exchange commission (sec)was added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- secondary marketwas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- seatwas added by optionslexis and appears on 28 lists
- scalpwas added by optionslexis and appears on 15 lists
- round lotwas added by optionslexis and appears on 2 lists
- roll, towas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- roll, thewas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- rhowas added by optionslexis and appears on 11 lists
- reverse splitwas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- reversal (reverse conversion)was added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- reversal (market reversal)was added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- retail automatic execution system (raes)was added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- restricted accountwas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- rejected order:was added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- rehypothecationwas added by optionslexis and appears on 2 lists
- regulation t (reg t)was added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- registered representativewas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- registered options principalwas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- record date (date of record)was added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- realized gains or losseswas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- reactionwas added by optionslexis and appears on 25 lists
- ratio spreadwas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- rangewas added by optionslexis and appears on 57 lists
- rallywas added by optionslexis and appears on 29 lists
- quotewas added by optionslexis and appears on 42 lists
- put optionwas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- prime ratewas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- premiumwas added by optionslexis and appears on 31 lists
- preferred stockwas added by optionslexis and appears on 5 lists
- position tradingwas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- position limitwas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- positionwas added by optionslexis and appears on 33 lists
- pointwas added by optionslexis and appears on 73 lists
- plus tick rulewas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- plus tick or up tickwas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- pin riskwas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- philadelphia stock exchange (phlx)was added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- payable datewas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- partial fillwas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- paritywas added by optionslexis and appears on 56 lists
- pacific exchange (pcx)was added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- over-the-counter (otc) marketwas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- out-trade(s)was added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- out-of-the-money (otm)was added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- otc optionwas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- order routing system (ors)was added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- order flowwas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- order book official (obo)was added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- orderwas added by optionslexis and appears on 73 lists
- options disclosure documentwas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- options clearing corporation, the (occ)was added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- option pricing modelwas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- option chainwas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- optionwas added by optionslexis and appears on 22 lists
- opening rotationwas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- open positionwas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- open outcrywas added by optionslexis and appears on 2 lists
- open (price) orderwas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- open interestwas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- open equitywas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- open (o), thewas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- one cancels other (oco)was added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- offerwas added by optionslexis and appears on 28 lists
- oexwas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- odd lotwas added by optionslexis and appears on 2 lists
- not held order (nh)was added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- non-margin securitywas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- nominal ownerwas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- new york stock exchange (nyse)was added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- net positionwas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- net changewas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- financial industry regulatory authority automatic quotation system (finraaq)was added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- naked call or putwas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- multiplierwas added by optionslexis and appears on 3 lists
- multiple listedwas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- money market fundwas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- modelwas added by optionslexis and appears on 43 lists
- minimum price fluctuationwas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- mergerwas added by optionslexis and appears on 16 lists
- married putwas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- mark-to-marketwas added by optionslexis and appears on 4 lists
- market (price) orderwas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- market on close (moc)was added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- market makerwas added by optionslexis and appears on 5 lists
- market if touched (mit)was added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- market arbitragewas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- marketwas added by optionslexis and appears on 40 lists
- margin requirementwas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- margin-eligible securitieswas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- margin callwas added by optionslexis and appears on 3 lists
- margin balancewas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- margin accountwas added by optionslexis and appears on 2 lists
- marginwas added by optionslexis and appears on 37 lists
- maintenance marginwas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- low (l)was added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- lotwas added by optionslexis and appears on 36 lists
- long market value (lmv)was added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- long hedgewas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- longwas added by optionslexis and appears on 55 lists
- locked limitwas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- localwas added by optionslexis and appears on 37 lists
- loan valuewas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- loan consent agreementwas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- listed stockwas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- listed optionswas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- liquidity riskwas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- liquiditywas added by optionslexis and appears on 22 lists
- liquidationwas added by optionslexis and appears on 22 lists
- limited trading authorizationwas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- limited power of attorneywas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- limit (price) orderwas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- limit movewas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- leveragewas added by optionslexis and appears on 59 lists
- leg(s) leggingwas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- leapswas added by optionslexis and appears on 6 lists
- last trading daywas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- last (price)was added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- know your customerwas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- keogh planwas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- junk bond (high-yield bond)was added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- joint tenants (jt)was added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- joint accountwas added by optionslexis and appears on 3 lists
- issuerwas added by optionslexis and appears on 5 lists
- issuewas added by optionslexis and appears on 43 lists
- iron condor spreadwas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- iron butterfly spreadwas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- investorwas added by optionslexis and appears on 16 lists
- intrinsic valuewas added by optionslexis and appears on 2 lists
- in-the-money (itm)was added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- interest rate riskwas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- interest ratewas added by optionslexis and appears on 8 lists
- interestwas added by optionslexis and appears on 35 lists
- institutional investorswas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- initial public offering (ipo)was added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- initial margin requirementwas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- indexwas added by optionslexis and appears on 50 lists
- implied volatilitywas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- immediate or cancel (ioc)was added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- hypothecationwas added by optionslexis and appears on 5 lists
- holderwas added by optionslexis and appears on 10 lists
- historical volatilitywas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- high (h)was added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- hedgewas added by optionslexis and appears on 78 lists
- handlewas added by optionslexis and appears on 48 lists
- greekswas added by optionslexis and appears on 5 lists
- good-til-canceled (gtc)was added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- gammawas added by optionslexis and appears on 28 lists
- future(s) contractwas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- fungibilitywas added by optionslexis and appears on 8 lists
- fundamentalswas added by optionslexis and appears on 5 lists
- fundamental researchwas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- full trading authorizationwas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- full power of attorneywas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- frozen accountwas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- free credit balancewas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- floor traderwas added by optionslexis and appears on 2 lists
- floor brokerwas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- floorwas added by optionslexis and appears on 30 lists
- floatwas added by optionslexis and appears on 51 lists
- flatwas added by optionslexis and appears on 61 lists
- financial industry regulary authority (finra)was added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- fill or kill (fok)was added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- fillwas added by optionslexis and appears on 31 lists
- fencewas added by optionslexis and appears on 34 lists
- federal reserve board (frb)was added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- federal open market committee (fomc)was added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- fed funds ratewas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- fed funds (federal funds)was added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- fast marketwas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- extrinsic value (time value)was added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- expiration (expiration date)was added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- expiration cyclewas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- exercise price (strike price)was added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- exercisewas added by optionslexis and appears on 38 lists
- executionwas added by optionslexis and appears on 23 lists
- ex-dividend datewas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- ex-dividendwas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- exchange-listed securitywas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- exchangewas added by optionslexis and appears on 41 lists
- excess equitywas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- european-style optionswas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- equitywas added by optionslexis and appears on 57 lists
- early exercisewas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- duplicate confirmationwas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- downtrendwas added by optionslexis and appears on 4 lists
- down-tickwas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- don't know (dk) noticewas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- dividend yieldwas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- dividend frequencywas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- dividendwas added by optionslexis and appears on 29 lists
- discretionary accountwas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- discount ratewas added by optionslexis and appears on 6 lists
- designated order turnaround (dot)was added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- derivative securitywas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- deltawas added by optionslexis and appears on 57 lists
- deliverywas added by optionslexis and appears on 31 lists
- delayed quoteswas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- delayed openingwas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- deferredwas added by optionslexis and appears on 6 lists
- declaration datewas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- deckwas added by optionslexis and appears on 42 lists
- debit spreadwas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- debit balance (dr)was added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- dealerwas added by optionslexis and appears on 14 lists
- day tradingwas added by optionslexis and appears on 4 lists
- day tradewas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- day orderwas added by optionslexis and appears on 2 lists
- date of record (record date)was added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- customer statementwas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- customer agreementwas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- customerwas added by optionslexis and appears on 18 lists
- current market value (cmv)was added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- crossing orderswas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- crossed marketwas added by optionslexis and appears on 2 lists
- credit spreadwas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- credit balance (cr)was added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- creditwas added by optionslexis and appears on 46 lists
- covered writer (seller)was added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- coverwas added by optionslexis and appears on 42 lists
- cost basiswas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- correctionwas added by optionslexis and appears on 20 lists
- conversionwas added by optionslexis and appears on 34 lists
- contract sizewas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- contract monthwas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- contractwas added by optionslexis and appears on 51 lists
- contingency orderwas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- consolidated tapewas added by optionslexis and appears on 2 lists
- confirmation statementwas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- condor spreadwas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- commissionwas added by optionslexis and appears on 37 lists
- comminglingwas added by optionslexis and appears on 13 lists
- combowas added by optionslexis and appears on 17 lists
- closing transactionwas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- closing rangewas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- closing purchasewas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- closing pricewas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- close (c), thewas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- clearing memberwas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- clearing housewas added by optionslexis and appears on 2 lists
- clearing broker-dealerwas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- class of options (options class)was added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- chicago mercantile exchange (cme)was added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- chicago board options exchange (cboe)was added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- chicago board of trade (cbot)was added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- cash settled optionwas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- cash marketwas added by optionslexis and appears on 2 lists
- cash accountwas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- capital gain or capital losswas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- canceled orderwas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- call writerwas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- called awaywas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- call optionwas added by optionslexis and appears on 5 lists
- calendar spread (time spread)was added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- cabinet or "cab" tradewas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- buy-writewas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- buy-to-coverwas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- buying powerwas added by optionslexis and appears on 2 lists
- buy on openingwas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- buy on closewas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- butterfly spreadwas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- bull spreadwas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- bull marketwas added by optionslexis and appears on 8 lists
- bullishwas added by optionslexis and appears on 11 lists
- bullwas added by optionslexis and appears on 45 lists
- broker-dealerwas added by optionslexis and appears on 2 lists
- broker loan ratewas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- brokerwas added by optionslexis and appears on 15 lists
- break-even point(s)was added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- box spreadwas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- bondwas added by optionslexis and appears on 47 lists
- blue sky lawswas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- block or block tradewas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- black scholes modelwas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- binomial modelwas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- bidwas added by optionslexis and appears on 44 lists
- betawas added by optionslexis and appears on 55 lists
- bear spreadwas added by optionslexis and appears on 2 lists
- bear marketwas added by optionslexis and appears on 10 lists
- bearishwas added by optionslexis and appears on 12 lists
- bearwas added by optionslexis and appears on 105 lists
- basis riskwas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- basis pointwas added by optionslexis and appears on 3 lists
- basiswas added by optionslexis and appears on 26 lists
- bank guarantee letterwas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- backspreadwas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- back monthswas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- automatic exercisewas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- automated execution system (auto ex)was added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- automated order entry systemwas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- at-the-money (atm)was added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- assignmentwas added by optionslexis and appears on 24 lists
- assignedwas added by optionslexis and appears on 12 lists
- ask or offerwas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- arbitragewas added by optionslexis and appears on 44 lists
- american-style optionwas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- american stock exchange (amex)was added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- american depository receipt (adr)was added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- all-or-none order (aon)was added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- affidavit of domicilewas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- adjusted optionwas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- acquisitionwas added by optionslexis and appears on 42 lists
- accrued interestwas added by optionslexis and appears on just this list
- abandonwas added by optionslexis and appears on 75 lists
bradleyrturner commented on the list options-lexis
Good show!
May 7, 2012