A list of 95 words by sionnach.
- gorlinswas added by sionnach and appears on 2 lists
- barometswas added by sionnach and appears on 5 lists
- white dorper sheepwas added by sionnach and appears on 2 lists
- shrinking sheepwas added by sionnach and appears on just this list
- love ewewas added by sionnach and appears on just this list
- extreme shepherdingwas added by sionnach and appears on just this list
- mutton dressed as lambwas added by sionnach and appears on 2 lists
- mirror sheepwas added by sionnach and appears on just this list
- bondwas added by sionnach and appears on 48 lists
- berrichon du cherwas added by sionnach and appears on just this list
- ryelandwas added by sionnach and appears on just this list
- butterlambwas added by sionnach and appears on just this list
- sheep circleswas added by sionnach and appears on just this list
- mutton fistwas added by sionnach and appears on just this list
- blissomwas added by sionnach and appears on 18 lists
- tourkin-lambwas added by sionnach and appears on just this list
- comisanawas added by sionnach and appears on just this list
- assafwas added by sionnach and appears on just this list
- awassiwas added by sionnach and appears on just this list
- barbary sheepwas added by sionnach and appears on just this list
- laced muttonwas added by sionnach and appears on just this list
- karakulwas added by sionnach and appears on 17 lists
- lincolnshire curly coatwas added by sionnach and appears on just this list
- revenons à nos moutonswas added by sionnach and appears on 4 lists
- mouton enragéwas added by sionnach and appears on 7 lists
- sheep-pigwas added by sionnach and appears on just this list
- hoggetwas added by sionnach and appears on 18 lists
- tupwas added by sionnach and appears on 21 lists
- dagwas added by sionnach and appears on 23 lists
- orfwas added by sionnach and appears on 9 lists
- toisonwas added by sionnach and appears on 4 lists
- kerry hillwas added by sionnach and appears on just this list
- rackawas added by sionnach and appears on just this list
- clicking-fork'twas added by sionnach and appears on just this list
- rounstowwas added by sionnach and appears on 2 lists
- ushantwas added by sionnach and appears on 2 lists
- castlemilk mooritwas added by sionnach and appears on just this list
- romanovwas added by sionnach and appears on 2 lists
- red masaiwas added by sionnach and appears on just this list
- altaywas added by sionnach and appears on just this list
- painted desertwas added by sionnach and appears on 3 lists
- ossimiwas added by sionnach and appears on just this list
- meatlincwas added by sionnach and appears on just this list
- navajo churrowas added by sionnach and appears on just this list
- morada novawas added by sionnach and appears on just this list
- mouflonwas added by sionnach and appears on 16 lists
- booroola merinowas added by sionnach and appears on just this list
- taffy, leave that sheep alone!was added by sionnach and appears on just this list
- tittupwas added by sionnach and appears on 26 lists
- quintupletwas added by sionnach and appears on 5 lists
- situpwas added by sionnach and appears on 4 lists
- vituperriouswas added by sionnach and appears on 2 lists
- vituperativewas added by sionnach and appears on 166 lists
- constuprationwas added by sionnach and appears on 2 lists
- tupungatitowas added by sionnach and appears on just this list
- stupefactionwas added by sionnach and appears on 28 lists
- rabo largowas added by sionnach and appears on just this list
- gewurztraminerwas added by sionnach and appears on 3 lists
- ramollescencewas added by sionnach and appears on 2 lists
- rammishnesswas added by sionnach and appears on 2 lists
- rambouilletwas added by sionnach and appears on 5 lists
- rambunctiouswas added by sionnach and appears on 105 lists
- dramawas added by sionnach and appears on 51 lists
- lambentwas added by sionnach and appears on 228 lists
- newelwas added by sionnach and appears on 35 lists
- dithyrambwas added by sionnach and appears on 67 lists
- owlingwas added by sionnach and appears on 14 lists
- blue texelwas added by sionnach and appears on 2 lists
- black hawaiianwas added by sionnach and appears on just this list
- brillenschafwas added by sionnach and appears on just this list
- lonkwas added by sionnach and appears on just this list
- barkiwas added by sionnach and appears on just this list
- barbados blackbellywas added by sionnach and appears on just this list
- kivircikwas added by sionnach and appears on just this list
- kamieniecwas added by sionnach and appears on just this list
- easy carewas added by sionnach and appears on just this list
- badger face welsh mountainwas added by sionnach and appears on just this list
- meatmasterwas added by sionnach and appears on 3 lists
- babydoll southdownwas added by sionnach and appears on just this list
- mashamwas added by sionnach and appears on just this list
- scotch mulewas added by sionnach and appears on just this list
- bleu du mainewas added by sionnach and appears on just this list
- beltexwas added by sionnach and appears on just this list
- pelibüeywas added by sionnach and appears on just this list
- zwartbleswas added by sionnach and appears on 4 lists
- lambda calculuswas added by sionnach and appears on 3 lists
- epigramwas added by sionnach and appears on 121 lists
- clamberwas added by sionnach and appears on 79 lists
- lambrequinwas added by sionnach and appears on 18 lists
- lambadawas added by sionnach and appears on 13 lists
- marjoramwas added by sionnach and appears on 33 lists
- bramblewas added by sionnach and appears on 70 lists
- zalambdodontwas added by sionnach and appears on 3 lists
- flamboyantwas added by sionnach and appears on 95 lists
- clambakewas added by sionnach and appears on 18 lists
bilby commented on the list ovine-affairs
jewel, caramel, muttonfish, anagram, brewer, framboise, chafeweed, millilambert, calambour, ashram, jewess, lambast, sewer, drama, leisurewear flambe, peewee, vigilambulism, sacrament, buckram, paramagnet, farewell, malambo, eschewed.
November 8, 2008
mollusque commented on the list ovine-affairs
Are you feeling sheeplist bilby?
November 8, 2008
bilby commented on the list ovine-affairs
I don't know wether that's a good thing.
November 8, 2008
bilby commented on the list ovine-affairs
This list used to be Hidden Sheep, in case anyone is wondering why I suggested jewess on a list titled Ovine Affairs.
But that's what happens when you leave a fox in charge of the sheep.
November 9, 2008
sionnach commented on the list ovine-affairs
floppy-eared frustration as fickle fox fiddles with list name
November 9, 2008
bilby commented on the list ovine-affairs
Not that I'm a little tittle-tattling title griper. No.
November 9, 2008
sionnach commented on the list ovine-affairs
November 9, 2008
bilby commented on the list ovine-affairs
What a timely comment on the result of the New Zealand general election.
November 9, 2008
trivet commented on the list ovine-affairs
Sionnach, I love this list - 'specially the rare sheepies (even if you're missing my favorite).
November 10, 2008
sionnach commented on the list ovine-affairs
trivet: Don't forget the awesome power of the 'image search' button, which can conjure up a flock to meet your specifications in three shakes of a lamb's tail.
November 10, 2008
frindley commented on the list ovine-affairs
Ow. That looks like it would hurt.
November 10, 2008
sionnach commented on the list ovine-affairs
The Sheep
by Ellis Parker Butler
The Sheep adorns the landscape rural
And is both singular and plural—
It gives grammarians the creeps
To hear one say, “A flock of sheeps.�?
The Sheep is gentle, meek and mild,
And led in herds by man or child—
Being less savage than the rabbit,
Sheep are gregarious by habit.
The Sheep grows wool and thus promotes
The making of vests, pants and coats—
Vests, pants and coats and woolen cloths
Provide good food for hungry moths.
With vegetables added to
The Sheep, we get our mutton stew—
Experiments long since revealed
The Sheep should first be killed and peeled.
Thus, with our debt to them so deep,
All men should cry “Praise be for Sheep!�?—
And, if we happen to be shepherds,
“Praise be they’re not as fierce as leopards!�?
November 14, 2008
sionnach commented on the list ovine-affairs
To the Editor of Notes and Queries :
Four correspondents have seut me four different versions of a method of counting, said to have been employed by the " Plymouth Indians " in New England. Dr. J. A. S., of Portland, Maine, gives the following, as learned in Claremont, N. H., thirty years ago :
" Een, teen, tether, fether, fitz (or ftps), sather, lather, gother, dather, dix, een-dix, teen-dix, tether-dix, fether-dix, bompey, een- bompey, teen-bompey, tether-bompey, fether-bompey, giget."
Mr. G. P. K., of Indiana, gives a somewhat different version :
" Eeny, teeny, ether, fether, ftp, satha, latha, ko, darthur, dick, een- dick, teen-dick, ether-dick, fether dick, bunkin, een-bunkin, teen- bunkin, ether-bunkin, fether-bunkin, digit."
H. W. H. gives another plan for counting one to fifteen :
" Ain, tain, feathery, fip, arte, slatur, debbery, dick, aintic, taintic, feathertic, bumpit, ainbumpit, tainbumpit, gee-kit."
Dr. F. M. W., of New York, tells me he learned the Indian method of counting in Coos County, N. H., many years ago, thus :
" Een, teen, tether, fether, pimp, **, * *, **. * *, tix, eentix, teentix, tetherix, fetherix, swampit."
The words for 6, 7, 8, and 9 have escaped his memory. This method of counting is peculiar in the designation of 16 as one-and- fifteen, 17 as two-and-fifteen, etc. Most of the differences are within phonetic bounds, as dick, dix, and tix for ten, and digit or giget for twenty; but the words for fifteen, bompey, bunkin, swampit, vary greatly. Apparently No. Ill is imperfect, and the bumpit should stand for fifteen instead of twelve as given.
Can any reader of Notes And Queries contribute another version, or indicate which of the above is more nearly correct ? Is it correct to ascribe these to the " Plymouth Indians ? " Any information relative to the subject will be welcome.
H. Carrington Bolton, Hartford, Conn.
Hmmmm. Could those Plymouth Indians ever have taken a package holiday in Wales? one wonders
January 28, 2009
bilby commented on the list ovine-affairs
It's also interesting how this is being ascribed to the 'Plymouth Indians'.
But much as I adore bompey, it's just not bumfit.
January 28, 2009
sionnach commented on the list ovine-affairs
These variants seem distinctly more pornographic somehow.
January 28, 2009
bilby commented on the list ovine-affairs
Are you in a lather over feathery teen-bompey?
January 28, 2009
sionnach commented on the list ovine-affairs
Changing this picture to a link, so as not to frighten reesetee.
leben coat of arms
October 1, 2009
ruzuzu commented on the list ovine-affairs
"Random word" led me to blissom, which led me here.
I'll note that at last Saturday's rodeo, I watched some local children participate in mutton bustin' as a novelty act between the steer wrestling and the barrel racing.
January 31, 2011