A list of 49 words by TankHughes.
- pizza firewas added by TankHughes and appears on just this list
- patty fingerswas added by TankHughes and appears on just this list
- pinky fingerwas added by TankHughes and appears on 2 lists
- potter's fieldwas added by slumry and appears on 7 lists
- pronoun fetishwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- picture framewas added by TankHughes and appears on 5 lists
- Pon Farrwas added by TankHughes and appears on just this list
- party foulwas added by TankHughes and appears on 3 lists
- permanent filewas added by slumry and appears on just this list
- pinkie fingerwas added by slumry and appears on just this list
- pulp fictionwas added by slumry and appears on 4 lists
- planked fishwas added by slumry and appears on just this list
- personal foiblewas added by slumry and appears on just this list
- potato farmerwas added by slumry and appears on 2 lists
- passion fruitwas added by slumry and appears on 12 lists
- pork fatwas added by TankHughes and appears on just this list
- prix fixewas added by TankHughes and appears on 5 lists
- pants factorywas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- plantar fasciitiswas added by slumry and appears on 2 lists
- ptarmigan featherswas added by slumry and appears on just this list
- physical fitnesswas added by TankHughes and appears on 2 lists
- party favorwas added by TankHughes and appears on just this list
- plus fourswas added by TankHughes and appears on 4 lists
- pass failwas added by slumry and appears on just this list
- purging fileswas added by slumry and appears on just this list
- pushing fortywas added by slumry and appears on just this list
- Pete Franciswas added by TankHughes and appears on just this list
- Peter Framptonwas added by TankHughes and appears on just this list
- passing fancywas added by slumry and appears on 2 lists
- push forwardwas added by TankHughes and appears on just this list
- playing fieldwas added by TankHughes and appears on 3 lists
- puffer fishwas added by TankHughes and appears on 3 lists
- Paloma Faithwas added by TankHughes and appears on just this list
- picket fencewas added by TankHughes and appears on 2 lists
- police forcewas added by TankHughes and appears on just this list
- public figurewas added by TankHughes and appears on just this list
- power failurewas added by TankHughes and appears on 2 lists
- photo finishwas added by TankHughes and appears on 4 lists
- poker facewas added by TankHughes and appears on 7 lists
- penny-farthingwas added by TankHughes and appears on 7 lists
- poor folkswas added by TankHughes and appears on just this list
- pink flamingowas added by TankHughes and appears on 6 lists
- pack forwas added by TankHughes and appears on just this list
- pencil fineswas added by TankHughes and appears on just this list
- pig fuckerwas added by TankHughes and appears on 4 lists
- pitch-farthingwas added by TankHughes and appears on 2 lists
- pinch-fartwas added by TankHughes and appears on 2 lists
- pillow fightwas added by TankHughes and appears on 2 lists
- pan flutewas added by TankHughes and appears on 2 lists
bilby commented on the list p--f--compounds
Lists like this, although pretty farfetched, are the best.
August 26, 2015
kalayzich commented on the list p--f--compounds
pearl faker pen friend pan fry paddy field petit four pick fruit
pilot fish plain fact plain food pour forth play false pull faces
page five page four peak form peat fire play fair poor folk pro forma
puppy fat put forth parking fee party frock party funds passing fad
perfect fit pirate flag plain facts plain folly poor fellow pretty fair
prima facie prize fight proud flesh proven fact part friends pension fund
petrol fumes pick flowers pillow fight plain figure postage free poultry farm
prairie fire proud father pudding face parquet floor passing fancy perfect fifth picture frame play football poetic frenzy poor features popular fancy
popular front portly figure potato famine pound foolish press forward private fight psychic force pagan festival Pamela Frankau Paris fashion passion flower penny farthing perfect fourth perfect fright physical force pigeon fancier plentiful fare ploughed field polite fiction polite formula popular figure poultry farmer press fastener pressed flower primitive form principal food processed food performing flea personal factor personal favour pilgrim fathers primeval forest proper fraction public footpath peculiar flavor peregrine falcon period furniture physical fatigue pleasant flavor professional fee
August 27, 2015
bilby commented on the list p--f--compounds
Have we found your password yet?
August 27, 2015
TankHughes commented on the list p--f--compounds
Nooooo... It's my own self-made DaVinci Code National Treasure hunt, and it's slowly murdering me. I haven't left myself enough clues. I do too many weird things with language to narrow down that it might be.
It could be song lyrics, it could be Spoonerized, it could be an innovation on a compound, it could be non-English, there are just too many possibilities. I like how big this list has gotten, though. Wordniks are swell folks.
August 27, 2015
bilby commented on the list p--f--compounds
password frustration
August 28, 2015
bilby commented on the list p--f--compounds
So Tank Hughes is plausibly a double-Spoonerized Tom Hanks sieved through the Vatican?
August 28, 2015