A list of 15 words by nkocharh.
- repairwas added by nkocharh and appears on 27 lists
- hiatuswas added by nkocharh and appears on 99 lists
- wyewas added by nkocharh and appears on 11 lists
- viaductwas added by nkocharh and appears on 23 lists
- caboosewas added by nkocharh and appears on 33 lists
- exclavewas added by nkocharh and appears on 12 lists
- gadaboutwas added by nkocharh and appears on 73 lists
- vagabondwas added by nkocharh and appears on 150 lists
- nomadicwas added by nkocharh and appears on 36 lists
- itinerantwas added by nkocharh and appears on 147 lists
- peregrinationwas added by nkocharh and appears on 130 lists
- cowcatcherwas added by nkocharh and appears on 11 lists
- wanderlustwas added by nkocharh and appears on 269 lists
- peripateticwas added by nkocharh and appears on 338 lists
- thoroughfarewas added by nkocharh and appears on 18 lists
oroboros commented on the list peregrination
man, cowcatcher is a good'un. how 'bout: itinerant;vagabond;gadabout;nomadic?
December 12, 2006
nkocharh commented on the list peregrination
Oooh, gadabout! I knew the word, but had forgotten the definition. Thanks!
December 13, 2006