A list of 64 words by skipvia.
- scophthalmuswas added by fbharjo and appears on just this list
- naphthoicwas added by fbharjo and appears on 2 lists
- naphthalicwas added by fbharjo and appears on just this list
- ichthyophthalmitewas added by fbharjo and appears on 3 lists
- antiphthisicwas added by fbharjo and appears on just this list
- phthisickywas added by fbharjo and appears on 5 lists
- resorcinolphthaleinwas added by fbharjo and appears on 4 lists
- phenolphthaleinwas added by qroqqa and appears on 19 lists
- axerophtholwas added by sionnach and appears on 2 lists
- phytophthorawas added by sionnach and appears on 2 lists
- jephthawas added by sionnach and appears on 4 lists
- microphthalmiawas added by yaybob and appears on 2 lists
- anophthalmoswas added by yaybob and appears on just this list
- ophthalmoscopewas added by yaybob and appears on 7 lists
- anophthalmiawas added by yaybob and appears on 3 lists
- aphthouswas added by yaybob and appears on 9 lists
- xerophthalmiawas added by she and appears on 8 lists
- tessaraphthongwas added by she and appears on 3 lists
- terephthalatewas added by she and appears on just this list
- sideraphthitewas added by she and appears on just this list
- pyronaphthawas added by she and appears on just this list
- pneumophthisiswas added by she and appears on just this list
- podophthalmiawas added by she and appears on 4 lists
- phthisiatrywas added by she and appears on 2 lists
- phthalylwas added by she and appears on 2 lists
- phlyctenophthalmywas added by she and appears on just this list
- ophthalmiawas added by she and appears on 9 lists
- octophthalmouswas added by she and appears on just this list
- naphthoquinonewas added by she and appears on 6 lists
- monophthongwas added by she and appears on 18 lists
- microphthalmoswas added by she and appears on just this list
- lithophthisiswas added by she and appears on just this list
- lagophthalmuswas added by she and appears on 2 lists
- iodophthisiswas added by she and appears on just this list
- ichthyophthiranwas added by she and appears on just this list
- hydrophthalicwas added by she and appears on just this list
- hephthemimerwas added by she and appears on just this list
- gymnophthalmatewas added by she and appears on just this list
- aphthongwas added by she and appears on 4 lists
- aphthawas added by she and appears on 5 lists
- buphthalmoswas added by she and appears on 3 lists
- blastophthoriawas added by she and appears on just this list
- nephthyswas added by johnmperry and appears on 3 lists
- raphthwas added by Prolagus and appears on just this list
- hephthalitewas added by skipvia and appears on just this list
- aphthoviruswas added by skipvia and appears on 2 lists
- phthaleinwas added by skipvia and appears on 3 lists
- phthisiswas added by skipvia and appears on 48 lists
- triphthongwas added by skipvia and appears on 11 lists
- phthisicalwas added by skipvia and appears on 12 lists
- phthisozoicswas added by skipvia and appears on 3 lists
- phthiriasiswas added by skipvia and appears on 5 lists
- phthongometerwas added by skipvia and appears on 6 lists
- diphthongwas added by skipvia and appears on 78 lists
- exophthalmiawas added by skipvia and appears on 3 lists
- ophthalmologistwas added by skipvia and appears on 10 lists
- diphtheriawas added by skipvia and appears on 25 lists
- phthisicwas added by skipvia and appears on 22 lists
- phthorwas added by skipvia and appears on 2 lists
- naphthawas added by skipvia and appears on 21 lists
- phthalocyaninewas added by skipvia and appears on 14 lists
- apophthegmwas added by skipvia and appears on 24 lists
- phthalatewas added by skipvia and appears on 12 lists
- phthalowas added by skipvia and appears on 6 lists
chained_bear commented on the list phth
How about naphtha? (As in Fels-Naphtha?)
October 18, 2007
npydyuan commented on the list phth
October 18, 2007
skipvia commented on the list phth
Beautiful, c_b. It's happily residing on my list.
October 18, 2007
sionnach commented on the list phth
This list makes me feel phthisic. I hope I didn't catch a bout of diphtheria at the ophthalmologist's.
October 18, 2007
yarb commented on the list phth
Why were you at the ophthalmologist's, sionnach? Perhaps you suffer from exophthalmia?
October 18, 2007
skipvia commented on the list phth
Sionnach, you never cease to amaze.
October 18, 2007
skipvia commented on the list phth
Yoiks! I should have done a bit more research before I started this list. Thanks, yarb.
October 18, 2007
chained_bear commented on the list phth
I love this list!
October 18, 2007
reesetee commented on the list phth
I'm just amazed at how many words make the list! Great idea, skipvia.
October 18, 2007
vanishedone commented on the list phth
How about triphthong? (Like a diphthong, but incorporating three vowels.)
December 2, 2007
skipvia commented on the list phth
Duly added. Many thanks.
December 3, 2007
Prolagus commented on the list phth
Aphthovirus*? Hephthalites?
* Wow, aphthoviruses are also panvocalic! (I know you know...)
June 20, 2008
skipvia commented on the list phth
Done, Pro. Many thanks. I think I'll just open this list up.
June 20, 2008
yaybob commented on the list phth
Two things. All opinions solicited, although I believe that skipva should decide which of these ideas, if any, is helpful.
(1) I added aphthous and subsequently noticed aphtha on the list. These are the same thing, and in my opinion, aphthous should be stricken from the list. However, it is not my list and I didn't want to take the liberty. By the same token, because ophthalmologist appears on the list, we probably don't also want ophthalmology, ophthalmologic, ophthalmological, or ophthalmologically. However, xerophthalmia (a condition of dry eyes) and microphthalmos (abnormal smallness of one or both eyes) are on the list and probably should be. They are sufficiently different in meaning and form from ophthalmologist. Microphthalmos differs in meaning only subtly from microphthalmia, the first, as best I can tell, being the abstract idea of the smallness of eyeballs, the other, the fact of it being the case in an individual - genus and species, type and token. Anophthalmia and anophthalmos are analogous, except pertaining to no eye forming. Probably one of these should be included. I have taken the liberty of adding anophthalmia, in the spirit of monophthong, diphthong and triphthong. But how about ophthalmoscope, which in form is like all of the other ophth- words above, but conceptually, is just as unique relative to ophthalmologist as microphthalmos? I will defer to skipva to decide whether to include ophthalmoscope rather than add it myself.
I realize that I'm splitting hairs here somewhat, but isn't that what we do? And just to torture this subject even further, how about another little exercise in lumping and splitting. Who's up for that?
(2) Can we not find a place in this list for two buddies of 'phth,' namely 'chth' and 'ghth,' which are actually even more rare. I would be interested in the words in which they appear in the same syllable, like chthonic and eighth, not words which split them such as autochthonous and knighthood, although frankly, the latter aren't fundamentally different from ophthalmologist, which also splits the 'ph' and 'th' across syllables. Words which contain the the 'phth' sound in the same syllable, like phthalein and phthisis, are, to me, more special. Those other words are really no more interesting than highchair or earthshaking, and were it not for the monosyllabic 'phth' words, this might not be a category for a list.
December 17, 2008
skipvia commented on the list phth
*catching my breath*
OK--I don't think there is any reason to exclude words that have the same root, such as aphthous and aphtha. Both belong in equal measure. I'm glad to know that aphthous is a word, and I probably wouldn't have run across it elsewhere. As far as I'm concerned, if the sequence phth occurs in the word, it goes on the list.
But--this is a public list you can add or not add whatever you want for whatever reason you want and I'd happily accept it. You could even add 'chthonic' if you want, although I'd love to see it on a separate list of your own. I'm sure I'd learn much from that list.
December 17, 2008
yaybob commented on the list phth
Good answer. Graceful and funny.
December 17, 2008
wordlover42 commented on the list phth
Wow.. I never knew there were so many words that had phth!
June 20, 2009
chained_bear commented on the list phth
Yes! and there's even a tag for them too. :)
P.S. skip is always graceful and funny. :)
June 20, 2009
wordlover42 commented on the list phth
cool! My personal favorite is phthongometer.It's just fun to say.
June 20, 2009
skipvia commented on the list phth
I didn't know that either when I started the list, wordlover42. I'm still looking some of them up. That's why I'm a Wordie. That, and the chicks. :-)
June 20, 2009
hernesheir commented on the list phth
Additional -phth- words not listed here can be found at *phth.
December 29, 2011