A list of 10 words by oroboros.
- winewas added by oroboros and appears on 89 lists
- brightwas added by oroboros and appears on 93 lists
- shadowwas added by oroboros and appears on 122 lists
- alaswas added by oroboros and appears on 64 lists
- vacantwas added by oroboros and appears on 45 lists
- cheerwas added by oroboros and appears on 28 lists
- afterwas added by oroboros and appears on 35 lists
- boonwas added by oroboros and appears on 98 lists
- goodwas added by oroboros and appears on 92 lists
- riverwas added by oroboros and appears on 81 lists
abraxaszugzwang commented on the list poetrie-drinking-alone-with-the-moon
I like this one. Thanks for making it a list.
March 9, 2007
reesetee commented on the list poetrie-drinking-alone-with-the-moon
Nice! Thanks.
March 9, 2007
uselessness commented on the list poetrie-drinking-alone-with-the-moon
This is a beautiful poem. Thanks a lot!
March 11, 2007