A list of 36 words by missanthropist.
- more-or-lestedwas added by missanthropist and appears on just this list
- proselytutionwas added by missanthropist and appears on just this list
- itinerancewas added by missanthropist and appears on just this list
- osama bin lobbyistwas added by missanthropist and appears on just this list
- infandouswas added by missanthropist and appears on 27 lists
- snollygosterwas added by missanthropist and appears on 70 lists
- centrifugal bumblepuppywas added by missanthropist and appears on 3 lists
- manewas added by missanthropist and appears on 29 lists
- manifestinarywas added by missanthropist and appears on just this list
- scrubbleswas added by missanthropist and appears on 2 lists
- mall wartwas added by missanthropist and appears on just this list
- corporatocracywas added by missanthropist and appears on 7 lists
- obamanationwas added by missanthropist and appears on 3 lists
- robamacanwas added by missanthropist and appears on just this list
- high frookin fructose karn syrupwas added by missanthropist and appears on just this list
- apostrophicwas added by missanthropist and appears on 2 lists
- hollyer~than~thouwas added by missanthropist and appears on just this list
- brachiationwas added by missanthropist and appears on 7 lists
- electrosmogwas added by missanthropist and appears on 6 lists
- expatriotwas added by missanthropist and appears on just this list
- commonsensicalwas added by missanthropist and appears on 15 lists
- corporate broadcast mind control apparatuswas added by missanthropist and appears on just this list
- fiscalamitywas added by missanthropist and appears on 3 lists
- peripatetimaniawas added by missanthropist and appears on just this list
- obloquous ignoramousassitywas added by missanthropist and appears on 2 lists
- drilling for failwas added by missanthropist and appears on 4 lists
- fail reservewas added by missanthropist and appears on 4 lists
- blatant rhetoric discounted bank of common sensewas added by missanthropist and appears on just this list
- gesamtkunstwerkwas added by missanthropist and appears on 23 lists
- scoptophiliawas added by missanthropist and appears on just this list
- rendlewas added by missanthropist and appears on just this list
- metamutographywas added by missanthropist and appears on just this list
- disturbilatorywas added by missanthropist and appears on 2 lists
- hypocraticwas added by missanthropist and appears on 2 lists
- bewareywas added by missanthropist and appears on 2 lists
- awareywas added by missanthropist and appears on just this list
nearsounds commented on the list poly-tick-tick-tick-boom
another very interesting list
June 1, 2011