A list of 19 words by arcadia.
- donnybrookwas added by arcadia and appears on 80 lists
- kerfufflewas added by arcadia and appears on 225 lists
- cataclysmwas added by arcadia and appears on 123 lists
- ruinationwas added by arcadia and appears on 16 lists
- entropywas added by arcadia and appears on 140 lists
- chaoswas added by arcadia and appears on 147 lists
- imbrogliowas added by arcadia and appears on 279 lists
- debaclewas added by arcadia and appears on 166 lists
- train wreckwas added by arcadia and appears on 7 lists
- troublewas added by arcadia and appears on 38 lists
- disenchantmentwas added by arcadia and appears on 14 lists
- disrepairwas added by arcadia and appears on 11 lists
- disarraywas added by arcadia and appears on 42 lists
- disasterwas added by arcadia and appears on 36 lists
- calamitywas added by arcadia and appears on 103 lists
- dilemmawas added by arcadia and appears on 55 lists
- fiascowas added by arcadia and appears on 117 lists
- on the fritzwas added by arcadia and appears on 9 lists
- catastrophewas added by arcadia and appears on 91 lists
kaulnalin commented on the list pretty-words-for-when-things-get-ugly
Clever List..me likey. How bout Cataclysm? Eviscerate? Implode?
January 15, 2008
uselessness commented on the list pretty-words-for-when-things-get-ugly
I've always been a fan of chaos and entropy. Also, ruination? Apocalypse? Scourge?
January 15, 2008
kewpid commented on the list pretty-words-for-when-things-get-ugly
Very useful for a political reporter.
January 16, 2008
uselessness commented on the list pretty-words-for-when-things-get-ugly
Aye, it would be nice if more good news was reported, wouldn't it?
January 16, 2008
skipvia commented on the list pretty-words-for-when-things-get-ugly
I've always liked train wreck, although it's a bit overused these days. Very descriptive, though.
It always reminds me of a very old National Lampoon IQ test parody. One of the questions read something like:
"The smoldering mass of twisted metal bore mute testimony to the fact that the _______ was ________.
a. vibrabed : defective
b. brakeman : Polish"
I don't remember the other choices...
January 16, 2008
sionnach commented on the list pretty-words-for-when-things-get-ugly
brouhaha? imbroglio? crisis? faceoff? showdown? contretemps?
January 16, 2008
mollusque commented on the list pretty-words-for-when-things-get-ugly
Widdershins, mishap, naufragie, doomsday, armageddon?
January 16, 2008
whichbe commented on the list pretty-words-for-when-things-get-ugly
sanguinary, kerfuffle, maelstrom
January 16, 2008
sionnach commented on the list pretty-words-for-when-things-get-ugly
meltdown theomastix devastation carnage tragedy waterloo implosion?
January 16, 2008
bilby commented on the list pretty-words-for-when-things-get-ugly
July 8, 2008