A list of 31 words by beckettlives.
- scatterwas added by beckettlives and appears on 43 lists
- subconsciouswas added by beckettlives and appears on 22 lists
- diffusionwas added by beckettlives and appears on 25 lists
- dilatationwas added by beckettlives and appears on 8 lists
- tediouswas added by beckettlives and appears on 94 lists
- verbositywas added by beckettlives and appears on 32 lists
- impertinencewas added by beckettlives and appears on 31 lists
- improvidencewas added by beckettlives and appears on 9 lists
- inertiawas added by beckettlives and appears on 76 lists
- listlessnesswas added by beckettlives and appears on 14 lists
- thoughtlessnesswas added by beckettlives and appears on 3 lists
- indecisionwas added by beckettlives and appears on 14 lists
- tardinesswas added by beckettlives and appears on 10 lists
- vacillationwas added by beckettlives and appears on 42 lists
- equivocationwas added by beckettlives and appears on 63 lists
- lazinesswas added by beckettlives and appears on 11 lists
- thriftlessnesswas added by beckettlives and appears on just this list
- gluttonywas added by beckettlives and appears on 39 lists
- pusillanimitywas added by beckettlives and appears on 24 lists
- postponementwas added by beckettlives and appears on 5 lists
- timiditywas added by beckettlives and appears on 7 lists
- inattentionwas added by beckettlives and appears on 6 lists
- prolixitywas added by beckettlives and appears on 96 lists
- self-indulgencewas added by beckettlives and appears on 5 lists
- effeminacywas added by beckettlives and appears on 17 lists
- feeblenesswas added by beckettlives and appears on 5 lists
- torporwas added by beckettlives and appears on 221 lists
- apathywas added by beckettlives and appears on 145 lists
- inactionwas added by beckettlives and appears on 9 lists
- subterfugewas added by beckettlives and appears on 245 lists
- shiftlessnesswas added by beckettlives and appears on 3 lists
ruzuzu commented on the list procrastination--1
I'll make a comment about this later.
June 11, 2015