A list of 87 words by pterodactyl.
- landminewas added by Sevenletterfirstnamesorry and appears on 9 lists
- demonymswas added by Sevenletterfirstnamesorry and appears on just this list
- momentalwas added by a and appears on just this list
- pencilwas added by a and appears on 53 lists
- nectariniawas added by specgram and appears on just this list
- alpenhornswas added by specgram and appears on 2 lists
- argumentalwas added by specgram and appears on just this list
- conclamantwas added by specgram and appears on 2 lists
- demicantonwas added by specgram and appears on just this list
- dentinasalwas added by specgram and appears on 2 lists
- dentonasalwas added by specgram and appears on just this list
- denudementwas added by specgram and appears on just this list
- denunciantwas added by specgram and appears on 2 lists
- pantascopewas added by specgram and appears on 2 lists
- periscianswas added by specgram and appears on just this list
- victorianswas added by specgram and appears on just this list
- priacanthinewas added by specgram and appears on just this list
- cacogalactiawas added by specgram and appears on just this list
- mescalwas added by Telofy and appears on 13 lists
- miasmawas added by Telofy and appears on 312 lists
- ordealwas added by Telofy and appears on 46 lists
- wantonwas added by Telofy and appears on 233 lists
- abutmentwas added by Telofy and appears on 16 lists
- mantillawas added by Telofy and appears on 27 lists
- mandarinwas added by Telofy and appears on 60 lists
- pectoralwas added by Telofy and appears on 14 lists
- decampmentwas added by Telofy and appears on 6 lists
- monumentalwas added by Telofy and appears on 31 lists
- cascarillawas added by jbipes and appears on 5 lists
- calamondinwas added by jbipes and appears on 7 lists
- dentilingualwas added by jbipes and appears on 2 lists
- comparascopewas added by jbipes and appears on just this list
- maricopawas added by jbipes and appears on just this list
- decadentwas added by jbipes and appears on 100 lists
- memorialwas added by jbipes and appears on 24 lists
- armamentariawas added by jbipes and appears on 2 lists
- canyonlandwas added by jbipes and appears on just this list
- vialwas added by ruzuzu and appears on 23 lists
- momswas added by ruzuzu and appears on just this list
- lambskinwas added by ruzuzu and appears on 6 lists
- arcane guns made lame nuns deny il papawas added by hernesheir and appears on just this list
- made in gu-ga landwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- comawas added by bilby and appears on 31 lists
- cantonmentwas added by mollusque and appears on 16 lists
- malarialwas added by mollusque and appears on 6 lists
- coalminewas added by mollusque and appears on 3 lists
- coonskinwas added by mollusque and appears on 10 lists
- manucodewas added by mollusque and appears on 10 lists
- manywas added by bilby and appears on 27 lists
- combwas added by bilby and appears on 54 lists
- nundinalwas added by bilby and appears on 7 lists
- camewas added by bilby and appears on 21 lists
- pampaswas added by bilby and appears on 16 lists
- cantorwas added by bilby and appears on 23 lists
- peskytripewas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- rimewas added by bilby and appears on 74 lists
- gamewas added by bilby and appears on 62 lists
- arakwas added by bilby and appears on 5 lists
- lambwas added by bilby and appears on 60 lists
- maskwas added by bilby and appears on 38 lists
- mimewas added by bilby and appears on 30 lists
- windwas added by bilby and appears on 99 lists
- candorwas added by bilby and appears on 154 lists
- wipewas added by bilby and appears on 28 lists
- panswas added by bilby and appears on 4 lists
- scabwas added by bilby and appears on 30 lists
- campcookwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- painwas added by bilby and appears on 52 lists
- abscondentwas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- floralwas added by bilby and appears on 27 lists
- moonwas added by bilby and appears on 144 lists
- inguinalwas added by mollusque and appears on 20 lists
- cantonalwas added by mollusque and appears on 5 lists
- coinwas added by john and appears on 56 lists
- mainlandwas added by mollusque and appears on 9 lists
- pronkswas added by pterodactyl and appears on just this list
- mentalwas added by pterodactyl and appears on 38 lists
- scalarwas added by pterodactyl and appears on 17 lists
- canvaswas added by pterodactyl and appears on 63 lists
- decampwas added by pterodactyl and appears on 28 lists
- hindwas added by pterodactyl and appears on 26 lists
- caskwas added by pterodactyl and appears on 37 lists
- campwas added by pterodactyl and appears on 63 lists
- demandwas added by pterodactyl and appears on 30 lists
- mopewas added by pterodactyl and appears on 19 lists
- lamewas added by pterodactyl and appears on 36 lists
- denywas added by pterodactyl and appears on 28 lists
pterodactyl commented on the list pterodactyl-s-game-of-postal-abbreviations
I will doff my cap to the first person who can add an eight-letter word to this list.
October 20, 2009
pterodactyl commented on the list pterodactyl-s-game-of-postal-abbreviations
Mollusque, I doff my cap to you, and bow to your prowess with words. How lovely it is to have you on Wordie!
Bilby, I'm pretty sure that abscondent is French, not English, which means that you get double bonus points for (a) noticing that I forgot to specify English, and (b) using this loophole to add a ten-letter word. Well done!
October 20, 2009
mollusque commented on the list pterodactyl-s-game-of-postal-abbreviations
Thanks pterodactyl! I think bilby should win a trip to Marineland for finding a ten-letter word.
October 20, 2009
pterodactyl commented on the list pterodactyl-s-game-of-postal-abbreviations
Yeah! Just so long as it isn't the Marineland in Florida -- then he'd have to deal with all the Floridians.
October 20, 2009
jbipes commented on the list pterodactyl-s-game-of-postal-abbreviations
Sorry, I used -ar twice in my word armamentaria, but this is the longest word you can make using only postal abbreviations.
April 4, 2010
jbipes commented on the list pterodactyl-s-game-of-postal-abbreviations
Sorry bilby, "abscondent" is neither English nor French. Too bad.
April 4, 2010
milosrdenstvi commented on the list pterodactyl-s-game-of-postal-abbreviations
April 4, 2010
ruzuzu commented on the list pterodactyl-s-game-of-postal-abbreviations
See comment on calamari.
November 11, 2010
Sevenletterfirstnamesorry commented on the list pterodactyl-s-game-of-postal-abbreviations
April 5, 2011