A list of 31 words by frogapplause.
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- polariwas added by whichbe and appears on 8 lists
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- igpay atinlaywas added by bilby and appears on 2 lists
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- polishwas added by reesetee and appears on 45 lists
- ewokianwas added by yarb and appears on 2 lists
- enochianwas added by yarb and appears on 4 lists
- vogon love poetrywas added by bilby and appears on just this list
- rohirricwas added by yarb and appears on 3 lists
- betazoidwas added by yarb and appears on 5 lists
- erewhonianwas added by yarb and appears on just this list
frogapplause commented on the list ready-set-guess-this-language
Hint: It's not Hawai'ian.
July 31, 2008
sionnach commented on the list ready-set-guess-this-language
pidgin Polish, I suppose.
July 31, 2008
reesetee commented on the list ready-set-guess-this-language
I'd guess Polish too.
July 31, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the list ready-set-guess-this-language
Possibly Tagalog?
July 31, 2008
dontcry commented on the list ready-set-guess-this-language
July 31, 2008
frogapplause commented on the list ready-set-guess-this-language
You people are TOO good. I'll have to come up with something more challenging next time.
Maly i mala hulali po polu i pili kakao.
small-one-of-male-gender and small-one-of-female-gender walked in-the
field and drank cocoa.
So it's something like
'A small man (or boy) and a small woman (or girl) were walking around
(in) the field and drinking cocoa.'
Important: when pronouncing the Polish sentence, always emphasize the
first syllable of each word, and treat 'po polu' as a single word,
only emphasizing the first 'po'.
Hawaiian only uses syllables that consist of a single vowel ('i'
and), or that consist of a consonant followed by a single vowel (as in
'po' in/around) or a consonant followed by two vowels, as in 'kao'.
July 31, 2008
rolig commented on the list ready-set-guess-this-language
I would say that "maly i mala" would best be translated "a little boy and girl". I'm not very familiar with Polish, but in the South Slavic languages "mali" and "mala" are regularly used to refer to young children (as opposed to short-statured adults).
July 31, 2008
yarb commented on the list ready-set-guess-this-language
I still think it's Enochian.
July 31, 2008
chained_bear commented on the list ready-set-guess-this-language
Uhh... Klingon?
July 31, 2008
mialuthien commented on the list ready-set-guess-this-language
Um... er, Serbian? I've no idea. But it certainly looks obscure enough *g*
July 31, 2008
mialuthien commented on the list ready-set-guess-this-language
It is a Slavic language, amirite? Czech? Let me improvise: a small boy and a small girl (the emphasis on small) are eating something or walking somewhere, drinking cacao? Don't laugh. It sounds like that (I'm using my Russian to decipher that).
Edited. That's what I get when I don't read the comments!! Darn.
July 31, 2008
sionnach commented on the list ready-set-guess-this-language
August 1, 2008
frogapplause commented on the list ready-set-guess-this-language
Hilarious, sionnach. Love her pantaloons! Perfect for full-blown freakouts.
August 1, 2008
ruzuzu commented on the list ready-set-guess-this-language
July 13, 2012