A list of 48 words by asativum.
- revelrywas added by asativum and appears on 91 lists
- routwas added by asativum and appears on 51 lists
- hooleywas added by asativum and appears on 5 lists
- callithumpwas added by asativum and appears on 32 lists
- gatheringwas added by asativum and appears on 24 lists
- affairwas added by asativum and appears on 29 lists
- to-dowas added by asativum and appears on 9 lists
- roastwas added by asativum and appears on 30 lists
- potlatchwas added by asativum and appears on 23 lists
- potluckwas added by asativum and appears on 18 lists
- banquetwas added by asativum and appears on 32 lists
- rendezvouswas added by asativum and appears on 112 lists
- stag partywas added by asativum and appears on 3 lists
- hen partywas added by asativum and appears on 3 lists
- showerwas added by asativum and appears on 40 lists
- chautauquawas added by asativum and appears on 13 lists
- receptionwas added by asativum and appears on 23 lists
- wakewas added by asativum and appears on 42 lists
- beewas added by asativum and appears on 75 lists
- partywas added by asativum and appears on 61 lists
- barn-raisingwas added by asativum and appears on just this list
- conclavewas added by asativum and appears on 56 lists
- kaffee klatschwas added by asativum and appears on just this list
- clam bakewas added by asativum and appears on just this list
- ceilidhwas added by asativum and appears on 27 lists
- hootenannywas added by asativum and appears on 88 lists
- conferencewas added by asativum and appears on 31 lists
- pow-wowwas added by asativum and appears on 10 lists
- salonwas added by asativum and appears on 22 lists
- fairwas added by asativum and appears on 77 lists
- ballwas added by asativum and appears on 59 lists
- sockhopwas added by asativum and appears on 2 lists
- hoedownwas added by asativum and appears on 15 lists
- dowas added by asativum and appears on 76 lists
- ravewas added by asativum and appears on 39 lists
- revelwas added by asativum and appears on 62 lists
- festivalwas added by asativum and appears on 33 lists
- galawas added by asativum and appears on 35 lists
- fetewas added by asativum and appears on 73 lists
- blowoutwas added by asativum and appears on 17 lists
- bashwas added by asativum and appears on 48 lists
- rap sessionwas added by asativum and appears on just this list
- confabulationwas added by asativum and appears on 70 lists
- congresswas added by asativum and appears on 41 lists
- conventionwas added by asativum and appears on 48 lists
- soireewas added by asativum and appears on 53 lists
- shindigwas added by asativum and appears on 66 lists
- hoo-hawas added by asativum and appears on 5 lists
skipvia commented on the list shindigs
I've always loved ceilidh, both as a word and as an event.
January 23, 2008
asativum commented on the list shindigs
Good one -- thanks!
January 23, 2008
reesetee commented on the list shindigs
Nifty! Clambake? Coffee klatch? Conclave? (Don't ask me why all these "c" words popped into my head.)
January 23, 2008
asativum commented on the list shindigs
Excellent. Thanks, reesetee! And to leave you a spare "c" or two, I used "k" for kaffee klatsch.
January 23, 2008
mollusque commented on the list shindigs
Is party too pedestrian? How about barn-raising and gabfest?
January 23, 2008
asativum commented on the list shindigs
I like barn-raising, and thanks for party too -- I was remiss in not listing it sooner. I'm going for events that are planned or for which people gather. Is gabfest too spontaneous/general?
January 23, 2008
sionnach commented on the list shindigs
Would sleepover qualify for this list? bachelor party? hen party? baby shower? (what one of the women at my last job used to refer to as an 'estrogen fest') stag party? pub crawl? cotillion? quilting bee? quince... that 15-year old's bash? wake? reception? 'chatauqua' (sp?) picnic? banquet?
More frivolously: auto-da-fe? exorcism?
I know that 'Carousel' had the clambake (jes' how many of then galloped down our gullets, we couldn't say oursel'). What was it in 'Oklahoma'? A covered-dish supper?
January 23, 2008
asativum commented on the list shindigs
Hm. I may need to think about this too much. Hen and stag parties I'll take: I've heard them used generically as gatherings of women and men, respectively (if not necessarily respectfully).
Spelling bee, bachelor party and sleepover strike me as too specific: They're not so much shindigs as particular kinds of shindigs: you do something so specific.
But I'll take bee, wake, reception, picnic, banquet, chautauqua and shower -- and, while I'm thinking of it, rendezvous, too.
January 23, 2008
minerva commented on the list shindigs
How about a rout?
January 23, 2008
reesetee commented on the list shindigs
See, A, that's how I wanted to spell kaffee klatsch, but I made the mistake of checking a dictionary. Just goes to show you.... ;-)
January 23, 2008
mollusque commented on the list shindigs
How about a callithump?
January 24, 2008
asativum commented on the list shindigs
Oh man, how could I have lived this long without benefit of the word callithump?!
January 24, 2008
mollusque commented on the list shindigs
Have a callithumpian good time with it!
January 24, 2008
goatboy commented on the list shindigs
You can't beat a good hooley
January 24, 2008
goatboy commented on the list shindigs
Or a bash
January 24, 2008
asativum commented on the list shindigs
Got bash; what's a hooley?
January 24, 2008
goatboy commented on the list shindigs
A hooley is an Irish term meaning party
January 24, 2008
minerva commented on the list shindigs
Has no one been to a rout?
January 24, 2008
asativum commented on the list shindigs
I dunno about rout, unless there's a meaning I'm unfamiliar with. They aren't usually planned, and a good proportion of the people there didn't actually plan to attend, at least not quite like that.
Are there other citations for hooley? I'd like to stick to words in reasonably common use. Admittedly, I've only done a very cursory search.
January 24, 2008
sionnach commented on the list shindigs
Asativum: I'll vouch for hooley - it's actually pretty commonly used in Ireland.
I'm not sure I would consider a rout to be a celebration, or cause for celebration.
January 25, 2008
asativum commented on the list shindigs
Hooley it is, then! Thanks.
January 25, 2008
goatboy commented on the list shindigs
A blog in the Irish Times newspaper from last October:
"The piece was to plug this weekend’s Shindig, a hooley to mark 10 years of Crash Ensemble business..."
January 25, 2008
goatboy commented on the list shindigs
And don't forget a right good "knees up"
January 25, 2008
goatboy commented on the list shindigs
Which is difficult to say when drunk.
January 25, 2008
minerva commented on the list shindigs
Rout: 6. a large, formal evening party or social gathering. (dictionary.com) 5. A fashionable gathering. (thefreedictionary.com)
January 25, 2008
danama commented on the list shindigs
September 19, 2013